• Linux 关机命令 All In One

    Linux 关机命令 All In One

    raspberry pi 关机命令

    # 关闭电源
    $ sudo poweroff
    # 立即关机
    $ sudo shutdown -h now
    # 等价于
    $ sudo shutdown -h +0
    # 立即重启
    $ sudo shutdown -r now 
    # 等价于
    $ sudo shutdown -r +0
    # 取消关机
    $ sudo shutdown -c

    -h === host

    -r === reboot

    -c === cancel

    # 3 分钟后自动关机,并且广播提醒所有用户  ⚠️
    $ sudo shutdown -h +3 " 3 分钟后关机, 请提前做好文件保存!"
    # 等价于 `hh:mm`
    $ sudo shutdown -h 00:03 " 3 分钟后关机, 请提前做好文件保存!"
    # 3 分钟后自动重启,并且广播提醒所有用户  ⚠️
    $ sudo shutdown -r +3 " 3 分钟后重启, 请提前做好文件保存!"
    # 取消自动关机,并且广播提醒所有用户  ⚠️
    $ sudo shutdown -c "Canceling the reboot"


    $ sudo shutdown -h
    # usage: shutdown [-] [-h [-u] [-n] | -r [-n] | -s | -k] time [warning-message ...]

    # shutdown [OPTIONS] [TIME] [MESSAGE]

    How To Shutdown Linux Using Command Line

    $ su - 
    # or 
    $ sudo -s
    # root password
    $ shutdown -h now
    # OR
    $ shutdown -h +0
    $ sudo systemctl poweroff
    $ sudo poweroff

    Reboot Linux system command syntax
    The syntax is:
    shutdown -h time "message"


    -h : Poweroff the system.
    time : When to shutdown. You can poweroff immediately or after 2 minutes.
    It can be an absolute time in the format hh:mm, in which hh is the hour (1 or 2 digits) and mm is the minute of the hour (in two digits).
    Second, it can be in the format +m, in which m is the number of minutes to wait.
    The word now is an alias for +0.
    message: Send warning message to send to all users.


    $ man shutdown
    # OR
    $ man 8 shutdown
                 supported UPSs in emergency shutdowns.
         time    Time is the time at which shutdown will bring the system down and may be the
                 word now (indicating an immediate shutdown) or specify a future time in one
                 of two formats: +number, or yymmddhhmm, where the year, month, and day may
                 be defaulted to the current system values.  The first form brings the system
                 down in number minutes and the second at the absolute time specified.
                 Any other arguments comprise the warning message that is broadcast to users
                 currently logged into the system.
         -       If ‘-’ is supplied as an option, the warning message is read from the
                 standard input.
         At intervals, becoming more frequent as apocalypse approaches and starting at ten
         hours before shutdown, warning messages are displayed on the terminals of all users
         logged in.
         At shutdown time a message is written to the system log, containing the time of
         shutdown, the person who initiated the shutdown and the reason.  Corresponding
         signal is then sent to launchd(8) to respectively halt, reboot or bring the system
         down to single-user state (depending on the above options).
         A scheduled shutdown can be canceled by killing the shutdown process (a SIGTERM
         should suffice).
         Upon shutdown, all running processes are sent a SIGTERM followed by a SIGKILL.  The
         SIGKILL will follow the SIGTERM by an intentionally indeterminate period of time.
         Programs are expected to take only enough time to flush all dirty data and exit.
         Developers are encouraged to file a bug with the OS vendor, should they encounter an
         issue with this functionality.
         kill(1), login(1), wall(1), halt(8), launchd(8), reboot(8)
         The hours and minutes in the second time format may be separated by a colon (``:'')
         for backward compatibility.
         The shutdown utility appeared in 4.0BSD.
    macOS 12.3                          December 11, 1998                          macOS 12.3
    $  last shutdown
    shutdown  ~                         Fri Jul  1 22:10 
    shutdown  ~                         Thu Jun 30 10:03 
    shutdown  ~                         Fri Jun 24 22:10 
    shutdown  ~                         Wed Jun 22 16:32 
    shutdown  ~                         Fri Jun 10 22:10 
    shutdown  ~                         Fri May 20 22:10 
    shutdown  ~                         Fri Apr 22 22:10 
    shutdown  ~                         Tue Apr 12 02:45 
    wtmp begins Wed Mar 30 07:58 






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