• 数据结构:链表(python版)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
      3 # Author: Minion Xu
      5 class LinkedListUnderflow(ValueError):
      6     pass
      8 class LNode(object):
      9     def __init__(self, elem, next_=None):
     10         self.elem = elem
     11         self.next = next_
     13 class LList(object):
     14     def __init__(self):
     15         self._head = None
     16         self._num = 0
     18     #清楚单链表
     19     def clear(self):
     20         LList.__init__(self)
     22     #判断单链表是否为空
     23     def is_empty(self):
     24         return self._head is None
     26     #计算单链表元素的个数 两种方式:遍历列表 或 返回 _num
     27     def count(self):
     28         return self._num
     29         """
     30         p = self._head
     31         num = 0
     32         while p:
     33             num += 1
     34             p = p.next
     35         return num
     36         """
     37     def __len__(self):
     38         p = self._head
     39         num = 0
     40         while p:
     41             num += 1
     42             p = p.next
     43         return num
     45     #表首端插入元素
     46     def prepend(self, elem):
     47         self._head = LNode(elem, self._head)
     48         self._num += 1
     50     #删除表首端元素
     51     def pop(self):
     52         if self._head is None:
     53             raise LinkedListUnderflow("in pop")
     54         e = self._head.elem
     55         self._head = self._head.next
     56         self._num -= 1
     57         return e
     59     #表末端插入元素
     60     def append(self, elem):
     61         if self._head is None:
     62             self._head = LNode(elem)
     63             self._num += 1
     64             return
     65         p = self._head
     66         while p.next:
     67             p = p.next
     68         p.next = LNode(elem)
     69         self._num += 1
     71     #删除表末端元素
     72     def pop_last(self):
     73         if self._head is None:
     74             raise LinkedListUnderflow("in pop_last")
     75         p = self._head
     76         #表中只有一个元素
     77         if p.next is None:
     78             e = p.elem
     79             self._head = None
     80             self._num -= 1
     81             return e
     82         while p.next.next:
     83             p = p.next
     84         e = p.next.elem
     85         p.next = None
     86         self._num -= 1
     87         return e
     89     #发现满足条件的第一个表元素
     90     def find(self, pred):
     91         p = self._head
     92         while p:
     93             if pred(p.elem):
     94                 return p.elem
     95             p = p.next
     97     #发现满足条件的所有元素
     98     def filter(self, pred):
     99         p = self._head
    100         while p:
    101             if pred(p.elem):
    102                 yield p.elem
    103             p = p.next
    105     #打印显示
    106     def printall(self):
    107         p = self._head
    108         while p:
    109             print(p.elem, end="")
    110             if p.next:
    111                 print(", ",end="")
    112             p = p.next
    113         print("")
    115     #查找某个值,列表有的话返回为True,没有的话返回False
    116     def search(self, elem):
    117         p = self._head
    118         foundelem = False
    119         while p and not foundelem:
    120             if p.elem == elem:
    121                 foundelem = True
    122             else:
    123                 p = p.next
    124         return foundelem
    126     #找出元素第一次出现时的位置
    127     def index(self, elem):
    128         p = self._head
    129         num = -1
    130         found = False
    131         while p and not found:
    132             num += 1
    133             if p.elem == elem:
    134                 found = True
    135             else:
    136                 p = p.next
    137         if found:
    138             return num
    139         else:
    140             raise ValueError("%d is not in the list!" % elem)
    142     #删除第一个出现的elem
    143     def remove(self, elem):
    144         p = self._head
    145         pre = None
    146         while p:
    147             if p.elem == elem:
    148                 if not pre:
    149                     self._head = p.next
    150                 else:
    151                     pre.next = p.next
    152                 break
    153             else:
    154                 pre = p
    155                 p = p.next
    156         self._num -= 1
    158     #在指定位置插入值
    159     def insert(self, pos, elem):
    160         #当值大于count时就默认尾端插入
    161         if pos >= self.count():
    162             self.append(elem)
    163         #其他情况
    164         elif 0<=pos<self.count():
    165             p = self._head
    166             pre = None
    167             num = -1
    168             while p:
    169                 num += 1
    170                 if pos == num:
    171                     if not pre:
    172                         self._head = LNode(elem, self._head)
    173                         self._num += 1
    174                     else:
    175                         pre.next = LNode(elem,pre.next)
    176                         self._num += 1
    177                     break
    178                 else:
    179                     pre = p
    180                     p = p.next
    181         else:
    182             raise IndexError
    184     #删除表中第i个元素
    185     def __delitem__(self, key):
    186         if key == len(self) - 1:
    187             #pop_lasy num自减
    188             self.pop_last()
    189         elif 0<=key<len(self)-1:
    190             p = self._head
    191             pre = None
    192             num = -1
    193             while p:
    194                 num += 1
    195                 if num == key:
    196                     if not pre:
    197                         self._head = pre.next
    198                         self._num -= 1
    199                     else:
    200                         pre.next = p.next
    201                         self._num -=1
    202                     break
    203                 else:
    204                     pre = p
    205                     p = p.next
    206         else:
    207             raise IndexError
    209     #根据索引获得该位置的元素
    210     def __getitem__(self, key):
    211         if not isinstance(key, int):
    212             raise TypeError
    213         if 0<=key<len(self):
    214             p = self._head
    215             num = -1
    216             while p:
    217                 num += 1
    218                 if key == num:
    219                     return p.elem
    220                 else:
    221                     p = p.next
    222         else:
    223             raise IndexError
    225     # ==
    226     def __eq__(self, other):
    227         #两个都为空列表 则相等
    228         if len(self)==0 and len(other)==0:
    229             return True
    230         #两个列表元素个数相等 当每个元素都相等的情况下 两个列表相等
    231         elif len(self) == len(other):
    232             for i in range(len(self)):
    233                 if self[i] == other[i]:
    234                     pass
    235                 else:
    236                     return False
    237             #全部遍历完后则两个列表相等
    238             return True
    239         #两个列表元素个数不相等 返回Fasle
    240         else:
    241             return False
    242     # !=
    243     def __ne__(self, other):
    244         if self.__eq__(other):
    245             return False
    246         else:
    247             return True
    248     # >
    249     def __gt__(self, other):
    250         l1 = len(self)
    251         l2 = len(other)
    252         if not isinstance(other, LList):
    253             raise TypeError
    254         # 1.len(self) = len(other)
    255         if l1 == l2:
    256             for i in range(l1):
    257                 if self[i] == other[i]:
    258                     continue
    259                 elif self[i] < other[i]:
    260                     return False
    261                 else:
    262                     return True
    263             #遍历完都相等的话说明两个列表相等 所以返回False
    264             return False
    265         # 2.len(self) > len(other)
    266         if l1 > l2:
    267             for i in range(l2):
    268                 if self[i] == other[i]:
    269                     continue
    270                 elif self[i] < other[i]:
    271                     return False
    272                 else:
    273                     return True
    274             #遍历完后前面的元素全部相等 则列表个数多的一方大
    275             #if self[l2-1] == other[l2-1]:
    276             return True
    277         # 3.len(self) < len(other)
    278         if l1 < l2:
    279             for i in range(l1):
    280                 if self[i] == other[i]:
    281                     continue
    282                 elif self[i] < other[i]:
    283                     return False
    284                 else:
    285                     return True
    286             #遍历完后前面的元素全部相等 则列表个数多的一方大
    287             #if self[l2-1] == other[l2-1]:
    288             return False
    289     # <
    290     def __lt__(self, other):
    291         #列表相等情况下>会返回False,则<这里判断会返回True,有错误.所以要考虑在==的情况下也为False
    292         if self.__gt__(other) or self.__eq__(other):
    293             return False
    294         else:
    295             return True
    296     # >=
    297     def __ge__(self, other):
    298         """
    299         if self.__eq__(other) or self.__gt__(other):
    300             return True
    301         else:
    302             return False
    303         """
    304         #大于等于和小于是完全相反的,所以可以依靠小于实现
    305         if self.__lt__(other):
    306             return False
    307         else:
    308             return True
    309     # <=
    310     def __le__(self, other):
    311         """
    312         if self.__eq__(other) or self.__lt__(other):
    313             return True
    314         else:
    315             return False
    316         """
    317         ##小于等于和大于是完全相反的,所以可以依靠大于实现
    318         if self.__gt__(other):
    319             return False
    320         else:
    321             return True
    324 #example 大于5返回True的函数
    325 def greater_5(n):
    326     if n>5:
    327         return True
    329 if __name__=="__main__":
    330     mlist1 = LList()
    331     mlist2 = LList()
    332     mlist1.append(1)
    333     mlist2.append(1)
    334     mlist1.append(2)
    335     mlist2.append(2)
    336     #mlist1.append(2)
    337     mlist2.append(6)
    338     mlist2.append(11)
    339     mlist2.append(12)
    340     mlist2.append(14)
    341     mlist1.printall()
    342     mlist2.printall()
    343     #print(mlist1 == mlist2)
    344     #print(mlist1 != mlist2)
    345     print(mlist1 <= mlist2)
    347     mlist2.del_if(greater_5)
    348     mlist2.printall()
    350     """
    351     llist1 = LNode(1)
    352     p = llist1
    353     for i in range(2,11):
    354         p.next = LNode(i)
    355         p = p.next
    357     p = llist1
    358     while p is not None:
    359         print(p.elem, end=" ")
    360         p = p.next
    361     print("
    363     mlist1 = LList()
    364     for i in range(10):
    365         mlist1.prepend(i)
    366     for i in range(11,20):
    367         mlist1.append(i)
    368     mlist1.printall()
    372     mlist1.pop()
    373     mlist1.printall()
    375     mlist1.pop_last()
    376     mlist1.printall()
    378     print("===")
    379     print(mlist1.search(18))
    381     print(mlist1.index(18))
    383     mlist1.remove(0)
    384     mlist1.printall()
    386     mlist1.insert(1,20)
    387     mlist1.printall()
    389     del(mlist1[2])
    390     mlist1.printall()
    392     print(mlist1.count())
    394     print(mlist1.count())              -
    395     print(len(mlist1))
    396     print(mlist1.find(greater_5))
    397     for i in mlist1.filter(greater_5):
    398         print(i, end=",")
    399     """
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xautxuqiang/p/6099035.html
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