insert into Customer values('001','zhangxq')
insert into Customer values('002','zhuangys')
insert into Customer values('003','zhuangys')
update Customer set names='zhangxq' where uid='002'
insert into Goods values('001','G01','25','100')
insert into Goods values('002','G02','35','130')
insert into Goods values('003','G03','25','100')
use Shopping
alter table Goods
alter column
goodsId varchar(51)
update Goods set uid='002' where goodsId='G02'
alter table Customer
address varchar(50)
update Customer set address='fz' where uid='001'
update Customer set address='xm' where uid='002'
update Customer set address='fz' where uid='003'
create table PromotionGood
goodsId varchar(51),
IsPromotion int check(Ispromotion=0 or IsPromotion=1)
insert into PromotionGood values('G01','0')
insert into PromotionGood values('G02','1')
select *from Customer,Goods,PromotionGood
declare @amount bigint
set @amount = select sum(goodsAmount*goodPrice) from Goods where uid='001'
select *from Customer
select distinct c1.names from Customer c1,Customer c2 where c1.names<>c2.names
select *from Customer as c1 where c1.names in(select names from Customer as c2 where c1.names=c2.names)
select *from Customer as c1,Customer as c2 where c1.uid<>c2.uid and c1.uid in (select Goods.uid from Goods,Customer where Goods.uid=Customer.uid and Customer.address='xm')
select *from goods
select sum(goodsAmount*goodPrice) from goods where goods.uid in( select Goods.uid from Customer,goods where Customer.uid=goods.uid and customer.address='fz')