• Git 常用命令备份

    继上次保存了git 多个key共存配置(https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaochangwei/p/9155195.html)后,今天把常见的git命令备份下(最近我的云笔记账号经常出问题)



    曾经一个年少 ”无知” 的刚毕业的同事,pull代码冲突了,自己不知道怎么操作了,就瞎搞一通,后来搞不定了求助于我,我一看,怎么远程分支都被删了!!!   晕!

    请教别人各类问题并没啥,脸皮厚 吃个够  O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

    ##############################GIT 使用#########################
    #1.generate ssh-key and config on gitlab
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ljkj028Key -C "myLjkj028Key"

    #-f :use custom fileName default name is [id_rsa]
    #-C :to remark this key in order to distinguish to other key
    #such as: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "ljkj028Key"

    # and if you used -f and not the default file name,you should do more work following:
    #a:open ssh-agent through [ssh-agent -s] if you use github bash or use [eval $(ssh-agent -s)] if you use other bash
    #b:add private key through [ssh-add ~/.ssh/ljkj028Key]
    #then you can use git to clone code from the gitlab which you public key configured

    #if you has more than one pulic key for different gitlab, you should config it at file named config
    Host git.ljkj028.com
    HostName git.ljkj028.com
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ljkj028Key
    User ljkj028

    Host github.com
    HostName github.com
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/githubKey
    User xiaochangwei

    #notice: you should do [ssh-add ~/.ssh/ljkj028Key] for each key

    git config --global user.name "xiaochangwei"
    git config --global user.email "changw.xiao@qq.com"

    git clone git@gitee.com:xiaochangwei/testCode.git
    cd testCode
    touch README2.md
    git add README2.md
    git commit -m "add README2"
    git push -u origin master

    cd myLocalDir
    git init
    git remote add origin git@gitee.com:xiaochangwei/testCode.git
    git pull git@gitee.com:xiaochangwei/testCode.git master
    touch t.txt
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    git push -u origin master

    cd myLocalDir
    git remote rename origin old-origin
    git remote add origin git@gitee.com:xiaochangwei/ci-demo.git
    git pull git@gitee.com:xiaochangwei/ci-demo.git master
    git push -u origin --all
    git push -u origin --tags

    #########normal develop##########
    git checkout develop
    #each developer checkout one or more feature to develop
    git checkout -b sprintXfeatureX
    #sprintXfeatureX related develop complete and passed developer self test
    git add .
    git commit -am "sprintXfeatureX completed"
    #git push -u origin sprintXfeatureX (可以只在本地保留分支信息,不推送到远端)
    #merge to develop and tell testers that they can start work
    git checkout develop
    git pull
    git merge sprintXfeatureX
    git push

    #after this sprint onlined, you can delete functional branch. However, it is suggested that branches be retained more than half a year.
    #git push origin :sprintXfeatureX
    #git branch -d sprintXfeatureX

    #testers start work
    #testers shoud clone a new branch from develop at the each sprint start
    git checkout dev
    git checkout -b releaseSpringX
    #if has cloned the releaseSpringX
    git checkout releaseSpringX
    git merge develop
    git push

    #if there is some bug, developer shoud checkout a new branch from releaseSpringX
    git checkout releaseSpringX
    git checkout -b releaseSpringXBug01
    #do something
    git add .
    git comit -am "Bug01 fixed";
    #git push -u origin releaseSpringXBug01(可以只在本地保留分支信息,不推送到远端)
    #notice tester merge code to releaseSpringX bug
    git checkout releaseSpringX
    git pull
    git merge releaseSpringXBug01
    git push

    #after passed test, tester merge releaseSpringX to master && develop and give a tag
    git checkout master
    git merge releaseSpringX
    git push
    git tag releaseSpringX OR git tag -a releaseSpringX -m 'SpringX external release' OR git tag -a releaseSpringX CommitID
    git push origin releaseSpringX OR git push origin --tags

    git checkout develop
    git merge releaseSpringX
    git push

    #search and view tag detail
    git tag OR git tag -l 'releaseSpringX*'
    git show releaseSpringX

    #and also you can delete local and remote tag same as branch operation
    git tag -d releaseSpringX
    git push origin :releaseSpringX

    #########when online bug need fix##########
    git checkout master
    git checkout -b hotfix01
    #do sth
    git add .
    git commit -am "hotfix01 fixed"
    #git push -u origin hotfix01 (可以只在本地保留分支信息,不推送到远端)
    #test passed at hotfix01
    git checkout master
    git pull
    git merge hotfix01
    #merge hotfix01 code to branch develop
    git checkout develop
    git pull
    git merge hotfix01
    git push

    #delete branch hotfix01(local&remote)
    git branch -d hotfix01
    git push origin :hotfix01 or use: git push origin --delete hotfix01

    #when the tester encountered conflict at the operation of pull or merge, it must be confirm with developer which one is correct

    git log -n --oneline

    #conflict and reset
    #如果你只是修改了文件而且还没有用git add将修改加入提交,想恢复到修改之前
    git checkout -- t.txt

    git checkout -- '*.txt'

    #如果已经通过 git add t.txt 将修改了的文件加入了提交
    git reset HEAD -- t.txt

    git reset commitID -- fileName
    git checkout fileName
    #修改后add commit push

    #通过git log判断某个commitID是属于哪一个分支
    git branch -r --contains 4560a9f

    git reset --hard d7ed38b
    git push -f -u origin master

    #可以通过git checkout tagName 获取指定tagName处的代码,获取之后分支号显示为:((tagName))
    #在add commit之后 分支号显示为:((CommitID))
    #git也会提示根据commitID创建分支来进行操作 git branch <new-branch-name> CommitID

    git checkout -b newBranch tagName

    git fetch origin

    #####查看remote 地址######
    git remote -v



    git checkout develop
    git checkout -b feature01


    3.git add .
    4.git commit -am "remark"

    git checkout develop
    git pull

    git checkout feature01
    git rebase -i HEAD~2 ---->合并提交 --- 2表示合并两个
    #将本地的多次提交合并为一个,以简化提交历史。本地有多个提交时,如果不进行这一步,在git rebase develop时会多次解决冲突(最坏情况下,每一个提交都会相应解决一个冲突)
    git rebase develop ---->解决冲突--->git rebase --continue


    git checkout develop
    git merge feature01
    git push

    #如果有冲突且没使用git rebase -i,则冲突是一个一个报出来,不像merge一次性全部报出来
    #所以解决了一个冲突后需要执行下列命令,继续rebase ,故推荐使用git rebase -i
    git add -u
    git rebase --continue

    git rebase --abort

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaochangwei/p/9539578.html
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