• love2d教程33--window模块

    love.load() io.stdout:setvbuf("no") -- 设置io为无缓存模式 --获取显示模式 local w1, h1, flags = love.window.getMode() --[[ flags是一个表,默认属性如下 fullscreen false resizable false fsaa 0 fullscreentype normal vsync true minwidth 1 centered true minheight 1 borderless false display 1 ]] --love.window.setMode( width, height, flags ) --设置显示模式,flags参数同上 --获取显示器的分辨率,参数是第i个显示器 local w2, h2 = love.window.getDesktopDimensions(flags.display) --获取love2d程序的窗口大小 local w3, h3 = love.window.getWidth( ) ,love.window.getHeight() local w4, h4 = love.window.getDimensions( )--同上 --窗口标题 love.window.setTitle("测试window模块") print(love.window.getTitle()) --获取love2d所在显示器的所有显示模式 local modes = love.window.getFullscreenModes(flags.display) table.sort(modes, function(a, b) return a.width*a.height < b.width*b.height end) --按宽x高结果大小排序 print("显示器模式") for k,v in pairs(modes) do print(k,v.width,v.height) end -- love.window.getDisplayCount()--获取显示器数量 -- love.window.getFullscreen() --是否全屏 --设置全屏,两种模式 "normal"和desktop",缺省normal模式 --normal会改变屏幕分辨率 --desktop是无边框窗口,窗口自动适应屏幕分辩率,不改变屏幕分辩率大小 --当love2d窗口大小设为800x600可以发现使用desktop鼠标大小不变,而noraml变大 --love.window.setFullscreen( true, "normal" ) --设置图标 任务栏上的图标,图片大小有限制 --love.window.setIcon(love.image.newImageData("1.jpg") ) --love.window.getIcon() --获取图标 --love.window.isCreated() --窗口是否创建 -- scale = love.window.getPixelScale( ) --和mac视网膜显示屏相关,love2d 0.9.1才有这个函数 end local msg="" local kfocus,mfocus="","" function love.draw() love.graphics.print("press 'c' resize,'n' normal fullscreen,'d' desktop fullscreen",100,50) love.graphics.print(msg, 100, 100) love.graphics.print(kfocus, 100, 120) love.graphics.print(mfocus, 100, 140) end function love.update() --窗口焦点事件,当失去焦点时,应该让游戏暂停 if love.window.hasFocus() then kfocus="window has keyboard focus" else kfocus="window lose keyboard focus" end if love.window.hasMouseFocus() then mfocus="window has mouse focus" else mfocus="window lose mouse focus" end --窗口是否可见 if love.window.isVisible() then msg="Window is visible!" else msg="Window is not visible!" end end function love.keypressed(key) if key == "escape" then love.event.quit() end --测试love.resize if key == "c" then love.window.setMode(100000,100000) end if key== "n" then love.window.setFullscreen( true, "normal" ) end if key=="d" then love.window.setFullscreen( true, "desktop" ) end end --love.window.isVisible的回调模式 function love.visible(v) if v then print("Window is visible!") else print("Window is not visible!") end end --窗口大小改变事件,只有不满足love.window.setMode设置的大小时引发 function love.resize(w, h) msg=("resize %d and height: %d."):format(w, h) print(msg) end --love.window.hasFocus的回调模式 function love.focus(f) if not f then text = "UNFOCUSED!!" print("LOST FOCUS") else text = "FOCUSED!" print("GAINED FOCUS") end end --love.window.hasMouseFocus的回调模式 function love.mousefocus(f) if not f then text = "Mouse is not in the window!" print("LOST MOUSE FOCUS") else text = "Mouse is in the window!" print("GAINED MOUSE FOCUS") end end
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xdao/p/love2d-tutor33.html
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