一 Recursion
1. base case: smallest problem
2. subproblem
3. recursion rule
- fibonacci 数列
base case:n=1 return 1
n=0 return 0
recursion rule: f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2)
进入function之后要先判断base case,check是否要停下来
public static long fibo1(int num){ if(num==0) return 0; if(num==1) return 1; return fibo1(num-1)+fibo1(num-2); }
时间复杂度相当于计算该树有多少个node (当前TC * 总共被调用多少层)
空间复杂度:how many memory does it cost along the active path?
public static long fibo(int num){ if(num<=0) return 0; long[] array=new long[num+1]; array[0]=0; array[1]=1; for(int i=2;i<array.length;i++){ array[i]=array[i-1]+array[i-2]; } return array[num]; } public static long fibo2(int num){//hash map写法 if(num<=0) return 0; HashMap<Integer, Long> hashmap=new HashMap<Integer,Long>(); hashmap.put(0,(long) 0); hashmap.put(1,(long) 1); for(int i=2; i<num+1;i++){ hashmap.put(i, hashmap.get(i-2)+hashmap.get(i-1)); } return hashmap.get(num); }
- power(a,b)
public long power(int a, int b){ //time o(b) //space o(b) if(b==0){ return 1; } return power(a,b-1)*a; } public long power2(int a, int b){ //time o(b) //space o(1) for(int i=0; i<=b;i++){ a*=a; } return a; } public long power3(int a, int b){ //time O(b) //space O(logb) if(b==0) return 1; if(b%2==0){ return power3(a,b/2)*power3(a,b/2); }else{ return power3(a,b/2)*power3(a,b/2)*a; } } public long power4(int a, int b){//best //time O(logb) //space o(logb) if(b==0) return 1; long half =power4(a,b/2);//先存起来,下次就不用再求 if(b%2==0){ return half*half; }else{ return half*half*a; } }
二 Binary search
Key question: What is binary search?
1. We must guarantee that the search space that (possibly contains the target to find) decrease over time (after each iteration)
2. we must guarantee that the target (if exist) cannot be ruled out accidentally
- classic binary search
Given a target integer T and an integer array A sorted in ascending order, find the index i such that A[i] == T or return -1 if there is no such index.
public int binarySearch(int[] array, int target) { // Write your solution here. if(array==null || array.length==0) return -1; int left=0; int right=array.length-1; while(left<=right){ int mid=left+(right-left)/2; if(array[mid]==target){ return mid; }else if(array[mid]>target){ right=mid-1; }else{ left=mid+1; } } return -1; }
如何debug? 当length=0或1时
不可以写成mid=(right-left)/2会integer overflow
- First Occurance
Given a target integer T and an integer array A sorted in ascending order, find the index of the first occurrence of T in A or return -1 if there is no such index.
public int firstOccur(int[] array, int target) { // Write your solution here if(array==null || array.length==0) return -1; int left=0; int right=array.length-1; while(left+1<right){ int mid=left+(right-left)/2; if(array[mid]>=target){ right=mid; //因为mid可能就是我们要的 }else{ left=mid+1; } } if(array[left]==target) return left; if(array[right]==target) return right; return -1; }
直接可以判断返回l或r的原因是,不断的缩小sorted array的范围,最后要么在l要么在r,除非不存在
- Last Occurance
Given a target integer T and an integer array A sorted in ascending order, find the index of the last occurrence of T in A or return -1 if there is no such index.
public int lastOccur(int[] array, int target) { // Write your solution here if(array==null || array.length==0) return -1; int left=0; int right=array.length-1; while(left+1<right){ int mid=left+(right-left)/2; if(array[mid]<=target){ left=mid; }else{ right=mid-1; } } if(array[right]==target) return right; if(array[left]==target) return left; return -1; }
- Closest in sorted array
Given a target integer T and an integer array A sorted in ascending order, find the index i in A such that A[i] is closest to T.
public int closest(int[] array, int target) { // Write your solution here if(array==null || array.length==0) return -1; int left=0; int right=array.length-1; while(left<right-1){//因为最后要比较l和r两个元素 int mid=left+(right-left)/2; if(array[mid]==target){ return mid; }else if(array[mid]>target){ right=mid; }else{ left=mid; } } if(Math.abs(array[left]-target)<Math.abs(array[right]-target)){ return left; }else{ return right; } }
- k closest in sorted array
Given a target integer T, a non-negative integer K and an integer array A sorted in ascending order, find the K closest numbers to T in A.
public int[] kClosest(int[] array, int target, int k) { // Write your solution here int[] res=new int[k]; if(k==0) return res; int left=0; int right=array.length-1; while(left<right-1){ int mid=left+(right-left)/2; if(array[mid]==target){ left=mid; }else if(array[mid]>target){ right=mid; }else{ left=mid; } } for(int i=0; i<k;i++){ if(left < 0 || (right <= array.length-1&&Math.abs(array[left]-target)>Math.abs(array[right]-target))){ res[i]=array[right]; right+=1; }else{ res[i]=array[left]; left-=1; } } return res; }
TC=O(logn+k),logn是前面binary search的过程,K是后面iteration的部分.
第二种算法TC=O(logn+logk),用两次binary search!后面Iteration可以看成两个"sorted" array (之后更新)
- Search in unknown size sorted array
Given a integer dictionary A of unknown size, where the numbers in the dictionary are sorted in ascending order, determine if a given target integer T is in the dictionary. Return the index of T in A, return -1 if T is not in A.
public int search(Dictionary dict, int target) { // Write your solution here if(dict==null) return -1; int left=0; int right=left+1; while(dict.get(right)!=null && dict.get(right)<=target){//确定包含target的左右边界 if(dict.get(right)==target) return right; else{ left=right; right=right*2; } } while(left<=right){ int mid=left+(right-left)/2; if(dict.get(mid)==null || dict.get(mid)>target){ right=mid-1; }else if(dict.get(mid)==target){ return mid; } else{ left=mid+1; } } return -1; }
需要注意的是,在进行binary search的时候,可能right是超过边界的,于是mid可能超过边界,此时需要先判断mid是否超过边界,如果是,则right=mid-1;
if(dict.get(mid)==target){ return mid; }else if(dict.get(mid)>target){ right=mid-1; }else { left=mid+1; }
如果一定要把mid==target放在第一位,那只能每次判断条件都加!=null :)
此时,right还未进第一个while就超界了,所以直接binary search,这时mid=left=0,dict.get(right)==null,我们执行第一个if,即right=mid-1=0,这样改变了right值,直接就跳出循环了
这不是我们要的结果,所以我们要判断mid是否越界,此时mid=left=0,没有越界,于是缩小right到0,此时再次while循环,dict.get(mid)==target,return mid,这是我们要的
查找边界(跳出) binary search
2 log2(n) slow log2(2n) slow
10 log10(n) fast log2(10n) fast
- search in sorted matrix I
Given a 2D matrix that contains integers only, which each row is sorted in an ascending order. The first element of next row is larger than (or equal to) the last element of previous row.
Given a target number, returning the position that the target locates within the matrix. If the target number does not exist in the matrix, return {-1, -1}.
public int[] search(int[][] matrix, int target) { // Write your solution here int[] res={-1,-1}; int r=matrix.length;//row number int c=matrix[0].length;//column number int left=0; int right=r*c-1; while(left<=right){ int mid=left+(right-left)/2; if(matrix[mid/c][mid%c]==target){ res[0]=mid/c; res[1]=mid%c; return res; }else if(matrix[mid/c][mid%c]>target){ right=mid-1; }else{ left=mid+1; } } return res; }
主要思想就是把这个2Dmatrix展开成1D的array,两者坐标相互对应进行binary search