• 3GPP 协议学习 Delete Subscriber Data

    Delete Subscriber Data

    General description:

    This procedure shall be used between the MME and the HSS and between the SGSN and the HSS, to remove some or all data of the HSS user profile stored in the MME or SGSN. The procedure shall be invoked by the HSS and it corresponds to the functional level operation Delete Subscriber Data

    It shall be used to remove:

    -     all or a subset of the EPS subscription data (APN Configuration Profile) for the subscriber from the MME or SGSN;

    -     the regional subscription;

    -     the subscribed charging characteristics;

    -     Session Transfer Number for SRVCC;

    -     trace data.

    If the HSS knows that the UE has attached to the same combined MME/SGSN via both E-UTRAN and UTRAN/GERAN, i.e. the HSS has received the Update Location Request over both the S6a interface and S6d interface respectively with the same SGSN number, the HSS should invoke this procedure for a single time to remove some or all data of the HSS user profile stored in the combined MME/SGSN, i.e. not invoke this procedure for each of the MME and the SGSN registered respectively

    If the Node-Type-Indicator information has been previously received as cleared in the ULR-Flags during update location procedure for the MME, the HSS may skip any removal of the SMS related subscription data and consequently does not have to make use of the Delete Subscriber Data procedure to update the subscription data in the MME.

    This procedure is mapped to the commands Delete-Subscriber-Data-Request/Answer (DSR/DSA) in the Diameter application specified in chapter 7.

    Table specifies the involved information elements for the request.

    Table specifies the involved information elements for the answer.

    Table Delete Subscriber Data Request

    Information element name

    Mapping to Diameter AVP





    User-Name (See IETF RFC 3588 [4])


    This information element shall contain the user IMSI, formatted according to 3GPP TS 23.003 [3], clause 2.2.

    Supported Features

    (See 3GPP TS 29.229 [9])



    If present, this information element shall contain the list of features supported by the origin host.

    DSR Flags

    (See 7.3.25)



    This Information Element shall contain a bit mask. See 7.3.25 for the meaning of the bits.

    Trace Reference

    (See 7.3.64)

    Trace- Reference


    This parameter shall contain the same value as used for the activation of the Trace Session.

    This element shall be present only if the "Trace Data Withdrawal" bit is set in the DSR-Flags.

    Context Identifier

    (See 7.3.27)



    This parameter shall identify the PDN subscription context or GPRS-PDP context that shall be deleted.

    This element shall be present only if the "PDN subscription contexts Withdrawal" bit or the "PDP context withdrawal" bit is set in the DSR-Flags. In the "PDN subscription contexts Withdrawal" case, the Context-Identifier shall not be associated with the default APN configuration.

    For the compatibility with the MAP protocol as defined in the 3GPP TS 29.002 [24], this parameter shall not have a value of zero.

    TS Code List

    (See 7.3.100)



    This parameter shall contain the teleservice codes that are to be deleted from the subscription.

    This element shall be present only if the "SMS Withdrawal" bit is set in the DSR-Flags and the SMS related teleservice codes are to be deleted.

    SS Code List

    (See 7.3.87)



    This parameter shall contain the supplementary service codes that are to be deleted from the subscription.

    This element shall be present only if the "SMS Withdrawal" bit is set or the "LCS Withdrawal" bit is set in the DSR-Flags.

    Table Delete Subscriber Data Answer

    Information element name

    Mapping to Diameter AVP



    Supported Features

    (See 3GPP TS 29.229 [9])



    If present, this information element shall contain the list of features supported by the origin host.


    (See 7.4)

    Result-Code / Experimental-Result


    This IE shall contain the result of the operation.

    The Result-Code AVP shall be used to indicate success / errors as defined in the Diameter Base Protocol.

    The Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for S6a/S6d errors. This is a grouped AVP which shall contain the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

    The following errors are applicable in this case:

    - User Unknown

    DSA Flags

    (See 7.3.26)



    This Information Element shall contain a bit mask. See 7.3.26 for the meaning of the bits.


    Detailed behaviour of the MME and the SGSN

    When receiving a Delete Subscriber Data request, the MME or SGSN shall check whether the IMSI is known.

    If it is not known, a result code of DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN shall be returned.

    If it is known, but the Context-Identifier is associated with the default APN configuration, the MME shall not delete the PDN subscription context, and return an error with a Result-Code set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY. Otherwise, the MME or SGSN shall delete the corresponding data according to the indication as sent in the request, and acknowledge the Delete Subscriber Data message by returning a Delete Subscriber Data Answer.

    If an MME receives a Delete Subscriber Data Request with the "Complete APN Configuration Profile Withdrawal" bit set in the DSR-Flags AVP, it shall return an error with a Result-Code set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY.

    If the deletion of the subscription data succeeds in the MME or SGSN, the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS.

    If the Regional Subscription is deleted from the subscription data, the SGSN shall check for its routing areas whether they are allowed or not. If the entire SGSN area is restricted, SGSN shall report it to the HSS by returning the "SGSN Area Restricted" indication within the DSA flags.

    If the EPS Subscription Data is deleted from the subscription data, the MME or SGSN shall check whether all EPS Subscription Data for the subscriber is deleted or if only a subset of the stored EPS Subscription Data for the subscriber is deleted, the MME or SGSN may then deactivate the associated affected active EPS bearers.

    If the Subscribed Charging Characteristics are deleted from the subscription data, the Gn/Gp-SGSN shall maintain the existing Subscribed Charging Characteristics throughout the lifetime of the existing MM and PDP contexts, see 3GPP TS 32.251 [33].

    If the Subscribed Charging Characteristics are deleted from the subscription data, the MME or S4-SGSN shall maintain the existing Subscribed Charging Characteristics throughout the lifetime of the existing IP CAN bearer, see 3GPP TS 32.251 [33].

    If the MME or SGSN cannot fulfil the received request for other reasons, e.g. due to a database error, it shall set the Result-Code to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY. In this case, the MME or SGSN shall mark the subscription record "Subscriber to be restored in HSS".

    If trace data are deleted from the subscription data, the MME or SGSN shall deactivate the Trace Session identified by the trace reference. For details, see 3GPP TS 32.422 [23].

    Detailed behaviour of the HSS

    The HSS shall make use of this procedure to remove deleted subscription data from the MME or SGSN.

    The HSS shall make use of this procedure to remove deleted GPRS Subscription Data from the SGSN or combined MME/SGSN if the GPRS-Subscription-Data-Indicator information has been previously received as set in the ULR-Flags during update location procedure for the MME.

    The HSS shall not set the "Complete APN Configuration Profile Withdrawal" bit in the DSR-Flags AVP when sending a Delete Subscriber Data Request to an MME, since the default APN shall always be present in an MME.

    When receiving a Delete Subscriber Data Answer with "SGSN Area Restricted" the HSS shall set the SGSN area restricted flag as "SGSN area restricted".


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