• VB6+Winsock编写的websocket服务端

    2017/07/08 - 最新的封装模块在:http://www.cnblogs.com/xiii/p/7135233.html,这篇可以忽略了




        req_heads = "HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake" & vbCrLf
        req_heads = req_heads & "Upgrade: websocket" & vbCrLf
        req_heads = req_heads & "Connection: Upgrade" & vbCrLf
        req_heads = req_heads & "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: [KEY]" & vbCrLf
        req_heads = req_heads & "WebSocket-Origin: [ORGN]" & vbCrLf
        req_heads = req_heads & "WebSocket-Location: [HOST]" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf


    Private Sub SerSock_DataArrival(Index As Integer, ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
        Dim s As String
        Dim b() As Byte
        Dim i As Long
        Showlog Index & "bytesTotal:" & bytesTotal
        SerSock(Index).GetData b
        If Client(Index) Then'判断该客户端是否进行过验证
            Dim k As String
            Dim rs As String
            s = StrConv(b, vbUnicode)
            k = Trim(MidEx(s, "Sec-WebSocket-Key:", vbCrLf))
            If Len(k) <> 0 Then
                k = AcceptKey(k)
                rs = Replace(woshou, "[KEY]", k)
                k = Trim(MidEx(s, "Origin:", vbCrLf))
                rs = Replace(rs, "[ORGN]", k)
                k = Trim(MidEx(s, "Host:", vbCrLf))
                rs = Replace(rs, "[HOST]", k)
                Client(Index).SendData rs
                bool(Index) = False
            End If
            If b(0) = &H81 Then
                If PickData(b) = True Then
                    For i = 0 To Client.Count - 1
                        If Client(i).State = 7 Then Client(i).SendData b
                    Next i
                End If
                For i = 0 To UBound(b)
                    s = s & b(i) & " "
                Next i
                Showlog ">>> " & s
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Function PickData(byt() As Byte) As Boolean
        Dim i As Long
        Dim mask(3) As Byte
        Dim bData() As Byte
        Dim Lb(3) As Byte
        Dim L As Long
        Dim inx As Long '偏移
        Dim sti As Long
        Dim s As String
        i = UBound(byt) - 3
        ReDim b(i)
        b(0) = 62
        b(1) = 62
        L = byt(1) Xor &H80 '128
        If L < 126 Then
            If UBound(byt) <> L + 5 Then Exit Function
            If L < 125 Then '
                ReDim bData(L + 2)
                ReDim bData(L + 1): L = L - 1
            End If
    '        ReDim bData(L)
            bData(0) = &H81
            bData(1) = CByte(L + 1)
            CopyMemory mask(0), byt(2), 4
            inx = 6
            sti = 2
        ElseIf L = 126 Then
            Lb(0) = byt(3)
            Lb(1) = byt(2)
            CopyMemory L, Lb(0), 4
            If UBound(byt) <> L + 7 Then Exit Function
            CopyMemory mask(0), byt(4), 4
            ReDim bData(L + 4)
            L = L + 1
            CopyMemory Lb(0), L, 4
            bData(0) = &H81
            bData(1) = &H7E
            bData(2) = Lb(1)
            bData(3) = Lb(0)
            inx = 8
            sti = 4
        ElseIf L = 127 Then
            If UBound(byt) <> L + 9 Then Exit Function
            Lb(0) = byt(5)
            Lb(1) = byt(4)
            Lb(2) = byt(3)
            Lb(3) = byt(2)
            CopyMemory L, Lb(0), 4
            CopyMemory mask(0), byt(6), 4
            inx = 10
            sti = 6
            L = 0 '由于本次应用不处理长帧,所以设为0
        End If
        If L <= 0 Then Exit Function
        For i = inx To UBound(byt)
            bData(sti) = byt(i) Xor mask((i - inx) Mod 4)
            sti = sti + 1
        Next i
    '    s = "Pick[" & UBound(bData) + 1 & "]" & vbCrLf
    '    For i = 0 To UBound(bData)
    '        s = s & bData(i) & " "
    '    Next i
    '    s = s & vbCrLf & "Scor[" & UBound(byt) + 1 & "]" & vbCrLf
    '    For i = 0 To UBound(byt)
    '        s = s & byt(i) & " "
    '    Next i
    '    Showlog s
        byt = bData
        PickData = True
    End Function


    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal length As Long)
    ' TITLE:
    ' Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1
    ' AUTHORS:
    ' Adapted by Iain Buchan from Visual Basic code posted at Planet-Source-Code by Peter Girard
    ' http://www.planetsourcecode.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.13565/lngWId.1/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm
    ' PURPOSE:
    ' Creating a secure identifier from person-identifiable data
    ' The function SecureHash generates a 160-bit (20-hex-digit) message digest for a given message (String).
    ' It is computationally infeasable to recover the message from the digest.
    ' The digest is unique to the message within the realms of practical probability.
    ' The only way to find the source message for a digest is by hashing all possible messages and comparison of their digests.
    ' For a fuller description see FIPS Publication 180-1:
    ' http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip180-1.htm
    ' SAMPLE:
    ' Message: "abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq"
    ' Returns Digest: "84983E441C3BD26EBAAE4AA1F95129E5E54670F1"
    ' Message: "abc"
    ' Returns Digest: "A9993E364706816ABA3E25717850C26C9CD0D89D"
    Private Type Word
    B0 As Byte
    B1 As Byte
    B2 As Byte
    B3 As Byte
    End Type
    'Public Function idcode(cr As Range) As String
    ' Dim tx As String
    ' Dim ob As Object
    ' For Each ob In cr
    ' tx = tx & LCase(CStr(ob.Value2))
    ' Next
    ' idcode = sha1(tx)
    'End Function
    Private Function AndW(w1 As Word, w2 As Word) As Word
    AndW.B0 = w1.B0 And w2.B0
    AndW.B1 = w1.B1 And w2.B1
    AndW.B2 = w1.B2 And w2.B2
    AndW.B3 = w1.B3 And w2.B3
    End Function
    Private Function OrW(w1 As Word, w2 As Word) As Word
    OrW.B0 = w1.B0 Or w2.B0
    OrW.B1 = w1.B1 Or w2.B1
    OrW.B2 = w1.B2 Or w2.B2
    OrW.B3 = w1.B3 Or w2.B3
    End Function
    Private Function XorW(w1 As Word, w2 As Word) As Word
    XorW.B0 = w1.B0 Xor w2.B0
    XorW.B1 = w1.B1 Xor w2.B1
    XorW.B2 = w1.B2 Xor w2.B2
    XorW.B3 = w1.B3 Xor w2.B3
    End Function
    Private Function NotW(w As Word) As Word
    NotW.B0 = Not w.B0
    NotW.B1 = Not w.B1
    NotW.B2 = Not w.B2
    NotW.B3 = Not w.B3
    End Function
    Private Function AddW(w1 As Word, w2 As Word) As Word
    Dim i As Long, w As Word
    i = CLng(w1.B3) + w2.B3
    w.B3 = i Mod 256
    i = CLng(w1.B2) + w2.B2 + (i  256)
    w.B2 = i Mod 256
    i = CLng(w1.B1) + w2.B1 + (i  256)
    w.B1 = i Mod 256
    i = CLng(w1.B0) + w2.B0 + (i  256)
    w.B0 = i Mod 256
    AddW = w
    End Function
    Private Function CircShiftLeftW(w As Word, n As Long) As Word
    Dim d1 As Double, d2 As Double
    d1 = WordToDouble(w)
    d2 = d1
    d1 = d1 * (2 ^ n)
    d2 = d2 / (2 ^ (32 - n))
    CircShiftLeftW = OrW(DoubleToWord(d1), DoubleToWord(d2))
    End Function
    Private Function WordToHex(w As Word) As String
    WordToHex = Right$("0" & Hex$(w.B0), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(w.B1), 2) _
    & Right$("0" & Hex$(w.B2), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(w.B3), 2)
    End Function
    Private Function HexToWord(H As String) As Word
    HexToWord = DoubleToWord(Val("&H" & H & "#"))
    End Function
    Private Function DoubleToWord(n As Double) As Word
    DoubleToWord.B0 = Int(DMod(n, 2 ^ 32) / (2 ^ 24))
    DoubleToWord.B1 = Int(DMod(n, 2 ^ 24) / (2 ^ 16))
    DoubleToWord.B2 = Int(DMod(n, 2 ^ 16) / (2 ^ 8))
    DoubleToWord.B3 = Int(DMod(n, 2 ^ 8))
    End Function
    Private Function WordToDouble(w As Word) As Double
    WordToDouble = (w.B0 * (2 ^ 24)) + (w.B1 * (2 ^ 16)) + (w.B2 * (2 ^ 8)) _
    + w.B3
    End Function
    Private Function DMod(value As Double, divisor As Double) As Double
    DMod = value - (Int(value / divisor) * divisor)
    If DMod < 0 Then DMod = DMod + divisor
    End Function
    Private Function F(t As Long, b As Word, C As Word, D As Word) As Word
    Select Case t
    Case Is <= 19
    F = OrW(AndW(b, C), AndW(NotW(b), D))
    Case Is <= 39
    F = XorW(XorW(b, C), D)
    Case Is <= 59
    F = OrW(OrW(AndW(b, C), AndW(b, D)), AndW(C, D))
    Case Else
    F = XorW(XorW(b, C), D)
    End Select
    End Function
    Public Function StringSHA1(inMessage As String) As String
    ' 计算字符串的SHA1摘要
    Dim inLen As Long
    Dim inLenW As Word
    Dim padMessage As String
    Dim numBlocks As Long
    Dim w(0 To 79) As Word
    Dim blockText As String
    Dim wordText As String
    Dim i As Long, t As Long
    Dim temp As Word
    Dim k(0 To 3) As Word
    Dim H0 As Word
    Dim H1 As Word
    Dim H2 As Word
    Dim H3 As Word
    Dim H4 As Word
    Dim A As Word
    Dim b As Word
    Dim C As Word
    Dim D As Word
    Dim E As Word
    inMessage = StrConv(inMessage, vbFromUnicode)
    inLen = LenB(inMessage)
    inLenW = DoubleToWord(CDbl(inLen) * 8)
    padMessage = inMessage & ChrB(128) _
    & StrConv(String((128 - (inLen Mod 64) - 9) Mod 64 + 4, Chr(0)), 128) _
    & ChrB(inLenW.B0) & ChrB(inLenW.B1) & ChrB(inLenW.B2) & ChrB(inLenW.B3)
    numBlocks = LenB(padMessage) / 64
    ' initialize constants
    k(0) = HexToWord("5A827999")
    k(1) = HexToWord("6ED9EBA1")
    k(2) = HexToWord("8F1BBCDC")
    k(3) = HexToWord("CA62C1D6")
    ' initialize 160-bit (5 words) buffer
    H0 = HexToWord("67452301")
    H1 = HexToWord("EFCDAB89")
    H2 = HexToWord("98BADCFE")
    H3 = HexToWord("10325476")
    H4 = HexToWord("C3D2E1F0")
    ' each 512 byte message block consists of 16 words (W) but W is expanded
    For i = 0 To numBlocks - 1
    blockText = MidB$(padMessage, (i * 64) + 1, 64)
    ' initialize a message block
    For t = 0 To 15
    wordText = MidB$(blockText, (t * 4) + 1, 4)
    w(t).B0 = AscB(MidB$(wordText, 1, 1))
    w(t).B1 = AscB(MidB$(wordText, 2, 1))
    w(t).B2 = AscB(MidB$(wordText, 3, 1))
    w(t).B3 = AscB(MidB$(wordText, 4, 1))
    ' create extra words from the message block
    For t = 16 To 79
    ' W(t) = S^1 (W(t-3) XOR W(t-8) XOR W(t-14) XOR W(t-16))
    w(t) = CircShiftLeftW(XorW(XorW(XorW(w(t - 3), w(t - 8)), _
    w(t - 14)), w(t - 16)), 1)
    ' make initial assignments to the buffer
    A = H0
    b = H1
    C = H2
    D = H3
    E = H4
    ' process the block
    For t = 0 To 79
    temp = AddW(AddW(AddW(AddW(CircShiftLeftW(A, 5), _
    F(t, b, C, D)), E), w(t)), k(t  20))
    E = D
    D = C
    C = CircShiftLeftW(b, 30)
    b = A
    A = temp
    H0 = AddW(H0, A)
    H1 = AddW(H1, b)
    H2 = AddW(H2, C)
    H3 = AddW(H3, D)
    H4 = AddW(H4, E)
    StringSHA1 = WordToHex(H0) & WordToHex(H1) & WordToHex(H2) _
    & WordToHex(H3) & WordToHex(H4)
    End Function
    Public Function SHA1(inMessage() As Byte) As Byte()
    ' 计算字节数组的SHA1摘要
    Dim inLen As Long
    Dim inLenW As Word
    Dim numBlocks As Long
    Dim w(0 To 79) As Word
    Dim blockText As String
    Dim wordText As String
    Dim t As Long
    Dim temp As Word
    Dim k(0 To 3) As Word
    Dim H0 As Word
    Dim H1 As Word
    Dim H2 As Word
    Dim H3 As Word
    Dim H4 As Word
    Dim A As Word
    Dim b As Word
    Dim C As Word
    Dim D As Word
    Dim E As Word
    Dim i As Long
    Dim lngPos As Long
    Dim lngPadMessageLen As Long
    Dim padMessage() As Byte
    inLen = UBound(inMessage) + 1
    inLenW = DoubleToWord(CDbl(inLen) * 8)
    lngPadMessageLen = inLen + 1 + (128 - (inLen Mod 64) - 9) Mod 64 + 8
    ReDim padMessage(lngPadMessageLen - 1) As Byte
    For i = 0 To inLen - 1
    padMessage(i) = inMessage(i)
    Next i
    padMessage(inLen) = 128
    padMessage(lngPadMessageLen - 4) = inLenW.B0
    padMessage(lngPadMessageLen - 3) = inLenW.B1
    padMessage(lngPadMessageLen - 2) = inLenW.B2
    padMessage(lngPadMessageLen - 1) = inLenW.B3
    numBlocks = lngPadMessageLen / 64
    ' initialize constants
    k(0) = HexToWord("5A827999")
    k(1) = HexToWord("6ED9EBA1")
    k(2) = HexToWord("8F1BBCDC")
    k(3) = HexToWord("CA62C1D6")
    ' initialize 160-bit (5 words) buffer
    H0 = HexToWord("67452301")
    H1 = HexToWord("EFCDAB89")
    H2 = HexToWord("98BADCFE")
    H3 = HexToWord("10325476")
    H4 = HexToWord("C3D2E1F0")
    ' each 512 byte message block consists of 16 words (W) but W is expanded
    ' to 80 words
    For i = 0 To numBlocks - 1
    ' initialize a message block
    For t = 0 To 15
    w(t).B0 = padMessage(lngPos)
    w(t).B1 = padMessage(lngPos + 1)
    w(t).B2 = padMessage(lngPos + 2)
    w(t).B3 = padMessage(lngPos + 3)
    lngPos = lngPos + 4
    ' create extra words from the message block
    For t = 16 To 79
    ' W(t) = S^1 (W(t-3) XOR W(t-8) XOR W(t-14) XOR W(t-16))
    w(t) = CircShiftLeftW(XorW(XorW(XorW(w(t - 3), w(t - 8)), _
    w(t - 14)), w(t - 16)), 1)
    ' make initial assignments to the buffer
    A = H0
    b = H1
    C = H2
    D = H3
    E = H4
    ' process the block
    For t = 0 To 79
    temp = AddW(AddW(AddW(AddW(CircShiftLeftW(A, 5), _
    F(t, b, C, D)), E), w(t)), k(t  20))
    E = D
    D = C
    C = CircShiftLeftW(b, 30)
    b = A
    A = temp
    H0 = AddW(H0, A)
    H1 = AddW(H1, b)
    H2 = AddW(H2, C)
    H3 = AddW(H3, D)
    H4 = AddW(H4, E)
    Dim byt(19) As Byte
    CopyMemory byt(0), H0, 4
    CopyMemory byt(4), H1, 4
    CopyMemory byt(8), H2, 4
    CopyMemory byt(12), H3, 4
    CopyMemory byt(16), H4, 4
    SHA1 = byt
    End Function


    Function Base64EncodeEX(Str() As Byte) As String
        On Error GoTo over
        Dim buf() As Byte, length As Long, mods As Long
        Const B64_CHAR_DICT = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="
        mods = (UBound(Str) + 1) Mod 3
        length = UBound(Str) + 1 - mods
        ReDim buf(length / 3 * 4 + IIf(mods <> 0, 4, 0) - 1)
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 0 To length - 1 Step 3
            buf(i / 3 * 4) = (Str(i) And &HFC) / &H4
            buf(i / 3 * 4 + 1) = (Str(i) And &H3) * &H10 + (Str(i + 1) And &HF0) / &H10
            buf(i / 3 * 4 + 2) = (Str(i + 1) And &HF) * &H4 + (Str(i + 2) And &HC0) / &H40
            buf(i / 3 * 4 + 3) = Str(i + 2) And &H3F
        If mods = 1 Then
            buf(length / 3 * 4) = (Str(length) And &HFC) / &H4
            buf(length / 3 * 4 + 1) = (Str(length) And &H3) * &H10
            buf(length / 3 * 4 + 2) = 64
            buf(length / 3 * 4 + 3) = 64
        ElseIf mods = 2 Then
            buf(length / 3 * 4) = (Str(length) And &HFC) / &H4
            buf(length / 3 * 4 + 1) = (Str(length) And &H3) * &H10 + (Str(length + 1) And &HF0) / &H10
            buf(length / 3 * 4 + 2) = (Str(length + 1) And &HF) * &H4
            buf(length / 3 * 4 + 3) = 64
        End If
        For i = 0 To UBound(buf)
            Base64EncodeEX = Base64EncodeEX + Mid(B64_CHAR_DICT, buf(i) + 1, 1)
    End Function


    Private Function AcceptKey(k As String) As String
        Dim b() As Byte
        b = SHA1(StrConv(k & "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11", vbFromUnicode))
        AcceptKey = Base64EncodeEX(b)
    End Function



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiii/p/5165303.html
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