• 跟左神学算法5 基础数据结构(链表相关)










     1 // 单向链表:
     2     public static class Node {
     3         public int value;
     4         public Node next;
     5         public Node(int data) {
     6             this.value = data;
     7         }
     8     }
    10 // 双向链表:
    11     public static class DoubleNode {
    12         // 双向链表的节点
    13         public int value;
    14         public DoubleNode last;        // 前一个节点
    15         public DoubleNode next;        // 后一个节点
    17         public DoubleNode(int data) {
    18             this.value = data;
    19         }
    20     }
    22 // 输出链表:
    23     public static void printLinkedList(Node node) {
    24         // 打印单向链表
    25         System.out.print("Linked List: ");
    26         while (node != null) {
    27             System.out.print(node.value + " ");
    28             node = node.next;
    29         }
    30         System.out.println();
    31     }    
    33     public static void printDoubleLinkedList(DoubleNode head) {
    34         // 输出双向链表
    35         System.out.print("Double Linked List: ");
    36         DoubleNode end = null;
    37         while (head != null) {
    38             System.out.print(head.value + " ");
    39             end = head;
    40             head = head.next;
    41         }
    42         System.out.print("| ");
    43         while (end != null) {
    44             System.out.print(end.value + " ");
    45             end = end.last;
    46         }
    47         System.out.println();
    48     }
    50 // 求链表长度:
    51     public static int getLinkListLength(Node head) {
    52         int length = 0;
    53         while (head != null) {
    54             length++;
    55             head = head.next;
    56         }
    57         return length;
    58     }
    60 // 数组和链表之间的转换:            
    61     // convert the linklist to array
    62     public static int[] LinkListToArray(Node head) {
    63         if (head == null) {
    64             return null;
    65         }
    66         int length = getLinkListLength(head);
    67         int[] arr = new int[length];
    68         int cur = 0;
    69         while (head != null) {
    70             arr[cur++] = head.value;
    71             head = head.next;
    72         }
    74         return arr;
    75     }
    77     // convert the array to linklist
    78     public static Node ArrayToLinkList(int[] arr) {
    79         if (arr == null || arr.length == 0) {
    80             return null;
    81         }
    82         Node head = new Node(arr[0]);
    83         Node n = head;
    84         for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
    85             n.next = new Node(arr[i]);
    86             n = n.next;
    87         }
    89         return head;
    90     }



    要求时间复杂度: O(N)  额外空间复杂度: O(1)


     1 public class ReverseList {
     2     public static class Node {
     3         // 单向链表的节点
     4         public int value;
     5         public Node next;
     7         public Node(int data) {
     8             this.value = data;
     9         }
    10     }
    12     public static class DoubleNode {
    13         // 双向链表的节点
    14         public int value;
    15         public DoubleNode last;
    16         public DoubleNode next;
    18         public DoubleNode(int data) {
    19             this.value = data;
    20         }
    21     }
    23     public static Node reverseList(Node head) {
    24         // 反转单向链表
    25         Node pre = null;
    26         Node next = null;
    27         while (head != null) {
    28             next = head.next;
    29             head.next = pre;
    30             pre = head;
    31             head = next;
    32         }
    33         return pre;
    34     }
    36     public static DoubleNode reverseList(DoubleNode head) {
    37         // 反转双向链表
    38         DoubleNode pre = null;
    39         DoubleNode next = null;
    40         while (head != null) {
    41             next = head.next;
    42             head.next = pre;
    43             head.last = next;
    44             pre = head;
    45             head = next;
    46         }
    47         return pre;
    48     }
    50     public static void printLinkedList(Node head) {
    51         // 输出单向链表
    52         System.out.print("Linked List: ");
    53         while (head != null) {
    54             System.out.print(head.value + " ");
    55             head = head.next;
    56         }
    57         System.out.println();
    58     }
    60     public static void printDoubleLinkedList(DoubleNode head) {
    61         // 输出双向链表
    62         System.out.print("Double Linked List: ");
    63         DoubleNode end = null;
    64         while (head != null) {
    65             System.out.print(head.value + " ");
    66             end = head;
    67             head = head.next;
    68         }
    69         System.out.print("| ");
    70         while (end != null) {
    71             System.out.print(end.value + " ");
    72             end = end.last;
    73         }
    74         System.out.println();
    75     }
    77     public static void main(String[] args) {
    78         // 1 -> 2 -> 3
    79         Node head1 = new Node(1);
    80         head1.next = new Node(2);
    81         head1.next.next = new Node(3);
    82         printLinkedList(head1);
    83         printLinkedList(reverseList(head1));
    85         // 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4   |   1 <- 2 <- 3 <- 4
    86         DoubleNode head2 = new DoubleNode(1);
    87         head2.next = new DoubleNode(2);
    88         head2.next.last = head2;
    89         head2.next.next = new DoubleNode(3);
    90         head2.next.next.last = head2.next;
    91         head2.next.next.next = new DoubleNode(4);
    92         head2.next.next.next.last = head2.next.next;
    93         printDoubleLinkedList(head2);
    94         printDoubleLinkedList(reverseList(head2));
    96     }
    97 }



    给定两个有序链表的头指针head1和head2 打印两个链表的公共部分


     1 public class PrintCommonPart {    
     2     public static class Node {
     3         public int value;
     4         public Node next;
     5         public Node(int data) {
     6             this.value = data;
     7         }
     8     }
    10     public static void printCommonPart(Node head1, Node head2) {
    11         // 打印两个有序链表的公共部分
    12         System.out.print("Common Part: ");
    13         while (head1 != null && head2 != null) {
    14             if (head1.value < head2.value) {
    15                 head1 = head1.next;
    16             } else if (head1.value > head2.value) {
    17                 head2 = head2.next;
    18             } else {
    19                 System.out.print(head1.value + " ");
    20                 head1 = head1.next;
    21                 head2 = head2.next;
    22             }
    23         }
    24         System.out.println();
    25     }
    27     public static void printLinkedList(Node node) {
    28         // 打印链表
    29         System.out.print("Linked List: ");
    30         while (node != null) {
    31             System.out.print(node.value + " ");
    32             node = node.next;
    33         }
    34         System.out.println();
    35     }
    37     public static void main(String[] args) {
    38         Node node1 = new Node(2);
    39         node1.next = new Node(3);
    40         node1.next.next = new Node(5);
    41         node1.next.next.next = new Node(6);
    43         Node node2 = new Node(1);
    44         node2.next = new Node(2);
    45         node2.next.next = new Node(5);
    46         node2.next.next.next = new Node(7);
    47         node2.next.next.next.next = new Node(8);
    49         printLinkedList(node1);
    50         printLinkedList(node2);
    51         printCommonPart(node1, node2);
    52     }
    53 }



    给定一个链表的头节点head, 请判断该链表是否为回文结构。 例如: 1->2->1, 返回true
    1->2->2->1, 返回true 15->6->15, 返回true 1->2->3, 返回false
    进阶: 如果链表长度为N, 时间复杂度达到O(N), 额外空间复杂度达到O(1)



    使用栈  第一次遍历链表依次将节点值存入栈中  然后第二次遍历链表时出栈  将出栈的值和遍历到的节点值进行比较 

    相等就继续遍历   不等就说明不是回文结构   遍历到最后都没有不等的那么说明是回文结构


    一个快指针 一个慢指针 快指针一次走2步 慢指针一次走1步 当快指针走完时慢指针刚好到中点

    然后从慢指针的位置开始将后面的链表逆序 最后将逆序后的后半部分链表和前半部分链表对比

    若两者相等就说明是回文结构 否则不是    另外注意: 不管最后返回什么 这个链表的结构要还原然后返回!


      1 import java.util.*;
      3 public class IsPalindromeList {
      4     public static class Node {
      5         public int value;
      6         public Node next;
      8         public Node(int data) {
      9             this.value = data;
     10         }
     11     }
     13     // need n extra space
     14     public static boolean isPalindrome1(Node head) {
     15         if (head == null || head.next == null) {
     16             return true;
     17         }
     18         Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();
     19         Node cur = head;
     20         while (cur != null) {
     21             stack.push(cur);
     22             cur = cur.next;
     23         }
     24         while (head != null) {
     25             if (head.value != stack.pop().value) {
     26                 return false;
     27             }
     28             head = head.next;
     29         }
     30         return true;
     31     }
     33     // need n/2 extra space
     34     public static boolean isPalindrome2(Node head) {
     35         if (head == null || head.next == null) {
     36             return true;
     37         }
     38         Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();
     39         Node right = head.next;                        // 把慢指针往后移一位 方便后面直接从慢指针停的位置开始对比
     40         Node cur = head;
     41         while (cur.next != null && cur.next.next != null) {
     42             right = right.next;
     43             cur = cur.next.next;
     44         }    // 此时right指向右部分第一个(eg: 5个中的第四个 4个中的第三个)
     45         while (right != null) {
     46             stack.push(right);
     47             right = right.next;
     48         }
     49         while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
     50             if (head.value != stack.pop().value) {
     51                 return false;
     52             }
     53             head = head.next;
     54         }
     55         return true;
     56     }
     58     // need O(1) extra space
     59     public static boolean isPalindrome3(Node head) {
     60         if (head == null || head.next == null) {
     61             return true;
     62         }
     63         // n1是慢指针 n2是快指针
     64         Node n1 = head;
     65         Node n2 = head;
     66         while (n2.next != null && n2.next.next != null) { // find mid node
     67             n1 = n1.next;             // n1 -> mid
     68             n2 = n2.next.next;         // n2 -> end
     69         }
     70         n2 = n1.next;                 // n2 -> right part first node
     71         n1.next = null;             // mid.next -> null
     72         Node n3 = null;
     73         while (n2 != null) {         // right part convert
     74             n3 = n2.next;             // n3 -> save next node
     75             n2.next = n1;             // next of right node convert
     76             n1 = n2;                 // n1 move
     77             n2 = n3;                 // n2 move
     78         }
     79         n2 = head;                    // n2 -> save first node
     80         n3 = n1;                     // n3 -> save last node
     81         boolean res = true;
     82         while (n1 != null && n2 != null) { // check palindrome
     83             if (n1.value != n2.value) {
     84                 res = false;
     85                 break;
     86             }
     87             n1 = n1.next; // left to mid
     88             n2 = n2.next; // right to mid
     89         }
     91         // recover list
     92         n1 = n3.next;
     93         n3.next = null;
     94         while (n1 != null) { 
     95             n2 = n1.next;
     96             n1.next = n3;
     97             n3 = n1;
     98             n1 = n2;
     99         }
    100         return res;
    101     }
    103     public static void printLinkedList(Node node) {
    104         System.out.print("Linked List: ");
    105         while (node != null) {
    106             System.out.print(node.value + " ");
    107             node = node.next;
    108         }
    109         System.out.println();
    110     }
    112     public static void main(String[] args) {
    114         Node head = null;
    115         printLinkedList(head);
    116         System.out.print(isPalindrome1(head) + " | ");
    117         System.out.print(isPalindrome2(head) + " | ");
    118         System.out.println(isPalindrome3(head) + " | ");
    119         printLinkedList(head);
    120         System.out.println("=========================");
    122         head = new Node(1);
    123         printLinkedList(head);
    124         System.out.print(isPalindrome1(head) + " | ");
    125         System.out.print(isPalindrome2(head) + " | ");
    126         System.out.println(isPalindrome3(head) + " | ");
    127         printLinkedList(head);
    128         System.out.println("=========================");
    130         head = new Node(1);
    131         head.next = new Node(2);
    132         printLinkedList(head);
    133         System.out.print(isPalindrome1(head) + " | ");
    134         System.out.print(isPalindrome2(head) + " | ");
    135         System.out.println(isPalindrome3(head) + " | ");
    136         printLinkedList(head);
    137         System.out.println("=========================");
    139         head = new Node(1);
    140         head.next = new Node(1);
    141         printLinkedList(head);
    142         System.out.print(isPalindrome1(head) + " | ");
    143         System.out.print(isPalindrome2(head) + " | ");
    144         System.out.println(isPalindrome3(head) + " | ");
    145         printLinkedList(head);
    146         System.out.println("=========================");
    148         head = new Node(1);
    149         head.next = new Node(2);
    150         head.next.next = new Node(3);
    151         printLinkedList(head);
    152         System.out.print(isPalindrome1(head) + " | ");
    153         System.out.print(isPalindrome2(head) + " | ");
    154         System.out.println(isPalindrome3(head) + " | ");
    155         printLinkedList(head);
    156         System.out.println("=========================");
    158         head = new Node(1);
    159         head.next = new Node(2);
    160         head.next.next = new Node(1);
    161         printLinkedList(head);
    162         System.out.print(isPalindrome1(head) + " | ");
    163         System.out.print(isPalindrome2(head) + " | ");
    164         System.out.println(isPalindrome3(head) + " | ");
    165         printLinkedList(head);
    166         System.out.println("=========================");
    168         head = new Node(1);
    169         head.next = new Node(2);
    170         head.next.next = new Node(3);
    171         head.next.next.next = new Node(1);
    172         printLinkedList(head);
    173         System.out.print(isPalindrome1(head) + " | ");
    174         System.out.print(isPalindrome2(head) + " | ");
    175         System.out.println(isPalindrome3(head) + " | ");
    176         printLinkedList(head);
    177         System.out.println("=========================");
    179         head = new Node(1);
    180         head.next = new Node(2);
    181         head.next.next = new Node(2);
    182         head.next.next.next = new Node(1);
    183         printLinkedList(head);
    184         System.out.print(isPalindrome1(head) + " | ");
    185         System.out.print(isPalindrome2(head) + " | ");
    186         System.out.println(isPalindrome3(head) + " | ");
    187         printLinkedList(head);
    188         System.out.println("=========================");
    190         head = new Node(1);
    191         head.next = new Node(2);
    192         head.next.next = new Node(3);
    193         head.next.next.next = new Node(2);
    194         head.next.next.next.next = new Node(1);
    195         printLinkedList(head);
    196         System.out.print(isPalindrome1(head) + " | ");
    197         System.out.print(isPalindrome2(head) + " | ");
    198         System.out.println(isPalindrome3(head) + " | ");
    199         printLinkedList(head);
    200         System.out.println("=========================");
    202     }
    203 }






    将链表节点放到数组然后partition   这个方法比较简单,直接将链表中的值保存到一个数组中,然后按照荷兰国旗的划分方式,将数组划分成左边小于那个数,中间等于那个数,右边大于那个数的形式,

    (荷兰国旗问题用于快速排序中的partition过程),划分完之后,再把数组中的值用链表的形式连接起来。但是这个方法需要 额外的O(n)的空间复杂度,且partition不能达到稳定性






      1 public class PartitionLinkList {
      2     public static class Node {
      3         public int value;
      4         public Node next;
      6         public Node(int data) {
      7             this.value = data;
      8         }
      9     }
     11     // get the length of linklist
     12     public static int getLinkListLength(Node head) {
     13         int length = 0;
     14         while (head != null) {
     15             length++;
     16             head = head.next;
     17         }
     19         return length;
     20     }
     22     // convert the linklist to array
     23     public static int[] LinkListToArray(Node head) {
     24         if (head == null) {
     25             return null;
     26         }
     27         int length = getLinkListLength(head);
     28         int[] arr = new int[length];
     29         int cur = 0;
     30         while (head != null) {
     31             arr[cur++] = head.value;
     32             head = head.next;
     33         }
     35         return arr;
     36     }
     38     // convert the array to linklist
     39     public static Node ArrayToLinkList(int[] arr) {
     40         if (arr == null) {
     41             return null;
     42         }
     43         Node head = new Node(arr[0]);
     44         Node n = head;
     45         for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
     46             n.next = new Node(arr[i]);
     47             n = n.next;
     48         }
     50         return head;
     51     }
     53     // 按顺序合并两个链表(每个都可能为null)
     54     public static Node mergeLinkList(Node head1, Node head2) {
     55         if (head1 == null && head2 == null) {
     56             return null;
     57         } else if (head1 == null) {
     58             return head2;
     59         } else if (head2 == null) {
     60             return head1;
     61         } else {
     62             Node head = head1;
     63             Node tail = head;
     64             Node tail_a = head1.next;
     65             while(tail_a != null){
     66                 tail.next = tail_a;
     67                 tail = tail_a;
     68                 tail_a = tail_a.next;
     69             }
     70             Node tail_b = head2;
     71             while(tail_b != null){
     72                 tail.next = tail_b;
     73                 tail = tail_b;
     74                 tail_b = tail_b.next;
     75             }
     77             return head;
     78         }
     79     }
     81     // for test
     82     public static void printLinkedList(Node head) {
     83         while (head != null) {
     84             System.out.print(head.value + " ");
     85             head = head.next;
     86         }
     87         System.out.println();
     88     }
     90     // for test
     91     public static void printArray(int[] arr) {
     92         if (arr == null) {
     93             return;
     94         }
     95         for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
     96             System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");
     97         }
     98         System.out.println();
     99     }
    101     // for test
    102     public static void swap(int[] arr, int i, int j) {
    103         int temp = arr[i];
    104         arr[i] = arr[j];
    105         arr[j] = temp;
    106     }
    108     // partition a array
    109     public static void partition(int[] arr, int num) {
    110         int less = -1;
    111         int more = arr.length;
    112         for (int i = 0; i < more; i++) {
    113             if (arr[i] < num) {
    114                 swap(arr, i, ++less);
    115             } else if (arr[i] > num) {
    116                 swap(arr, i, --more);
    117             }
    118         }
    119     }
    121     // 普通方法
    122     public static Node partitionLinkList1(Node head, int num) {
    123         // 将链表转换成数组 然后把数组partition一下 然后将partition后的数组再依次搞到链表中
    124         int[] arr = LinkListToArray(head);
    125         partition(arr, num);
    126         head = ArrayToLinkList(arr);
    128         return head;
    129     }
    131     // 进阶方法
    132     public static Node partitionLinkList2(Node head, int num) {
    133         Node sH = null; // small head
    134         Node sT = null; // small tail
    135         Node eH = null; // equal head
    136         Node eT = null; // equal tail
    137         Node bH = null; // big head
    138         Node bT = null; // big tail
    139         Node next = null; // save next node
    140         while (head != null) {
    141             // 拿出头节点head
    142             next = head.next;
    143             head.next = null;
    144             // 根据head的值将head放入对应的链表中
    145             if (head.value < num) {
    146                 if (sH == null) {
    147                     sH = head;
    148                     sT = head;
    149                 } else {
    150                     sT.next = head;
    151                     sT = head;
    152                 }
    153             } else if (head.value > num) {
    154                 if (bH == null) {
    155                     bH = head;
    156                     bT = head;
    157                 } else {
    158                     bT.next = head;
    159                     bT = head;
    160                 }
    161             } else {
    162                 if (eH == null) {
    163                     eH = head;
    164                     eT = head;
    165                 } else {
    166                     eT.next = head;
    167                     eT = head;
    168                 }
    169             }
    171             // 拿到原head之后的链表
    172             head = next;
    173         }
    175         // printLinkedList(sH);
    176         // printLinkedList(eH);
    177         // printLinkedList(bH);
    179         // 将三个链表合并在一起
    180         return mergeLinkList(mergeLinkList(sH, eH), bH);
    181     }
    183     // test
    184     public static void main(String[] args) {
    185         // test partitionLinkList1
    186         Node head = new Node(1);
    187         head.next = new Node(3);
    188         head.next.next = new Node(6);
    189         head.next.next.next = new Node(5);
    190         head.next.next.next.next = new Node(8);
    191         head.next.next.next.next.next = new Node(1);
    192         printLinkedList(head);
    193         head = partitionLinkList1(head, 5); // partition linklist
    194         printLinkedList(head);
    195         System.out.println("============================");
    197         // test partitionLinkList2
    198         Node head2 = new Node(1);
    199         head2.next = new Node(3);
    200         head2.next.next = new Node(6);
    201         head2.next.next.next = new Node(5);
    202         head2.next.next.next.next = new Node(8);
    203         head2.next.next.next.next.next = new Node(1);
    204         printLinkedList(head2);
    205         head2 = partitionLinkList2(head2, 5);
    206         printLinkedList(head2);
    207     }
    209 }



    public class Node{
      public int value; // 节点值
      public Node next; // 下一个节点
      public Node rand;

      public Node(int data){
        this.value = data
    给定一个由 Node节点类型组成的无环单链表的头节点head,请实现一个 函数完成这个链表中
    进阶: 不使用额外数据结构,只用有限几个变量,时间复杂度为 O(N)


     1 最快的思路:
     2     借助hash表实现 将节点拷贝(只拷贝节点的value) 然后把原节点作为key 拷贝之后的节点
     3     作为value 放入hash表中 然后依次读取原节点的next和rand 将拷贝后的节点连起来
     5 另外的思路:
     6     不用哈希表来保存对应关系,只用有限的几个变量完成所有的功能。
     7     首先从左到右遍历链表,对每个节点cur都复制生成相应的副本节点copy,然后把copy放在cur和
     8     下一个要遍历节点的中间 再从左到右遍历链表,在遍历时设置每一个副本节点的rand指针
     9     每个节点的副本节点都在自己的后一个,所以此时通过next就可以找到 以这种方式可以设置
    10     每一个副本节点的rand指针 最后将原节点和副本节点分离


     1 public class CopyLinkListRand {
     2     public static class Node{
     3          public int value;        // 节点值
     4         public Node next;        // 下一个节点
     5         public Node rand;        
     7         public Node(int data){
     8             this.value = data;
     9         }
    10     }
    12     public static void printRandLinkedList(Node head) {
    13         Node cur = head;
    14         System.out.print("order: ");
    15         while (cur != null) {
    16             System.out.print(cur.value + " ");
    17             cur = cur.next;
    18         }
    19         System.out.println();
    20         cur = head;
    21         System.out.print("rand:  ");
    22         while (cur != null) {
    23             System.out.print(cur.rand == null ? "- " : cur.rand.value + " ");
    24             cur = cur.next;
    25         }
    26         System.out.println();
    27     }
    29     public static Node copyLinkListRand1(Node head){
    30         if (head == null) {
    31             return null;
    32         }
    33         HashMap<Node, Node> map = new HashMap<Node, Node>();
    34         Node cur = head;
    35         while(cur!=null){
    36             map.put(cur, new Node(cur.value));
    37             cur = cur.next;
    38         }
    39         cur = head;
    40         while(cur!=null){
    41             map.get(cur).next = map.get(cur.next);
    42             map.get(cur).rand = map.get(cur.rand);
    43             cur = cur.next;
    44         }
    45         return map.get(head);
    46     }
    48     public static Node copyLinkListRand2(Node head){
    49         if (head == null) {
    50             return null;
    51         }
    52         Node cur = head;
    53         Node next = null;
    54         // copy node and link to every node
    55         while (cur != null) {
    56             next = cur.next;
    57             cur.next = new Node(cur.value);
    58             cur.next.next = next;
    59             cur = next;
    60         }
    61         cur = head;
    62         Node curCopy = null;
    63         // set copy node rand
    64         while (cur != null) {
    65             next = cur.next.next;
    66             curCopy = cur.next;
    67             curCopy.rand = cur.rand != null ? cur.rand.next : null;
    68             cur = next;
    69         }
    70         Node res = head.next;
    71         cur = head;
    72         // split
    73         while (cur != null) {
    74             next = cur.next.next;
    75             curCopy = cur.next;
    76             cur.next = next;
    77             curCopy.next = next != null ? next.next : null;
    78             cur = next;
    79         }
    80         return res;
    81     }
    83     public static void main(String[] args) {    
    84     }
    85 }



    在本题中,单链表可能有环,也可能无环。给定两个 单链表的头节点 head1和head2,这两个链表可能相交,也可能 不相交。请实现一个函数, 如果两个链表相交,请返回相交

    的 第一个节点;如果不相交,返回null 即可。 要求:如果链表1长度为N,链表2长度为M 时间复杂度O(N+M),额外空间复杂度O(1)



    • 链表是否有环
    • 链表是否相交
    • 如果相交返回第一个节点


      1 public class FindFirstIntersectNode {
      3     public static class Node {
      4         public int value;
      5         public Node next;
      7         public Node(int data) {
      8             this.value = data;
      9         }
     10     }
     12     public static Node getLoopNode(Node head){
     13         // 判断单链表是否成环 成环返回环的第一个节点 否则返回null
     14         if (head == null || head.next == null || head.next.next == null) {
     15             return null;
     16         }
     17         Node n1 = head.next;         // n1 -> slow
     18         Node n2 = head.next.next;     // n2 -> fast
     19         while (n1 != n2) {
     20             if (n2.next == null || n2.next.next == null) {
     21                 return null;
     22             }
     23             n2 = n2.next.next;
     24             n1 = n1.next;
     25         }
     26         n2 = head; // n2 -> walk again from head
     27         while (n1 != n2) {
     28             n1 = n1.next;
     29             n2 = n2.next;
     30         }
     31         return n1;
     32     }
     34     public static Node getIntersectNode(Node head1, Node head2){
     35         if(head1 == null && head2 == null){
     36             return null;
     37         }
     38         Node loop1 = getLoopNode(head1);
     39         Node loop2 = getLoopNode(head2);
     40         if(loop1 == null && loop2 == null){
     41             // 两个无环链表的相交问题
     42             return noloop(head1, head2);
     43         }
     44         if(loop1 != null && loop2 != null){
     45             // 两个有环链表的相交问题
     46             return bothLoop(head1, loop1, head2, loop2);
     47         }
     48         // 两个链表中一个有环 一个无环 不可能相交
     49         return null;
     50     }
     52     public static Node noloop(Node head1, Node head2){
     53         // 两个无环链表的相交问题
     54         // 1 不可能相交
     55         if(head1 == null || head2 == null){
     56             return null;
     57         }
     59         // 2 可能相交
     60         Node cur1 = head1;
     61         Node cur2 = head2;
     63         // n代表两个链表长度的差值关系
     64         int n = 0;
     65         while (cur1.next != null) {
     66             n++;
     67             cur1 = cur1.next;
     68         }
     69         while (cur2.next != null) {
     70             n--;
     71             cur2 = cur2.next;
     72         }
     73         // 两个无环链表最后一个节点不相等 一定不相交
     74         if (cur1 != cur2) {
     75             return null;
     76         }
     77         // 两个无环链表最后一个节点相等 一定相交
     78         // 定位谁是长链表 谁是短链表
     79         cur1 = n > 0 ? head1 : head2;
     80         cur2 = cur1 == head1 ? head2 : head1;
     81         // 移动长链表的cur
     82         n = Math.abs(n);
     83         while (n != 0) {
     84             n--;
     85             cur1 = cur1.next;
     86         }
     87         // cur1和cur2相等的位置就是第一次相交的位置
     88         while (cur1 != cur2) {
     89             cur1 = cur1.next;
     90             cur2 = cur2.next;
     91         }
     92         return cur1;
     93     }
     95     public static Node bothLoop(Node head1, Node loop1, Node head2, Node loop2){
     96         Node cur1 = null;
     97         Node cur2 = null;
     98         if (loop1 == loop2) {
     99             // 类似上述无环链表相交的情况
    100             cur1 = head1;
    101             cur2 = head2;
    102             int n = 0;
    103             while (cur1 != loop1) {
    104                 n++;
    105                 cur1 = cur1.next;
    106             }
    107             while (cur2 != loop2) {
    108                 n--;
    109                 cur2 = cur2.next;
    110             }
    111             // 定位谁是长链表 谁是短链表
    112             cur1 = n > 0 ? head1 : head2;
    113             cur2 = cur1 == head1 ? head2 : head1;
    114             // 移动长链表的cur
    115             n = Math.abs(n);
    116             while (n != 0) {
    117                 n--;
    118                 cur1 = cur1.next;
    119             }
    120             // cur1和cur2相等的位置就是第一次相交的位置
    121             while (cur1 != cur2) {
    122                 cur1 = cur1.next;
    123                 cur2 = cur2.next;
    124             }
    125             return cur1;
    126         } else {
    127             cur1 = loop1.next;
    128             while (cur1 != loop1) {
    129                 if (cur1 == loop2) {
    130                     // 相交
    131                     return loop1;
    132                 }
    133                 cur1 = cur1.next;
    134             }
    135             // 根本不相交
    136             return null;
    137         }
    138     }
    140     public static void main(String[] args) {
    142     }
    143 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wyb666/p/10159405.html
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