• CloudSim源代码学习——服务代理商(DatacenterBroker)



      1 /* 
      2  * Title:        CloudSim Toolkit 
      3  * Description:  CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation of Clouds 
      4  * Licence:      GPL - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html 
      5  * 
      6  * Copyright (c) 2009-2010, The University of Melbourne, Australia 
      7  */
      8 package org.cloudbus.cloudsim;
     10 import java.util.ArrayList;//Resizable-array implementation of the List interface
     11 import java.util.HashMap;//散列表要解决的一个问题就是散列值的冲突问题,通常是两种方法:链表法和开放地址法。链表法就是将相同hash值的对象组织成一个链表放在hash值对应的槽位  (来源:http://www.yuloo.com/news/1012/527961.html
     12 import java.util.LinkedList;//The class implements the Deque interface, providing first-in-first-out queue operations for add, poll, along with other stack and deque operations
     13 import java.util.List;//An ordered collection (also known as a sequence)
     14 import java.util.Map;//An object that maps keys to values
     16 import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;//This class extends the CloudSimCore to enable network simulation in CloudSim
     17 import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSimTags;//Contains various static command tags that indicate a type of action that needs to be undertaken by CloudSim entities when they receive or send events
     18 import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.SimEntity;//This class represents a simulation entity 
     19 import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.SimEvent;//This class represents a simulation event which is passed between the entities in the simulation
     20 import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.lists.CloudletList;//CloudletList is a collection of operations on lists of Cloudlets
     21 import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.lists.VmList;//VmList is a collection of operations on lists of VMs
     23 /**DatacentreBroker类代表一经纪人行使用户角色,隐藏了虚拟机管理,如虚拟机创建,用户任务提交和虚拟机销毁
     24  * DatacentreBroker represents a broker
     25  * acting on behalf of a user. It hides VM management,
     26  * as vm creation, sumbission of cloudlets to this VMs
     27  * and destruction of VMs.
     28  *
     29  * @author        Rodrigo N. Calheiros
     30  * @author        Anton Beloglazov
     31  * @since        CloudSim Toolkit 1.0
     32  */
     33 public class DatacenterBroker extends SimEntity {
     35     // TODO: remove unnecessary variables移除不必要的变量
     37     /** The vm list. 虚拟机列表*/
     38     private List<? extends Vm> vmList;
     40     /** The vms created list. 虚拟机创建列表*/
     41     private List<? extends Vm> vmsCreatedList;
     43     /** The cloudlet list.云任务列表 */
     44     private List<? extends Cloudlet> cloudletList;
     46     /** The cloudlet submitted list. 云任务提交列表*/
     47     private List<? extends Cloudlet> cloudletSubmittedList;
     49     /** The cloudlet received list. 云任务接收列表*/
     50     private List<? extends Cloudlet> cloudletReceivedList;
     52     /** The cloudlets submitted. 提交的云任务*/
     53     private int cloudletsSubmitted;
     55     /** The vms requested. 请求的虚拟机*/
     56     private int vmsRequested;
     58     /** The vms acks.虚拟机确认 */
     59     private int vmsAcks;
     61     /** The vms destroyed.虚拟机销毁 */
     62     private int vmsDestroyed;
     64     /** The datacenter ids list. 数据中心ID列表*/
     65     private List<Integer> datacenterIdsList;
     67     /** The datacenter requested ids list.请求数据中心ID列表 */
     68     private List<Integer> datacenterRequestedIdsList;
     70     /** The vms to datacenters map. 虚拟机到数据中心映射*/
     71     private Map<Integer, Integer> vmsToDatacentersMap;
     73     /** The datacenter characteristics list. 数据中心特征列表*/
     74     private Map<Integer, DatacenterCharacteristics> datacenterCharacteristicsList;
     77     /**【创建新的数据中心代理对象】
     78      * Created a new DatacenterBroker object.
     79      *
     80      * @param name     name to be associated with this entity (as
     81      * required by Sim_entity class from simjava package)
     82      *
     83      * @throws Exception the exception
     84      *
     85      * @pre name != null
     86      * @post $none
     87      */
     88     public DatacenterBroker(String name) throws Exception {
     89         super(name);
     91         setVmList(new ArrayList<Vm>());
     92         setVmsCreatedList(new ArrayList<Vm>());
     93         setCloudletList(new ArrayList<Cloudlet>());
     94         setCloudletSubmittedList(new ArrayList<Cloudlet>());
     95         setCloudletReceivedList(new ArrayList<Cloudlet>());
     97         cloudletsSubmitted=0;//= 与(0)是什么区别
     98         setVmsRequested(0);
     99         setVmsAcks(0);
    100         setVmsDestroyed(0);
    102         setDatacenterIdsList(new LinkedList<Integer>());
    103         setDatacenterRequestedIdsList(new ArrayList<Integer>());
    104         setVmsToDatacentersMap(new HashMap<Integer, Integer>());
    105         setDatacenterCharacteristicsList(new HashMap<Integer, DatacenterCharacteristics>());
    106     }
    108     /**【方法 : 发送给代理必须创建的虚拟机列表】
    109      * This method is used to send to the broker the list with
    110      * virtual machines that must be created.
    111      *
    112      * @param list the list
    113      *
    114      * @pre list !=null
    115      * @post $none
    116      */
    117     public void submitVmList(List<? extends Vm> list) {
    118         getVmList().addAll(list);
    119     }
    121     /**【方法 : 发送云任务列表给代理】
    122      * This method is used to send to the broker the list of
    123      * cloudlets.
    124      *
    125      * @param list the list
    126      *
    127      * @pre list !=null
    128      * @post $none
    129      */
    130     public void submitCloudletList(List<? extends Cloudlet> list){
    131         getCloudletList().addAll(list);
    132     }
    134     /**(绑定云任务到指定虚拟机)
    135      * Specifies that a given cloudlet must run in a specific virtual machine.
    136      *
    137      * @param cloudletId ID of the cloudlet being bount to a vm
    138      * @param vmId the vm id
    139      *
    140      * @pre cloudletId > 0
    141      * @pre id > 0
    142      * @post $none
    143      */
    144     public void bindCloudletToVm(int cloudletId, int vmId){
    145         CloudletList.getById(getCloudletList(), cloudletId).setVmId(vmId);
    146     }
    148     /**处理可用于代理的事件
    149      * Processes events available for this Broker.
    150      *
    151      * @param ev    a SimEvent object
    152      *
    153      * @pre ev != null
    154      * @post $none
    155      */
    156     @Override//http://www.javaeye.com/wiki/topic/694939 参考注释
    157     public void processEvent(SimEvent ev) {//implements org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.SimEntity.processEvent
    158         //Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+"[Broker]: event received:"+ev.getTag());
    159         switch (ev.getTag()){
    160             // Resource characteristics request资源特征请求
    161             case CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS_REQUEST:
    162                 processResourceCharacteristicsRequest(ev);
    163                 break;
    164             // Resource characteristics answer资源特征应答
    165             case CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS:
    166                 processResourceCharacteristics(ev);
    167                 break;
    168             // VM Creation answer 虚拟机创建应答
    169             case CloudSimTags.VM_CREATE_ACK:
    170                    processVmCreate(ev);
    171                    break;
    172             //A finished cloudlet returned 返回一个完成的云任务
    173             case CloudSimTags.CLOUDLET_RETURN:
    174                 processCloudletReturn(ev);
    175                 break;
    176             // if the simulation finishes 仿真完成
    177             case CloudSimTags.END_OF_SIMULATION:
    178                 shutdownEntity();
    179                 break;
    180             // other unknown tags are processed by this method 处理unknown tags
    181             default:
    182                 processOtherEvent(ev);
    183                 break;
    184         }
    185     }
    187     /**
    188      * Process the return of a request for the characteristics of a PowerDatacenter(功率意识数据中心).
    189      *
    190      * @param ev a SimEvent object
    191      *
    192      * @pre ev != $null
    193      * @post $none
    194      */
    195     protected void processResourceCharacteristics(SimEvent ev) {
    196         DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = (DatacenterCharacteristics) ev.getData();
    197         getDatacenterCharacteristicsList().put(characteristics.getId(), characteristics);
    199         if (getDatacenterCharacteristicsList().size() == getDatacenterIdsList().size()) {
    200             setDatacenterRequestedIdsList(new ArrayList<Integer>());
    201             createVmsInDatacenter(getDatacenterIdsList().get(0));
    202         }
    203     }
    205     /**处理PowerDatacenter特征的请求
    206      * Process a request for the characteristics of a PowerDatacenter.
    207      *
    208      * @param ev a SimEvent object
    209      *
    210      * @pre ev != $null
    211      * @post $none
    212      */
    213     protected void processResourceCharacteristicsRequest(SimEvent ev) {
    214         setDatacenterIdsList(CloudSim.getCloudResourceList());
    215         setDatacenterCharacteristicsList(new HashMap<Integer, DatacenterCharacteristics>());
    217         Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": Cloud Resource List received with "+getDatacenterIdsList().size()+" resource(s)");
    219         for (Integer datacenterId : getDatacenterIdsList()) {
    220             sendNow(datacenterId, CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS, getId());
    221         }
    222     }
    224     /**【请求虚拟机响应应答】
    225      * Process the ack received due to a request for VM creation.
    226      *
    227      * @param ev a SimEvent object
    228      *
    229      * @pre ev != null
    230      * @post $none
    231      */
    232     protected void processVmCreate(SimEvent ev) {
    233         int[] data = (int[]) ev.getData();
    234         int datacenterId = data[0];
    235         int vmId = data[1];
    236         int result = data[2];
    238         if (result == CloudSimTags.TRUE) {
    239             getVmsToDatacentersMap().put(vmId, datacenterId);
    240             getVmsCreatedList().add(VmList.getById(getVmList(), vmId));
    241             Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": VM #"+vmId+" has been created in Datacenter #" + datacenterId + ", Host #" + VmList.getById(getVmsCreatedList(), vmId).getHost().getId());
    242         } else {
    243             Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": Creation of VM #"+vmId+" failed in Datacenter #" + datacenterId);
    244         }
    246         incrementVmsAcks();
    248         if (getVmsCreatedList().size() == getVmList().size() - getVmsDestroyed()) { // all the requested VMs have been created 所有请求虚拟机已创建
    249             submitCloudlets();
    250         } else {
    251             if (getVmsRequested() == getVmsAcks()) { // all the acks received, but some VMs were not created所有响应接受。但一些虚拟机没有创建
    252                 // find id of the next datacenter that has not been tried找出下一个数据中心ID
    253                 for (int nextDatacenterId : getDatacenterIdsList()) {
    254                     if (!getDatacenterRequestedIdsList().contains(nextDatacenterId)) {
    255                         createVmsInDatacenter(nextDatacenterId);
    256                         return;
    257                     }
    258                 }
    260                 //all datacenters already queried 咨询了所有的数据中心
    261                 if (getVmsCreatedList().size() > 0) { //if some vm were created 一些虚拟机已经创建
    262                     submitCloudlets();
    263                 } else { //no vms created. abort停止
    264                     Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock() + ": " + getName() + ": none of the required VMs could be created. Aborting");
    265                     finishExecution();
    266                 }
    267             }
    268         }
    269     }
    271     /**【处理云任务返回事件】
    272      * Process a cloudlet return event.
    273      *
    274      * @param ev a SimEvent object
    275      *
    276      * @pre ev != $null
    277      * @post $none
    278      */
    279     protected void processCloudletReturn(SimEvent ev) {
    280         Cloudlet cloudlet = (Cloudlet) ev.getData();
    281         getCloudletReceivedList().add(cloudlet);
    282         Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": Cloudlet "+cloudlet.getCloudletId()+" received");
    283         cloudletsSubmitted--;
    284         if (getCloudletList().size()==0&&cloudletsSubmitted==0) { //all cloudlets executed 所有云任务已执行完
    285             Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": All Cloudlets executed. Finishing...");
    286             clearDatacenters();
    287             finishExecution();
    288         } else { //some cloudlets haven't finished yet 一些任务没完成
    289             if (getCloudletList().size()>0 && cloudletsSubmitted==0) {
    290                 //all the cloudlets sent finished. It means that some bount
    291                 //cloudlet is waiting its VM be created云任务发送完毕 
    292                 clearDatacenters();
    293                 createVmsInDatacenter(0);
    294             }
    296         }
    297     }
    305     /**【重写 创建一个新的不同类型的代理】
    306      * Overrides this method when making a new and different type of Broker.
    307      * This method is called by {@link #body()} for incoming unknown tags.
    308      *
    309      * @param ev   a SimEvent object
    310      *
    311      * @pre ev != null
    312      * @post $none
    313      */
    314     protected void processOtherEvent(SimEvent ev){
    315         if (ev == null){
    316             Log.printLine(getName() + ".processOtherEvent(): " + "Error - an event is null.");
    317             return;
    318         }
    320         Log.printLine(getName() + ".processOtherEvent(): " + "Error - event unknown by this DatacenterBroker.");
    321     }
    323     /**在数据中心里创建虚拟机
    324      * Create the virtual machines in a datacenter.
    325      *
    326      * @param datacenterId Id of the chosen PowerDatacenter
    327      *
    328      * @pre $none
    329      * @post $none
    330      */
    331     protected void createVmsInDatacenter(int datacenterId) {
    332         // send as much vms as possible for this datacenter before trying the next one
    333         int requestedVms = 0;
    334         String datacenterName = CloudSim.getEntityName(datacenterId);
    335         for (Vm vm : getVmList()) {
    336             if (!getVmsToDatacentersMap().containsKey(vm.getId())) {
    337                 Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock() + ": " + getName() + ": Trying to Create VM #" + vm.getId() + " in " + datacenterName);
    338                 sendNow(datacenterId, CloudSimTags.VM_CREATE_ACK, vm);
    339                 requestedVms++;
    340             }
    341         }
    343         getDatacenterRequestedIdsList().add(datacenterId);
    345         setVmsRequested(requestedVms);
    346         setVmsAcks(0);
    347     }
    349     /**提交云任务到虚拟机
    350      * Submit cloudlets to the created VMs.
    351      *
    352      * @pre $none
    353      * @post $none
    354      */
    355     protected void submitCloudlets() {
    356         int vmIndex = 0;
    357         for (Cloudlet cloudlet : getCloudletList()) {
    358             Vm vm;
    359             if (cloudlet.getVmId() == -1) { //if user didn't bind this cloudlet and it has not been executed yet用户没有绑定云任务
    360                 vm = getVmsCreatedList().get(vmIndex);
    361             } else { //submit to the specific vm提交给专门的虚拟机
    362                 vm = VmList.getById(getVmList(), cloudlet.getVmId());
    363                 if (vm == null) { // vm was not created 虚拟机没有创建
    364                     Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": Postponing execution of cloudlet "+cloudlet.getCloudletId()+": bount VM not available");
    365                     continue;
    366                 }
    367             }
    369             Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": Sending cloudlet "+cloudlet.getCloudletId()+" to VM #"+vm.getId());
    370             cloudlet.setVmId(vm.getId());
    371             sendNow(getVmsToDatacentersMap().get(vm.getId()), CloudSimTags.CLOUDLET_SUBMIT, cloudlet);
    372             cloudletsSubmitted++;
    373             vmIndex = (vmIndex + 1) % getVmsCreatedList().size();
    374             getCloudletSubmittedList().add(cloudlet);
    375         }
    377         //从等待列表中除去提交的任务  remove submitted cloudlets from waiting list
    378         for (Cloudlet cloudlet : getCloudletSubmittedList()) {
    379             getCloudletList().remove(cloudlet);
    380         }
    381     }
    383     /**销毁虚拟机
    384      * Destroy the virtual machines running in datacenters.
    385      *
    386      * @pre $none
    387      * @post $none
    388      */
    389     protected void clearDatacenters() {
    390         for (Vm vm : getVmsCreatedList()) {
    391             Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock() + ": " + getName() + ": Destroying VM #" + vm.getId());
    392             sendNow(getVmsToDatacentersMap().get(vm.getId()), CloudSimTags.VM_DESTROY, vm);
    393         }
    395         getVmsCreatedList().clear();
    396     }
    398     /**仿真结束
    399      * Send an internal event communicating the end of the simulation.
    400      *
    401      * @pre $none
    402      * @post $none
    403      */
    404     private void finishExecution() {
    405         sendNow(getId(), CloudSimTags.END_OF_SIMULATION);
    406     }
    408     /* (non-Javadoc)
    409      * @see cloudsim.core.SimEntity#shutdownEntity()
    410      */
    411     @Override
    412     public void shutdownEntity() {
    413         Log.printLine(getName() + " is shutting down...");
    414     }
    416     /* (non-Javadoc)
    417      * @see cloudsim.core.SimEntity#startEntity()
    418      */
    419     @Override
    420     public void startEntity() {
    421         Log.printLine(getName() + " is starting...");
    422         schedule(getId(), 0, CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS_REQUEST);
    423     }
    425     /**虚拟机列表
    426      * Gets the vm list.
    427      *
    428      * @param <T> the generic type
    429      * @return the vm list
    430      */
    431     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    432     public <T extends Vm> List<T> getVmList() {
    433         return (List<T>) vmList;
    434     }
    436     /**设置虚拟机列表
    437      * Sets the vm list.
    438      *
    439      * @param <T> the generic type
    440      * @param vmList the new vm list
    441      */
    442     protected <T extends Vm> void setVmList(List<T> vmList) {
    443         this.vmList = vmList;
    444     }
    447     /**云任务列表
    448      * Gets the cloudlet list.
    449      *
    450      * @param <T> the generic type
    451      * @return the cloudlet list
    452      */
    453     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    454     public <T extends Cloudlet> List<T> getCloudletList() {
    455         return (List<T>) cloudletList;
    456     }
    459     /**设置云任务列表
    460      * Sets the cloudlet list.
    461      *
    462      * @param <T> the generic type
    463      * @param cloudletList the new cloudlet list
    464      */
    465     protected <T extends Cloudlet> void setCloudletList(List<T> cloudletList) {
    466         this.cloudletList = cloudletList;
    467     }
    469     /**云任务提交列表
    470      * Gets the cloudlet submitted list.
    471      *
    472      * @param <T> the generic type
    473      * @return the cloudlet submitted list
    474      */
    475     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    476     public <T extends Cloudlet> List<T> getCloudletSubmittedList() {
    477         return (List<T>) cloudletSubmittedList;
    478     }
    481     /**设置云任务提交列表
    482      * Sets the cloudlet submitted list.
    483      *
    484      * @param <T> the generic type
    485      * @param cloudletSubmittedList the new cloudlet submitted list
    486      */
    487     protected <T extends Cloudlet> void setCloudletSubmittedList(List<T> cloudletSubmittedList) {
    488         this.cloudletSubmittedList = cloudletSubmittedList;
    489     }
    491     /**云任务接收列表
    492      * Gets the cloudlet received list.
    493      *
    494      * @param <T> the generic type
    495      * @return the cloudlet received list
    496      */
    497     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    498     public <T extends Cloudlet> List<T> getCloudletReceivedList() {
    499         return (List<T>) cloudletReceivedList;
    500     }
    502     /**设置云任务接收列表
    503      * Sets the cloudlet received list.
    504      *
    505      * @param <T> the generic type
    506      * @param cloudletReceivedList the new cloudlet received list
    507      */
    508     protected <T extends Cloudlet> void setCloudletReceivedList(List<T> cloudletReceivedList) {
    509         this.cloudletReceivedList = cloudletReceivedList;
    510     }
    512     /**虚拟机列表 ???
    513      * Gets the vm list.
    514      *
    515      * @param <T> the generic type
    516      * @return the vm list
    517      */
    518     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    519     public <T extends Vm> List<T> getVmsCreatedList() {
    520         return (List<T>) vmsCreatedList;
    521     }
    523     /**
    524      * Sets the vm list.
    525      *
    526      * @param <T> the generic type
    527      * @param vmsCreatedList the vms created list
    528      */
    529     protected <T extends Vm> void setVmsCreatedList(List<T> vmsCreatedList) {
    530         this.vmsCreatedList = vmsCreatedList;
    531     }
    533     /**虚拟机请求
    534      * Gets the vms requested.
    535      *
    536      * @return the vms requested
    537      */
    538     protected int getVmsRequested() {
    539         return vmsRequested;
    540     }
    542     /**
    543      * Sets the vms requested.
    544      *
    545      * @param vmsRequested the new vms requested
    546      */
    547     protected void setVmsRequested(int vmsRequested) {
    548         this.vmsRequested = vmsRequested;
    549     }
    551     /**虚拟机响应
    552      * Gets the vms acks.
    553      *
    554      * @return the vms acks
    555      */
    556     protected int getVmsAcks() {
    557         return vmsAcks;
    558     }
    560     /**
    561      * Sets the vms acks.
    562      *
    563      * @param vmsAcks the new vms acks
    564      */
    565     protected void setVmsAcks(int vmsAcks) {
    566         this.vmsAcks = vmsAcks;
    567     }
    569     /**增加虚拟机响应
    570      * Increment vms acks.
    571      */
    572     protected void incrementVmsAcks() {
    573         this.vmsAcks++;
    574     }
    576     /**销毁虚拟机
    577      * Gets the vms destroyed.
    578      *
    579      * @return the vms destroyed
    580      */
    581     protected int getVmsDestroyed() {
    582         return vmsDestroyed;
    583     }
    585     /**
    586      * Sets the vms destroyed.
    587      *
    588      * @param vmsDestroyed the new vms destroyed
    589      */
    590     protected void setVmsDestroyed(int vmsDestroyed) {
    591         this.vmsDestroyed = vmsDestroyed;
    592     }
    594     /**数据执行ID
    595      * Gets the datacenter ids list.
    596      *
    597      * @return the datacenter ids list
    598      */
    599     protected List<Integer> getDatacenterIdsList() {
    600         return datacenterIdsList;
    601     }
    603     /**
    604      * Sets the datacenter ids list.
    605      *
    606      * @param datacenterIdsList the new datacenter ids list
    607      */
    608     protected void setDatacenterIdsList(List<Integer> datacenterIdsList) {
    609         this.datacenterIdsList = datacenterIdsList;
    610     }
    612     /**虚拟机到数据中心映射
    613      * Gets the vms to datacenters map.
    614      *
    615      * @return the vms to datacenters map
    616      */
    617     protected Map<Integer, Integer> getVmsToDatacentersMap() {
    618         return vmsToDatacentersMap;
    619     }
    621     /**
    622      * Sets the vms to datacenters map.
    623      *
    624      * @param vmsToDatacentersMap the vms to datacenters map
    625      */
    626     protected void setVmsToDatacentersMap(Map<Integer, Integer> vmsToDatacentersMap) {
    627         this.vmsToDatacentersMap = vmsToDatacentersMap;
    628     }
    630     /**数据中心特征列表
    631      * Gets the datacenter characteristics list.
    632      *
    633      * @return the datacenter characteristics list
    634      */
    635     protected Map<Integer, DatacenterCharacteristics> getDatacenterCharacteristicsList() {
    636         return datacenterCharacteristicsList;
    637     }
    639     /**
    640      * Sets the datacenter characteristics list.
    641      *
    642      * @param datacenterCharacteristicsList the datacenter characteristics list
    643      */
    644     protected void setDatacenterCharacteristicsList(Map<Integer, DatacenterCharacteristics> datacenterCharacteristicsList) {
    645         this.datacenterCharacteristicsList = datacenterCharacteristicsList;
    646     }
    648     /**
    649      * Gets the datacenter requested ids list.
    650      *
    651      * @return the datacenter requested ids list
    652      */
    653     protected List<Integer> getDatacenterRequestedIdsList() {
    654         return datacenterRequestedIdsList;
    655     }
    657     /**
    658      * Sets the datacenter requested ids list.
    659      *
    660      * @param datacenterRequestedIdsList the new datacenter requested ids list
    661      */
    662     protected void setDatacenterRequestedIdsList(List<Integer> datacenterRequestedIdsList) {
    663         this.datacenterRequestedIdsList = datacenterRequestedIdsList;
    664     }
    666 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaoxiaoweng/p/7412206.html
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