• Matlab 提高精度 vpa



    因此需要提高现有数据类型的精度,matlab提供了可以自定义数据精度的函数vpa——详见Product Help或help。

    需要说明的是:当不再需要高精度时,需要double(数据) -> double类型,或者其他你需要的类型。

    >> help vpa
     VPA    Variable precision arithmetic.
        R = VPA(S) numerically evaluates each element of the double matrix
        S using variable precision floating point arithmetic with D decimal
        digit accuracy, where D is the current setting of DIGITS.
        The resulting R is a SYM.
        VPA(S,D) uses D digits, instead of the current setting of DIGITS.
        D is an integer or the SYM representation of a number.
        It is important to avoid the evaluation of an expression using double
        precision floating point arithmetic before it is passed to VPA.
        For example,
           phi = vpa((1+sqrt(5))/2)
        first computes a 16-digit approximation to the golden ratio, then
        converts that approximation to one with d digits, where d is the current
        setting of DIGITS.  To get full precision, use unevaluated string or
        symbolic arguments,
           phi = vpa('(1+sqrt(5))/2')
           s = sym('sqrt(5)')
           phi = vpa((1+s)/2);
        Additional examples:
           vpa(pi,780) shows six consecutive 9's near digit 770 in the
              decimal expansion of pi.
           vpa(hilb(2),5) returns
              [    1., .50000]
              [.50000, .33333]
        See also double, digits.

        Overloaded methods:

        Reference page in Help browser
           doc vpa

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