• Oracle数据库常用的脚本命令(一)

    --语法格式:conn 用户名/密码
    conn yanln/yanln

    show user

    host mkdir d: estOracle

    spool d: estOracle est.txt

    select * from book;

    spool off

    clear screen

    start d: est.sql

    desc student

    show error



    sqlplus /nolog : 进入sqlplus界面但不登录

    conn sys/oracle @orcl as sysdba

    conn sys/oracle as sysdba
    show user

    conn system/oracle
    show user

    conn system/oracle as sysdba
    show user

    create tablespace test1_tablespace datafile 'test1file.dbf' size 10m;

    create temporary tablespace temptest1_tablespace tempfile 'tempfile1.dbf' size 10m;

    select file_name from dba_data_files where tablespace_name = 'TEST1_TABLESPACE';

    select file_name from dba_temp_files where tablespace_name = 'TEMPTEST1_TABLESPACE';

    create user yan identified by test default tablespace test1_tablespace temporary tablespace temptest1_tablespace;

    select username from dba_users;

    grant connect to yan;

    alter user yan identified by t123;

    --如果管理员不希望某用户登录, 但又不打算删除某用户,可以将此用户锁定
    alter user yan account lock;

    drop user yan cascade;

    create user user02 identified by pass02;

    create role manager;

    grant create table, create view to manager;

    grant manager to user02;

    revoke manager from user02;

    drop role manager;

    select * from system_privilege_map;

    create user user02 identified by pass02;

    grant create session to user01;

    create role manager;

    grant create table, create sequence to manager;

    grant manager to user01;

    select * from table_privilege_map;

    create role manager01;

    grant select,update,insert on scott.emp to manager01;

    grant manager01 to user01;

    conn user01/pass01

    select * from scott.emp;(成功)

    select * from scott.dept;(失败)

    revoke select,update,insert on scott.emp from manager01;

    select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;

    select tablespace_name from user_tablespaces;

    select username,default_tablespace,temporary_tablespace from dba_users;

    select username,default_tablespace,temporary_tablespace from user_users;

    alter user user01
    default tablespace TEST1_TABLESPACE
    temporary tablespace TEMPTEST1_TABLESPACE;

    alter tablespace test1_tablespace offline;

    alter tablespace test1_tablespace online;

    alter tablespace test1_tablespace read only;

    alter tablespace test1_tablespace read write;

    select status from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name = 'TEST1_TABLESPACE';

    alter tablespace test1_tablespace add datafile 'test2_file.dbf' size 10m;

    select file_name from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='TEST1_TABLESPACE';

    alter tablespace test1_tablespace drop datafile 'test2_file.dbf';

    drop tablespace test1_tablespace including contents;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaomifeng1010/p/11110913.html
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