• sql面试语句编写


    #班级信息表 create table tb_class( id bigint(20) not null auto_increment, class_no varchar(40) not null comment '班级', st_no varchar(40) not null comment '学生号', name varchar(40) not null comment '学生姓名', crdate timestamp not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp, primary key (id) )engine=innodb auto_increment=1 default charset=utf8 comment='班级信息表' select * from tb_class; insert into tb_class(class_no,st_no,name) values('c1','st1','sam'); insert into tb_class(class_no,st_no,name) values('c1','st2','lucy'); insert into tb_class(class_no,st_no,name) values('c2','st3','jean'); insert into tb_class(class_no,st_no,name) values('c2','st4','lock'); insert into tb_class(class_no,st_no,name) values('c2','st5','lily'); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #成绩表 create table tb_score( id bigint(20) not null auto_increment, st_no varchar(40) not null comment '学生号', subject_no varchar(40) not null comment '课程编号', score decimal(10) not null comment '成绩', crdate timestamp not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp, primary key (id) )engine=innodb auto_increment=1 default charset=utf8 comment='成绩表' select * from tb_score; insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st1','1',72); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st1','2',89); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st1','3',78); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st2','1',55); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st2','2',82); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st2','3',93); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st3','1',87); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st3','3',89); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st4','1',98); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st4','2',94); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st5','2',63); insert into tb_score(st_no,subject_no,score) values('st5','3',90); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #课程表 create table tb_subject( id bigint(20) not null auto_increment, subject_no varchar(40) not null comment '课程编号', subject_name varchar(40) not null comment '课程名称', crdate timestamp not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp, primary key (id) )engine=innodb auto_increment=1 default charset=utf8 comment='课程表' select * from tb_subject; insert into tb_subject(subject_no,subject_name) values(1,'语文'); insert into tb_subject(subject_no,subject_name) values(2,'数学'); insert into tb_subject(subject_no,subject_name) values(3,'英语'); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #成绩信息展示 select c.name,c.class_no,su.subject_name,s.score from tb_class c right join tb_score s on c.st_no=s.st_no right join tb_subject su on s.subject_no=su.subject_no order by c.class_no;
    select c.class_no,su.subject_name ,sum(s.score)from tb_class c inner join tb_score  s  on  c.st_no=s.st_no 
    inner join tb_subject su on s.subject_no=su.subject_no  group by s.subject_no,c.class_no order by c.class_no
    # 另外一种写法
    select su.subject_name as '课程',
    sum(case when c.class_no = 'c1' then score else 0 end) as 'c1',
    sum(case when c.class_no = 'c2' then score else 0 end) as 'c2'
    from tb_class c inner join tb_score  s  on  c.st_no=s.st_no 
    inner join tb_subject su on s.subject_no=su.subject_no group by s.subject_no;

    select c.class_no,count(1) from tb_class c left join tb_score  n  on  c.st_no=n.st_no 
    right join tb_subject su on n.subject_no=su.subject_no
    where su.subject_name='语文' and n.score> 60  group by c.class_no
    #3.(查询 语文成绩大于数学成绩 的姓名和归宿班级)
    select distinct a.name,a.class_no,a.score from 
        select c.name,c.class_no,su.subject_name,s.score from tb_class c right join tb_score s on c.st_no=s.st_no 
        right join tb_subject su on s.subject_no=su.subject_no order by c.class_no
    ) a,
        select c.name,c.class_no,su.subject_name,s.score from tb_class c right join tb_score s on c.st_no=s.st_no 
        right join tb_subject su on s.subject_no=su.subject_no order by c.class_no
    ) b
    where a.name=b.name
    and a.subject_name='语文'
    and b.subject_name='数学'
    and a.score>b.score
    select count(1) from (
         select c.name, sum(s.score) as score from tb_class c inner join tb_score s on c.st_no=s.st_no group by c.name
    ) sc where sc.score>180    
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    Happy new year!
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaolei2017/p/9817628.html
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