- 随着半导体工艺的发展,可测性技术(DFT)成为每个芯片在设计中必须考虑的问题
- 如何高效和高质量的测试芯片中的内嵌Memory,成为DFT技术中的关键技术
- 本文针对rombist中的Memorymodel的产生算法和结果做一个分析和总结
- 实际案例的具体分析和计算
- 希望对大家的面试和工作有帮助
MBIST Architect Architecture
- General Memory bist structure :
When Should we Use Memory BIST?
- User should use Memory BIST:
- On medium to large embedded memories
- On memories that are contained within Intellectual Property (IP)that will be reused
- On memories that should be tested at speed
- On devices with multiple embedded memories
- On devices that are time-to-market critical
- On devices that run on ATEs with limited capability
- On SoCs where testing and verification will be difficult
Advantages of Adding BIST
- Enables Intellectual Property (IP) reuse
- Reduces test application time and simplifies pattern generation
- Reduces amount of test data to store
- Facilitates hierarchical test capabilities -- lets you easily testat model, block, design, and system levels
- Merges test and design, reducing development time
- BIST controller can be shared across memories
Disadvantages of Adding BIST
- Small area increase
- Adds Mux delay to memory data path
- Not as flexible as direct access testing
- Small routing and timing impact