• perl pod文档使用 =head =cut =pod pod2text 实现程序usage说明

    =head1 NAME

    The name of your program or module.

    =head1 SYNOPSIS

    A one-line description of what your program or module does (purportedly).

    =head1 DESCRIPTION

    The bulk of your documentation. (Bulk is good in this context.)

    =head1 AUTHOR

    Who you are. (Or an alias, if you are ashamed of your program.)

    =head1 BUGS

    What you did wrong (and why it wasn’t really your fault).

    =head1 SEE ALSO

    Where people can find related information (so they can work around your bugs).

    =head1 COPYRIGHT

    The copyright statement. If you wish to assert an explicit copyright, you should say something like:

    Copyright 2013, Randy Waterhouse.  All Rights Reserved.


    =for html   或者 =for text

    是把下面的单行注视当作html或者text来处理,与其功能类似的是 =begin html  / =end html    ;   =begin text /  =end text   两对。begin和end之间可以处理多行。

    =over  4

    =item  SOMEWORD


    =item somewordelse



    以上写法是写一个列表,以over开头,后面的数字是列表中每行的缩进量。最后以=back 结尾。

    =cut    是结束pod块的标志,与程序分开。

    在perl中,可以使用 pod2html  **.pm  >**.html 来生成html格式的pod文档。

    =pod =cut既可以作为程序多行注释,又可以实现程序usage说明,利用pod2text命令。die (`pod2text $0`);即可

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xianghang123/p/2193428.html
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