• Fuzzy KNN

    function [y,predict_class] = f_knn(tr,tr_memberships,te,k)
    % FUZZY KNN classification
    %	[y,predict_class] = f_knn(tr,tr_memberships,te,k)
    %		tr: a NxD-matrix where N is the number of training samples
    %			and D is the dimension of the feature space. Each row is 
    %			the representation of a training sample.
    %		tr_memberships: a NxC-matrix where N is the number of training
    %			samples and C is the number of classes. Each row is the
    %			membership vector of the corresponding sample in the vector 
    %			representation in the training set, tr. The summation of 
    %			each row has to be 1. If the memberships are not fuzzy
    %			one entry in each row is one and others are zero.
    %		te: a MxD-matrix representing the testing set. Each row is
    %			a testing sample. M is the number of testing samples and 
    %			D is the dimension of the feature space.
    %		k: the k parameter of the k-Nearest Neighbor classifier. It 
    %			is a 1D vector where each value is a k-value to make 
    %			prediction with.
    %		y: 3D matrix containing the output memberships. It is a 
    %			(MxCxk_n)-matrix where y(i,j,m) represents the membership 
    %			of i-th testing sample to j-th class with k(m) as the 
    %			parameter k. k_n is the length of k.
    %		predicted_class: (Mx1xk_n)-matrix where (i,1,j)-entry shows 
    %			the most likely class number that is extracted by y matrix.
    %	Example:
    %		tr = rand(100,2);
    %		tr_memberships = zeros(100,2);
    %		tr_memberships(:,1) = rand(100,1);
    %		tr_memberships(:,2) = 1-tr_memberships(:,1);
    %		te = rand(20,2);
    %		k=[1,3,5];
    %		[y,predict_class] = f_knn(tr,tr_memberships,te,k);
    %   References:
    %		J. M. Keller, M. R. Gray, and J. A. Givens, Jr., "A Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm",
    %		IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 580-585.  
    % Note: The m parameter (scaling factor) in the fuzzy kNN classifier is taken to be 2.
    % Cuneyt Mertayak
    % e-mail: cuneyt.mertayak@gmail.com
    % date: 04/09/2008
    % scaling factor
    m = 2;
    [tr_n,class_n] = size(tr_memberships);
    te_n = size(te,1);
    k_n = length(k);
    max_k = max(k);
    y = zeros(te_n,class_n,k_n);
    predicted_class = zeros(te_n,1,k_n);
    % For each testing sample tr(i,:)
    for i=1:te_n
    	te_sample = te(i,:);
    	% Calculate the distance of the testing sample to each sample in the training set
    	% and store them in D
    	D = sum((tr - repmat(te_sample,[tr_n,1])).^2,2);
    	[T,I] = sort(D);
    	% The case of a sample to be exactly at the same position of a training set
    		%warning('Dist 0\n');
    		y(i,:,:) = repmat(tr_memberships(I(1),:),[1,1,k_n]);
    	D = D(I(1:max_k),:);
    	% The following line should be 
    	% D = D.^(-2/(m-1));
    	% But, since the D calculation does not include sqrt expression,
    	% it is necessary to keep it as the one below.
    	D = D.^(-1/(m-1));
    	TR_L = tr_memberships(I(1:max_k),:);
    	% Cumulative sum of the distances between the testing sample and the k nearest 
    	% ones in the training set is calculated
    	CumSum_DIST = cumsum(D,1);
    	CumSum_MULT = cumsum(TR_L.*repmat(D,[1,class_n]),1);
    	% Membership values are calculated with the help of cumulative sum of the distances
    	for k_val=1:k_n
    		y(i,:,k_val) = CumSum_MULT(k(k_val),:) / CumSum_DIST(k(k_val));
    for i=1:k_n
    	predict_class(:,1,i) = likelihood2class(y(:,:,i));
    function classes = likelihood2class(likelihoods)
    % classes = likelihood2class(likelihoods)
    %  Find the class assignment of the samples from the likelihoods
    %  'likelihoods' an NxD matrix where N is the number of samples and
    %  D is the dimension of the feature space. 'likelihoods(i,j)' is
    %  the i-th samples likelihood of belonging to class-j.
    %  'classes' contains the class index of the each sample maximum likelihood
    [sample_n,class_n] = size(likelihoods);
    maxs = (likelihoods==repmat(max(likelihoods,[],2),[1,class_n]));
    for i=1:sample_n
        classes(i) = find(maxs(i,:),1);

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