Sublime Text 插件,HTML+CSS+JAVASCRIPT+JSON快速格式化: htmlpretty
Essential Sublime Text 2 Plugins and Extensions–net-24173
Sublime Text 使用介绍、全套快捷键及插件推荐
以下是截止到今天 2013年8月2日 Sublime Text 3 目前支持的插件列表:
- ADBView
- AdvancedNewFile
- Plan to add some enhancements to the ST3 branch, though master is compatible with both ST2 and ST3.
- Andrew
- AngularJS
- AutoBackups
- Better CoffeeScript
- Case Conversion
- CheckBounce
- CodeFormatter
- ColorPicker
- CompleteSharp
- Project Discontinued
- ConvertToUTF8 (For Linux and OS X users: For Linux users: ConvertToUTF8 relies on several dynamic libraries which are missing in embedded version of Python of Sublime Text 2 and 3. This plugin can not work fully until you install them manually.)
- CopyEdit
- CriticMarkup
- CscopeSublime
- CSScomb
- CSSFontFamily
- CursorRuler
- DeleteBlankLines
- Djaneiro
- DocBlockr
- EditPreferences
- EditorConfig
- ElasticTabstops
- Emmet
- Expand Selection to Function (JavaScript)
- eZ Publish Syntax
- File History
- Filter Lines
- FindKeyConflicts
- Flatland (theme)
- Floobits (Doesn’t work with Sublime Text 2 on Windows. Works with Sublime Text 3 on Windows, and 2/3 on Linux/OS X.)
- GenerateUUID
- GitGutter
- GoSublime (not working on Ubuntu)
- google-search
- Hex-to-HSL-Color
- HighlightWords
- HipsterIpsum
- IMESupport
- InactivePanes
- JavaPropertiesEditor
- JavaScript Refactor
- JsFormat
- JsRun
- Koan (Working on OS X Only)
- Laravel Blade
- LaTeXing
- LaTeXTools
- less2css
- local-history
- MarkAndMove
- Markboard3 (Working on OS X Only)
- Menu
- Mediawiker
- memTask
- Modific
- NaturalSelection
- Nettuts-Fetch
- Nil Theme
- ObjcToRubyMotion
- OmniMarkupPreviewer
- Open-Include
- orgmode
- Origami
- PackageResourceViewer
- Pandown
- Phoenix Theme
- Phpcs
- PHP Companion
- PHP-Unit
- PersistentRegexHighlight
- PlainTasks
- Python PEP8 Autoformat
- Rails Latest Migration
- Rails Migration List
- Random Text
- Rsub (Sublime Text support for TextMate’s rmate)
- Ruby Hash Converter (former Ruby 1.9 Hash Converter)
- RubyTest
- ScalaFormat
- Schemr
- SelectUntil
- Smart Delete
- Soda Theme
- Solarized Toggle
- Strapdown Markdown Preview
- SublimeAStyleFormatter
- SublimeClang
- SublimeGDB
- SublimeGit
- SublimeInsertDatetime
- SublimeREPL
- SublimeSBT
- SublimeSimpleSync
- SublimeTmpl
- SublimeXDebug
- sublime-github
- Surround
- SyncedSideBar
- Table Editor
- Themr
- Tradsim
- Trailing Spaces
- TWiki
- URLEncode
- View In Browser
- Vintageous
- Wind
- Worksheet
- Xdebug Client