• linguistic相关

    Knowing a word means knowing both its sound and its meaning, while being able to use a word requires four kinds of information:

    1) its sounds

    2) its meanings

    3) how related words such as the plural (for nouns) and past tense (for verbs) are formed

    4) its category and how to use it in a sentence

    lexicon - a list of words on a particular subject or in a language in alphabeical order

    dictionary - a book that gives a list of the words of a language in alphabetical order and explians what they mean or gives a word for them in a foreign language【相当于lexicon + 每个单词的释义】

    vocabulary - a list of words with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language【相当于dictionary的mini版本,且不要求单词顺序】

    Syntax(句法) is the grammar, structure, or order of the elements in a language statement. Semantics(语义) is the meaning of these elements.

    The study of the rules that govern the formation of words and internal structure of words is called morphology(形态学).A morpheme(词素) is the smallest meaning-bearing unit of a language. It is an arbitrary union of sound and meaning that cannot be further divided.Derivational morphemes, including free morphemes, prefixes and suffixes, produce new words from existing words

    Inflectional morpheme is another type of morphemes that changes the form of a word but does not change the central meaning of the word, nor its lexical category. They are always attached to the ends of words to conform to different roles in a sentence or in discourse.

    lemma : the basic form of a word
    commponents of a word: 
    <building blocks>
      prefix: the beginnings of the words; suffix: the ends of the words.
       take 'workers' for example:其中s是表示数的曲折词缀,er是词后缀, work是词根,worker就是词干
    <meaning decomposition>
       semantic primitive 语义原语(义原)
    A semantic role is the underlying relationship that a participant has with the main verb in a clause.      
    Also known as: Semantic case, thematic role, theta role (generative grammar), and deep case (case grammar)
    Discussion 】 
    Semantic role is the actual role a participant plays in some real or imagined situation, apart from the linguistic encoding of those situations.
    Example: If, in some real or imagined situation, someone named John purposely hits someone named Bill, then John is the agent[1] and Bill is the patient[2] of the hitting event. Therefore, the semantic role of Bill is the same (patient) in both of the following sentences:

        John hit Bill.

        Bill was hit by John.

    In both of the above sentences, John has the semantic role of agent.
    [1] Agent is the semantic role of a person or thing who is the doer of an event.
    [2] Patient is a semantic role that is usually the surface object of the verb in a sentence.Also known as:affected, undergoer
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wxiaoli/p/6095159.html
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