• ILNumerics---High Performance Math Library for C# and .NET

    ILNumerics, C# and .NET: Modern Tools for numerical Algorithms

    Using a managed general purpose language like C# for algorithm development brings many advantages: programmers have direct access to the rich feature set of the .NET and the mono frameworks, a whole tool belt of professionial utilities is available: modern debuggers, profilers, IDEs.

    Resulting programs run on all major platforms out of the box. Deployment, maintainance, handling of large projects – established software development principles now immediately apply to your numerical algorithms as well.

    Scene Graph API and Plotting Tools: 3D Visualizations for .NET

    Most technical applications eventually utilize some kind of graphical user interface. ILNumerics allows the creation of complex 2d and 3d Visualizations in the .NET framework with unique simplicity and performance.

    It is being used for the integration of scientific 2d and 3d Plots and for sophisticated custom visualizations. A convenient Scene Graph API realizes full interactivity and the abstraction of arbitrary scenes for many rendering targets like OpenGL, SVG and GDI+.

    High Performance with C#: Catch up with modern Software Devs

    Benefits continue when it comes to performance: thousands of enterprise projects proove the .NET CLR to be one of the most mature managed environments nowadays. With its generational garbage collector (GC) and options for low level memory control the CLR offers far better performance than other popular computing frameworks.

    ILNumerics abstracts away the nasty platform specific details one must keep in mind for C++ & Co. It automatically parallelizes your algorithms. A transparent memory management makes sure that the GC is not stressed at all. ILNumerics execution times are comparable to optimized C/C++ algorithms, nevertheless offering the much higher syntactic convenience of C#.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xbruce/p/3305335.html
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