• 多线程ForkJoin-分治思想






    // 多线程处理(线程数默认等于CPU核心数量)
            ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool();
            AnnexImportTask task = new AnnexImportTask(annexList, provider,annexSecretkeyDaoImp, 0, annexList.size());
            try {
                while(forkJoinPool.getActiveThreadCount() != 0) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
            // 关闭线程池
    public class AnnexImportTask extends RecursiveAction {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 10000000000000L;
        protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AnnexImportTask.class);
        private List<Annex> annexList;
        private BlobContainerProvider provider;
        private AnnexSecretkeyDaoImp annexSecretkeyDaoImp;
        private int threshold = 1000;
        int start;
        int end;
        public AnnexImportTask(List<Annex> annexList,BlobContainerProvider provider, AnnexSecretkeyDaoImp annexSecretkeyDaoImp,int start, int end) {
            this.annexList = annexList;
            this.provider = provider;
            this.annexSecretkeyDaoImp = annexSecretkeyDaoImp;
            this.start = start;
            this.end = end;
        protected void compute() {
            if (end - start < threshold) {
                for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
            } else {
                int middle = (start + end) / 2;
                AnnexImportTask left = new AnnexImportTask(annexList, provider, annexSecretkeyDaoImp,start, middle);
                AnnexImportTask right = new AnnexImportTask(annexList, provider, annexSecretkeyDaoImp, middle, end);
        private void importAnnex(Annex e) {
            String secretkey = "0";
            InputStream binaryStream;
            InputStream encodingToStream;
            GamsAnnexSecretkey gamsAnnexSecretkey;
            if (e.getAnnexData() != null && e.getBizPath() != null) {
                try {
                    binaryStream = ((oracle.sql.BLOB) e.getAnnexData()).getBinaryStream();
                    encodingToStream = EncryptUtil.encodingToStream(binaryStream);
                    // 保存到文件服务器
                    provider.getContainer(e.getBizPath()).uploadFromStream(e.getFilePath(), encodingToStream);
                    // 保存加密的秘钥
                    gamsAnnexSecretkey = new GamsAnnexSecretkey(UUID.randomUUID(), DataType.toUUID(e.getId()), secretkey == "0" ? 0 : 1, secretkey);
                } catch (Exception ex) {



     * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
     * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
     * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
     * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
    package java.util.concurrent;
     * A recursive result-bearing {@link ForkJoinTask}.
     * <p>For a classic example, here is a task computing Fibonacci numbers:
     *  <pre> {@code
     * class Fibonacci extends RecursiveTask<Integer> {
     *   final int n;
     *   Fibonacci(int n) { this.n = n; }
     *   Integer compute() {
     *     if (n <= 1)
     *       return n;
     *     Fibonacci f1 = new Fibonacci(n - 1);
     *     f1.fork();
     *     Fibonacci f2 = new Fibonacci(n - 2);
     *     return f2.compute() + f1.join();
     *   }
     * }}</pre>
     * However, besides being a dumb way to compute Fibonacci functions
     * (there is a simple fast linear algorithm that you'd use in
     * practice), this is likely to perform poorly because the smallest
     * subtasks are too small to be worthwhile splitting up. Instead, as
     * is the case for nearly all fork/join applications, you'd pick some
     * minimum granularity size (for example 10 here) for which you always
     * sequentially solve rather than subdividing.
     * @since 1.7
     * @author Doug Lea
    public abstract class RecursiveTask<V> extends ForkJoinTask<V> {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5232453952276485270L;
         * The result of the computation.
        V result;
         * The main computation performed by this task.
         * @return the result of the computation
        protected abstract V compute();
        public final V getRawResult() {
            return result;
        protected final void setRawResult(V value) {
            result = value;
         * Implements execution conventions for RecursiveTask.
        protected final boolean exec() {
            result = compute();
            return true;


    源码中有排序示例代码:SortTask ;平方和示例代码:sumOfSquares
     * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
     * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
     * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
     * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
    package java.util.concurrent;
     * A recursive resultless {@link ForkJoinTask}.  This class
     * establishes conventions to parameterize resultless actions as
     * {@code Void} {@code ForkJoinTask}s. Because {@code null} is the
     * only valid value of type {@code Void}, methods such as {@code join}
     * always return {@code null} upon completion.
     * <p><b>Sample Usages.</b> Here is a simple but complete ForkJoin
     * sort that sorts a given {@code long[]} array:
     *  <pre> {@code
     * static class SortTask extends RecursiveAction {
     *   final long[] array; final int lo, hi;
     *   SortTask(long[] array, int lo, int hi) {
     *     this.array = array; this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi;
     *   }
     *   SortTask(long[] array) { this(array, 0, array.length); }
     *   protected void compute() {
     *     if (hi - lo < THRESHOLD)
     *       sortSequentially(lo, hi);
     *     else {
     *       int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
     *       invokeAll(new SortTask(array, lo, mid),
     *                 new SortTask(array, mid, hi));
     *       merge(lo, mid, hi);
     *     }
     *   }
     *   // implementation details follow:
     *   static final int THRESHOLD = 1000;
     *   void sortSequentially(int lo, int hi) {
     *     Arrays.sort(array, lo, hi);
     *   }
     *   void merge(int lo, int mid, int hi) {
     *     long[] buf = Arrays.copyOfRange(array, lo, mid);
     *     for (int i = 0, j = lo, k = mid; i < buf.length; j++)
     *       array[j] = (k == hi || buf[i] < array[k]) ?
     *         buf[i++] : array[k++];
     *   }
     * }}</pre>
     * You could then sort {@code anArray} by creating {@code new
     * SortTask(anArray)} and invoking it in a ForkJoinPool.  As a more
     * concrete simple example, the following task increments each element
     * of an array:
     *  <pre> {@code
     * class IncrementTask extends RecursiveAction {
     *   final long[] array; final int lo, hi;
     *   IncrementTask(long[] array, int lo, int hi) {
     *     this.array = array; this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi;
     *   }
     *   protected void compute() {
     *     if (hi - lo < THRESHOLD) {
     *       for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
     *         array[i]++;
     *     }
     *     else {
     *       int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
     *       invokeAll(new IncrementTask(array, lo, mid),
     *                 new IncrementTask(array, mid, hi));
     *     }
     *   }
     * }}</pre>
     * <p>The following example illustrates some refinements and idioms
     * that may lead to better performance: RecursiveActions need not be
     * fully recursive, so long as they maintain the basic
     * divide-and-conquer approach. Here is a class that sums the squares
     * of each element of a double array, by subdividing out only the
     * right-hand-sides of repeated divisions by two, and keeping track of
     * them with a chain of {@code next} references. It uses a dynamic
     * threshold based on method {@code getSurplusQueuedTaskCount}, but
     * counterbalances potential excess partitioning by directly
     * performing leaf actions on unstolen tasks rather than further
     * subdividing.
     *  <pre> {@code
     * double sumOfSquares(ForkJoinPool pool, double[] array) {
     *   int n = array.length;
     *   Applyer a = new Applyer(array, 0, n, null);
     *   pool.invoke(a);
     *   return a.result;
     * }
     * class Applyer extends RecursiveAction {
     *   final double[] array;
     *   final int lo, hi;
     *   double result;
     *   Applyer next; // keeps track of right-hand-side tasks
     *   Applyer(double[] array, int lo, int hi, Applyer next) {
     *     this.array = array; this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi;
     *     this.next = next;
     *   }
     *   double atLeaf(int l, int h) {
     *     double sum = 0;
     *     for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) // perform leftmost base step
     *       sum += array[i] * array[i];
     *     return sum;
     *   }
     *   protected void compute() {
     *     int l = lo;
     *     int h = hi;
     *     Applyer right = null;
     *     while (h - l > 1 && getSurplusQueuedTaskCount() <= 3) {
     *       int mid = (l + h) >>> 1;
     *       right = new Applyer(array, mid, h, right);
     *       right.fork();
     *       h = mid;
     *     }
     *     double sum = atLeaf(l, h);
     *     while (right != null) {
     *       if (right.tryUnfork()) // directly calculate if not stolen
     *         sum += right.atLeaf(right.lo, right.hi);
     *       else {
     *         right.join();
     *         sum += right.result;
     *       }
     *       right = right.next;
     *     }
     *     result = sum;
     *   }
     * }}</pre>
     * @since 1.7
     * @author Doug Lea
    public abstract class RecursiveAction extends ForkJoinTask<Void> {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5232453952276485070L;
         * The main computation performed by this task.
        protected abstract void compute();
         * Always returns {@code null}.
         * @return {@code null} always
        public final Void getRawResult() { return null; }
         * Requires null completion value.
        protected final void setRawResult(Void mustBeNull) { }
         * Implements execution conventions for RecursiveActions.
        protected final boolean exec() {
            return true;



    • 使用这种多线程带来的数据共享问题,在处理结果的合并的时候如果涉及到数据共享的问题,我们尽可能使用JDK为我们提供的并发容器。
    • 在使用JVM的时候我们要考虑OOM的问题,如果我们的任务处理时间非常耗时,并且处理的数据非常大的时候。会造成OOM。
    • ForkJoin也是通过多线程的方式进行处理任务。那么我们不得不考虑是否应该使用ForkJoin。因为当数据量不是特别大的时候,我们没有必要使用ForkJoin。因为多线程会涉及到上下文的切换。所以数据量不大的时候使用串行比使用多线程快。







    public class SortForkJoin {
         * 排序
         * @param arry
         * @return
        public static int[] sort(int[] arry) {
            if (arry.length == 0) return arry;
            for (int index = 0; index < arry.length - 1; index++) {
                int pre_index = index;
                int currentValue = arry[index + 1];
                while (pre_index >= 0 && arry[pre_index] > currentValue) {
                    arry[pre_index + 1] = arry[pre_index];
                arry[pre_index + 1] = currentValue;
            return arry;
         * 组合
         * @param left
         * @param right
         * @return
        public static int[] merge(int[] left, int[] right) {
            int[] result = new int[left.length + right.length];
            for (int resultIndex = 0, leftIndex = 0, rightIndex = 0; resultIndex < result.length; resultIndex++) {
                if (leftIndex >= left.length) {
                    result[resultIndex] = right[rightIndex++];
                } else if (rightIndex >= right.length) {
                    result[resultIndex] = left[leftIndex++];
                } else if (left[leftIndex] > right[rightIndex]) {
                    result[resultIndex] = right[rightIndex++];
                } else {
                    result[resultIndex] = left[leftIndex++];
            return result;
         static  class SortTask extends RecursiveTask<int[]> {
            private int threshold;
            private int start;
            private int end;
            private int segmentation ;
            private int[] src;
            public SortTask(int[] src,int start,int end,int segmentation){
                this.src = src;
                this.start = start;
                this.end = end;
                this.threshold = src.length/segmentation;
                this.segmentation = segmentation;
            protected int[] compute() {
                if((end - start) <threshold){
                   int mid =  (end-start)/2;
                   SortTask leftTask = new SortTask(src,start,mid,segmentation);
                   SortTask rightTask = new SortTask(src,mid+1,end,segmentation);
                   return SortForkJoin.merge(leftTask.join(),rightTask.join());
                   return  SortForkJoin.sort(src);
        public void test() {
            int[]  array = MakeArray.createIntArray();
            ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool= new ForkJoinPool();
            SortTask sortTask =new SortTask(array,0,array.length-1,1000);
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    " spend time:"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start)+"ms");
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiangpeng/p/12803412.html
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