• Hello English Again

    Currently, I just want to write something in English.Maybe I just want to review my Egnlish knowledge or maybe I'm scared of losing about ten years of English learning. Any way, It just seems to be a very important thing to do, like I have to although I don't want to use English when I write articles. It's really terrible to me and I know you readers should understand if English is not your mother tongue. Suddenly the words of Elon Musk emerge,"if something is important enough, you do it enven if the odds are not in your favor". I guess this may be the reason why I want to write in English.
    Well, I must always use the right brian not the whole brain to think about affairs. I run afoul of my left brain and don't know what should I write in English. After considering for a while, I think maybe we could talk about my working life since it almost takes up most of my time.
    I've been working for almost three years after graduation from UESTC. I know I would be a softerware developer but I cannot confirm the precise niche. When I started to participate in the campus recruitment activities, I have totally no ideas about this kind of things and I just set a simple condition that the location must be Shenzhen. I really like this city. So when I just got one offer which was located in Shenzhen and the company is called TCL, I finished my own recruitment. I know it sounded stupid to stop pursuitting and trying other companies but I just felt OK at that time. Honestly, I hope all your guys should go to get as many offers as you can.
    My first job was Android Developer which I've never thought about. I was imaging that I might do Web or Java backend deveopment. Anyway I have been involved in Android. After taking part in two projects, I found that Android development was great. I could get a lot of fun from it and the most important thing was that I could handle many tough problems by myself.
    But one day, there was some inner voice saying that 'Is Android your favorite job?'. This question really shocked me because I didn't know if Android developer is my favorite job. after considering a couple of days, I just quit my job and started my job searching. This time I mainly focused on backend development. And I got a java backend developer from Morningstar which is a US company. I start to learn Spring,Mybatis, Java Web as much as I can. After about a month, I was responsible for refactoring the code of search team wich was based on Solar. I don't want to splurge but the true is that I got many small red flowers except WTF when reviewing my code in the meeting room.
    Everyone has his free time to do something for relax or entertainment. Some may watch movies, others may do some sports while I just feel great when coding ,especially when it's not under pressure. So I spent a lot of time on coding at odd hours. During the Morningstar, I just developed my own Android APP which has been submited to Baidu APP Store. It was really exciting.
    And I also confirm that I prefer front-end development than back-end developer. It has become very clear after one year clutter, soon later I made a disicion to find an Android related job. I really appreciated the atmosphere of trust in Morningstar, so called human-based management.
    I'm not an idealist but Everything went so smoothly after I dicided to change my job. For some reasons, I joined a start-up which was just builded by my manager in Morningstar. So everything seems like translation not transformation.
    Now I'm a real front-end developer and I'm not only focus on Android but also iOS and web.
    Well, this article is really like a self-introduction. Maybe there are some grammer and word mistakes. Some sentences might sound like chinglish.I knew the case that Lei Jun who said 'Are you OK?' to his fans and he got a lot of laugh and contempt. Anyway, I appreciate his courage of using English even though he was not so good at it.
    You know,nobody can be perfect in every aspect and this should never be the reason that we stop trying. I hope one day I could give a fluent english presentation and some people that I've never heard of said 'hey, I saw one of your articles wroted in so-called english, it reeks of taste' I would answer that 'Thank you for your attention and this is why I work hard to improve it.'
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wytings/p/6507620.html
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