• HR一个员工的所有主数据(PA*)克隆到一个新员工的程序代码


    *& Report  ZPPA_CLONE_PERNR
    *& CLONE
    *&                                                                     *
    report  zppa_clone_pernr line-size 255.
    * T A B L E S
    tables: pa0000.
    * C O N S T A N T S
    *constants: .

    ** D A T A
    data: i_dd02l like dd02l occurs 0 with header line.

    * Objects for variable structure assignment
    data dref type ref to data.

    field-symbols: <table> type any table,
                  <wa>    type any,
                  <field>  type any,
                  <field_nachn>  type any,
                  <field_vorna>  type any.
    field-symbols  <pnnnn> type c.

    ** P A R A M E T E R S
    *### Input
    selection-screen: begin of block frm1 with frame title text-010.
    parameters: p_pernr like prelp-pernr default '30001' obligatory.
    parameters: p_per2 like  prelp-pernr default '30071' obligatory.
    selection-screen: end of block frm1.

    selection-screen: begin of block frm2 with frame title text-011.
    select-options: pr_tnam for i_dd02l-tabname default 'PA0000' to
    'PA9999' no-display.
    selection-screen: end of block frm2.

    selection-screen: begin of block frm3 with frame title text-012.
    parameters: p_nachn like pa0002-nachn default 'Hubert'.
    parameters: p_vorna like pa0002-vorna default 'Peter'.
    selection-screen: end of block frm3.

    parameters: p_pwd(3).
    parameters: p_detail as checkbox.
    parameters: p_test as checkbox default 'X'.

    ** I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N

    ** S T A R T   O F   P R O G R A M
    ** S T A R T   O F   S E L E C T I O N

     if p_pwd ne '555'.
       message s398(00) with 'Bitte Passwort eingeben'.

     select single * from pa0000 where pernr = p_per2.
     if sy-subrc = 0.
       message s398(00) with 'PERNR Existiert schon,bitte zuerst vollst. löschen'.

     select * from dd02l into table i_dd02l where tabname in pr_tnam.

     loop at i_dd02l.

       create data dref type standard table of (i_dd02l-tabname)
                             with non-unique default key.
       assign dref->* to <table>.

       select *
              from (i_dd02l-tabname)
              into table <table>
              where pernr = p_pernr.

       if sy-subrc = 0.
         format color col_key intensified on.
         write:/ i_dd02l.

       loop at <table> assigning <wa>.
         format color col_normal intensified off.
         if p_detail = 'X'.
           write:/3 space.
         do 30 times.
           assign component sy-index
              of structure <wa> to <field>.
           if sy-subrc = 0.
             if p_detail = 'X'.
               write: <field>.

         if i_dd02l-tabname = 'PA0001'.
           assign component 'ENAME'
      of structure <wa> to <field>.
           if sy-subrc = 0.
             concatenate p_vorna p_nachn into <field> separated by space.


         if i_dd02l-tabname = 'PA0002'.
           assign component 'NACHN'
              of structure <wa> to <field>.
           if sy-subrc = 0.
             <field> = p_nachn.
           assign component 'VORNA'
              of structure <wa> to <field>.
           if sy-subrc = 0.
             <field> = p_vorna.


    * Tab update
         if p_test is initial.
           assign component 'PERNR'
              of structure <wa> to <field>.
           <field> = p_per2.
           check i_dd02l-tabname(2) = 'PA'.
           modify (i_dd02l-tabname) from <wa>.


    ** E N D   O F   S E L E C T I O N
    source url: https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/wiki?path=/display/Snippets/HR+Clone+Pernr&

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