• Clown without borders 2017/1/9


    Taking laughter to those who need it most

    "When will you all return again?"the Croatian refugee children asked the clowns after their funny,living performance.Clown leader Tortell Poltrona heard this question and answered by founding Clowns Without Borders(CWB).

    Comic relief

    Though Poltrona started CWB in his homeland of Spain in 1993,it has expanded to 12 international chapters today.Each year hundreds of clowns make hundreds of thousands laugh all over the world.It's a kind of compassionate comic relief for those who have suffered through war,earthquakes,poverty and other tragedies.

    Clown around

    CWB's clowns are professional form around the world,yet they are also volunteers who seperate their service from their careers.Often having interactions with non-verbal comedy.This can include acting,music and games.Though the central focus is laughter,some shows also seek to educate.One groupe,for instance,used bubbles and soap in its program to show the importance of hygiene.


    refugee 难民,避难者

    Thousands of refugees fled their motherland because of civil war.

    The refugee camp is short of clean water and food.

    refuge 避难 庇护

    The cabin sreves as a refuge for moutaineers during bad weather.

    comic 喜剧的  comics 漫画  comedy喜剧  comedian喜剧演员

    The dark humor in this novel made it both comic and scary.

    Robin Williams was one of Hllywood's best comic actors.

    non-verbal 非语言的

    Non-verbal expressions such as body lanuage,convey lots of messages.

    Verbal communication skills count a lot in our job interviews.

    hygiene 卫生

    Good personal hygiene is a must for professional cook.

    When the standard of hygiene are low,diseases spread easily.

    Babies shoule be taken care of in a clean and hygienic enviroment.

    charade 打哑谜猜字游戏


    a blessing in disguise 塞翁失马焉知非福

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