某一次harbor服务重启后无法登陆,密码肯定是正确的,但就是无法登陆,由于是内网部署,也无法使用邮箱找回之类的措施,所以就直接在harbor数据库中修改密码。 以下为笔记内容 。
下面是密钥计算算法,计算明文为123QWEqwe, 盐值为gktqer4zml32472wmht9xeuixvg5pvjd, 迭代次数为4096, 密钥长度int型16位
运行环境为python2 版本, 注: python 3的模块名称已经修改,运行的时候会报错。
import hmac import hashlib from struct import Struct from operator import xor from itertools import izip, starmap _pack_int = Struct('>I').pack def pbkdf2_hex(data, salt, iterations=4096, keylen=16, hashfunc=None): return pbkdf2_bin(data, salt, iterations, keylen, hashfunc).encode('hex') def pbkdf2_bin(data, salt, iterations=4096, keylen=16, hashfunc=None): hashfunc = hashfunc or hashlib.sha1 mac = hmac.new(data, None, hashfunc) def _pseudorandom(x, mac=mac): h = mac.copy() h.update(x) return map(ord, h.digest()) buf = [] for block in xrange(1, -(-keylen // mac.digest_size) + 1): rv = u = _pseudorandom(salt + _pack_int(block)) for i in xrange(iterations - 1): u = _pseudorandom(''.join(map(chr, u))) rv = starmap(xor, izip(rv, u)) buf.extend(rv) return ''.join(map(chr, buf))[:keylen] rv = pbkdf2_hex('123QWEqwe', 'gktqer4zml32472wmht9xeuixvg5pvjd', 4096, 16) print(rv)
# python xx.py
docker exec -it b07b3206fea5 /bin/bash
psql (9.6.14)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# help
You are using psql, the command-line interface to PostgreSQL.
Type: copyright for distribution terms
h for help with SQL commands
? for help with psql commands
g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
q to quit
postgres=# psql -U postgres -d postgres -h -p 5432 # 进入psttsql客户端
postgres=# c registry #进入registry 数据库
You are now connected to database "registry" as user "postgres".
postgres=# select * from harbor_user; #查询所有用户
#更新用户密码 password会加密后的密码,salt为盐值,按select查询结果中显示的为准
postgres=# update harbor_user set password='500026b9f02e84d1f41e7546b9b2d524', salt='oafrcwi1rh83bem3cnfldltaw4cf9pqm' where username='admin';
postgres=# q #退出postsql数据库