• [JSON.NET4.5文档] 简介

    JSON.NET项目地址: http://json.codeplex.com/

    JSON.NET 快速开始&API文档


    Json.NET makes working with JSON formatted data in .NET simple. Quickly read and write JSON using LINQ to JSON or serialize your .NET objects with a single method call using the JsonSerializer.

    Json.NET使得在.NET中使用JSON格式的数据变得简单起来。使用LINQ to JSON或者通过调用JsonSerializer的一个方法序列化你的.NET对象来快速读/写JSON.



    • Flexible JSON serializer to convert .NET objects to JSON and back again  灵活的JSON序列化器用于在.NET对象与JSON之间来回转换。
    • LINQ to JSON for reading and writing JSON LINQ to JSON用于读写JSON。
    • Writes indented, easy to read JSON 缩排书写,使得JSON易读
    • Convert JSON to and from XML JSON与XML相互转化
    • Supports Silverlight and the Compact Framework 支持Silverlight和.NET框架Compact版

    The JSON serializer is a good choice when the JSON you are reading or writing maps closely to a .NET class. The serializer automatically reads and writes JSON for the class.


    For situations where you are only interested in getting values from JSON, don't have a class to serialize or deserialize to, or the JSON is radically different from your class and you need to manually read and write from your objects then LINQ to JSON is what you should use. LINQ to JSON allows you to easily read, create and modify JSON in .NET.

    对于你只是对从JSON获取值感兴趣的情况,不需要有一个类来序列化或反序列化,或者JSON根本就和你的类不同,需要你手动读写你的对象,这时LINQ to JSON应该是你的选择。LINQ to JSON使你容易的在.NET里读取、创建和修改JSON。 

    History 历史

    Json.NET grew out of projects I was working on in late 2005 involving JavaScript, AJAX and .NET. At the time there were no libraries for working with JavaScript in .NET so I began to grow my own.


    Starting out as a couple of static methods for escaping JavaScript strings, Json.NET evolved as features were added. To add support for reading JSON a major refactor was required and Json.NET will split into the three major classes it still uses today, JsonReader, JsonWriter and JsonSerializer.


    Json.NET was first released in June 2006. Since then Json.NET has been downloaded thousands of times by developers and is used in a number of major projects open source projects including MonoRail, Castle Project's MVC web framework, and Mono, an open source implementation of the .NET framework.

    Json.NET第一次发布是在2006年的六月份。从那时起,Json.NET一直被无数开发人员下载以及被用在一系列主流开源项目中,包括:MonoRail,Castle项目的MVC web框架和Mono(.NET框架的一个开源实现)。

    ~ James Newton-King

    Donate 捐助

    Json.NET is a free open source project that I have developed in my personal time.


    I really appreciate your feedback and support for Json.NET and its future development.


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