Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).
For example,
T = "ABC"
Minimum window is "BANC"
If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the emtpy string ""
If there are multiple such windows, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.
class Solution { public: string minWindow(string s, string t) { if (s.empty() && t.empty() ) return ""; if (s.size()<t.size()) return ""; const int ASCII_MAX = 256; // record how much times a char occurs in t int t_char_count[ASCII_MAX] = {0}; for ( int i=0; i<t.size(); ++i ) { t_char_count[(int)t[i]]++; } // record how much times a char occurs in s int s_char_count[ASCII_MAX] = {0}; // global min begin and end index for minimum interval int begin_min=-1, end_min=s.size(); // local min begin ( no need to record local min end ,because it is 'i' ) int begin = 0; int match_size = 0; for ( int i=0; i<s.size(); ++i ) { // current interval not match && current char in t if ( t_char_count[(int)s[i]]>0 ) { //cout << s[i] << ":" << t_char_count[s[i]] << endl; s_char_count[(int)s[i]]++; // if a char occurs more times in current interval s than in t, can not increase match_size if ( s_char_count[(int)s[i]]<=t_char_count[(int)s[i]] ) match_size++; } if ( match_size==t.size() ) { // move begin forward untill not match while ( begin<=i ) { // only address chars not in t if ( s_char_count[(int)s[begin]]>0 ) { if ( s_char_count[(int)s[begin]]-1<t_char_count[(int)s[begin]] ) { //cout << s_char_count[s[begin]] << endl; match_size--; break; } s_char_count[(int)s[begin]]--; } begin++; } s_char_count[(int)s[begin]]--; // update global min begin and end if ( end_min-begin_min > i-begin ) { end_min = i; begin_min = begin; } begin++; } } if( end_min-begin_min>s.size() ) return ""; return s.substr(begin_min,end_min-begin_min+1); } };
如果是bruce force暴力解法,时间复杂度可以是O(n²)的:
1. 遍历每个位置,以每个位置为中心,往左右走,直到包含所有的元素,取最短的。
2. 取所有interval中最短的。
1. 维护几个核心变量:
b) s中当前区间里面,t中每个字符出现了几次(s_char_count)
c) s当前区间是否满足包含t(match_size)
2. 这道题思路很有趣:先找满足包含t的区间;一旦找到了这样的区间,再缩小这样的区间。
缩减区间的方法:后面的指针保持不动,前面的指针往后移动,直到match_size < t.size(),则证明当前区间已经是最小的满足条件的区间了。
3. 动态更新最小区间。
class Solution { public: string minWindow(string s, string t) { int t_counts[256] = {0}; int s_counts[256] = {0}; for ( int i=0; i<t.size(); ++i ) t_counts[(int)t[i]]++; int matchTime = 0; int begin = -1; int end = s.size(); int b = 0; for ( int i=0; i<s.size(); ++i ) { // only address character occurs in string t if ( t_counts[(int)s[i]]>0 ) { s_counts[(int)s[i]]++; // after s_count add one change matchTime if ( s_counts[(int)s[i]]<=t_counts[(int)s[i]] ) matchTime++; } // when there is a window, then minimisze it if ( matchTime==t.size() ) { while ( b<=i ) { // only address charatcers occurs in string t if ( s_counts[(int)s[b]]>0 ) { // if move over 'begin then 'can not keep window if ( s_counts[(int)s[b]]-1 < t_counts[(int)s[b]] ) { matchTime--; break; } s_counts[(int)s[b]]--; } b++; } if ( i-b < end-begin ) { begin = b; end = i; } s_counts[(int)s[b]]--; b++; } } if ( end-begin>s.size() ) return ""; return s.substr(begin, end-begin+1); } };