• Vocabulary Recitation 2020/05/12

    pious adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED Someone who is pious is very religious and moral.
    2. ADJ-GRADED If you describe someone's words as pious, you think that their words are full of good intensions but not lead to anything useful being done.
    3. ADJ-GRADED If you describe someone as pious, you disapprove of the fact that they pretend to be very religious without being sincere.

    assassin n.

    1. N-COUNT An assassin is a person who assassinates someone.

    scavenger n.

    scaveng v.

    1. VERB If people or animals scavenge for things, they collect them by searching among waste or unwanted objects.

    throng n./adj./v.

    1. N-COUNT A throng is a large crowd of people.
    2. VERB When people throng somewhere, they go there in great numbers.
    3. VERB If people throng a place, they are present there in great numbers.

    abstain v.

    1. VERB If you abstain from something, usually something you want to do, you deliberately do not do it.
    2. VERB If you abstain durig a vote, you do not use your vote.

    serenity n.

    1. ADJ-GRADED Someone or something that is serene is calm and quiet.

    enigmatic adj.

    1. ADG-GRADED Someone or something that is enigmatic is mysterious and diffcult to understand.

    posterity n.

    1. N-UNCOUNT You can refer to everyone who will be alive in the future as posterity.

    avarice n.

    1. N-UNCOUNT Avarice is extremely strong desire for money and possessions.

    eschew vt.

    1. VERB If you eschew something, you deliberately avoid doing it or becoming involved in it.

    canary n.

    1. N-COUNT Canaries are small yellow birds which sing beautifully and are often kept as pets.

    aristocrat n.

    1. N-COUNT An aristocrat is someone whose family has a high social rank, especially someone who has a title.

    aviator n.

    1. N-COUNT An aviator is a pilot of a plane, especially in the early days of fiying.

    simultaneously adv.

    calculus n.

    1. N-UNCOUNT Calculus is a branch of advanced mathematics which deals with variable quantities.

    monarchy n.

    1. N-VAR A monarchy is a system in which a country has a monarch.
    2. N-COUNT A monarchy is a country that has a monarch.
    3. N-COUNT The monarchy is used to refer to the monarch and his or her family.


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