• 单向LSTM笔记, LSTM做minist数据集分类

    单向LSTM笔记, LSTM做minist数据集分类


      1.input_size: 每一个时步(time_step)输入到lstm单元的维度.(实际输入的数据size为[batch_size, input_size])

           2. hidden_size: 确定了隐含状态hidden_state的维度. 可以简单的看成: 构造了一个权重, 隐含状态 


      3 . num_layers: 叠加的层数。如图所示num_layers为 3

      4. batch_first: 输入数据的size为[batch_size, time_step, input_size]还是[time_step, batch_size, input_size]


     1 ########################## pytorch 用LSTM做minist数据分类 ##################
     2 ##########################################################################
     3 import torch
     4 import torch.utils.data as Data
     5 import torchvision
     6 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     7 import numpy as np
     9 BATCH_SIZE = 50
    12 class RNN(torch.nn.Module):
    13     def __init__(self):
    14         super().__init__()
    15         self.rnn = torch.nn.LSTM(
    16             input_size=28,
    17             hidden_size=64,
    18             num_layers=1,
    19             batch_first=True
    20         )
    21         self.out = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=64, out_features=10)
    23     def forward(self, x):
    24         # 一下关于shape的注释只针对单向
    25         # output: [batch_size, time_step, hidden_size]
    26         # h_n: [num_layers,batch_size, hidden_size] # 虽然LSTM的batch_first为True,但是h_n/c_n的第一维还是num_layers
    27         # c_n: 同h_n
    28         output, (h_n, c_n) = self.rnn(x)
    29         #print(output.size())
    30         # output_in_last_timestep=output[:,-1,:] # 也是可以的
    31         output_in_last_timestep = h_n[-1, :, :]
    32         # print(output_in_last_timestep.equal(output[:,-1,:])) # ture
    33         x = self.out(output_in_last_timestep)
    34         return x
    37 if __name__ == "__main__":
    38     # 1. 加载数据
    39     training_dataset = torchvision.datasets.MNIST("./mnist", train=True,
    40                                                   transform=torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(), download=True)
    41     dataloader = Data.DataLoader(dataset=training_dataset,
    42                                  batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=2)
    43     # showSample(dataloader)
    44     test_data = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root="./mnist", train=False,
    45                                            transform=torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(), download=False)
    46     test_dataloader = Data.DataLoader(
    47         dataset=test_data, batch_size=1000, shuffle=False, num_workers=2)
    48     testdata_iter = iter(test_dataloader)
    49     test_x, test_y = testdata_iter.next()
    50     test_x = test_x.view(-1, 28, 28)
    51     # 2. 网络搭建
    52     net = RNN()
    53     # 3. 训练
    54     # 3. 网络的训练(和之前CNN训练的代码基本一样)
    55     optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=0.001)
    56     loss_F = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
    57     for epoch in range(3):  # 数据集只迭代一次
    58         for step, input_data in enumerate(dataloader):
    59             x, y = input_data
    60             pred = net(x.view(-1, 28, 28))
    61             loss = loss_F(pred,y)  # 计算loss
    62             optimizer.zero_grad()
    63             loss.backward()
    64             optimizer.step()
    65             if step % 50 == 49:  # 每50步,计算精度
    66                 with torch.no_grad():
    67                     test_pred = net(test_x)
    68                     prob = torch.nn.functional.softmax(test_pred, dim=1)
    69                     pred_cls = torch.argmax(prob, dim=1)
    70                     acc = (pred_cls == test_y).sum().numpy() / pred_cls.size()[0]
    71                     print(f"{epoch}-{step}: accuracy:{acc}")


    • output: 如果num_layer为3,则output只记录最后一层 --------- 第三层的输出。

      • 对应图中向上的h_t
      • 其size根据batch_first而不同。可能是[batch_size, time_step, hidden_size][time_step, batch_size, hidden_size]
    • h_n: 各个层的最后一个时步的隐含状态h.

      • size为[num_layers,batch_size, hidden_size]
      • 对应图中向右的h_t. 可以看出对于单层单向的LSTM, 其h_n最后一层输出h_n[-1,:,:],和output最后一个时步的输出output[:,-1,:]相等。在示例代码中print(h_n[-1,:,:].equal(output[:,-1,:]))会打印True
    • c_n: 各个层的最后一个时步的隐含状态C

      • c_n可以看成另一个隐含状态,size和h_n相同


    0-49: accuracy:0.3
    0-99: accuracy:0.596
    0-149: accuracy:0.697
    0-199: accuracy:0.734
    0-249: accuracy:0.769
    0-299: accuracy:0.782
    0-349: accuracy:0.751
    0-399: accuracy:0.843
    0-449: accuracy:0.859
    0-499: accuracy:0.87
    0-549: accuracy:0.857
    0-599: accuracy:0.89
    0-649: accuracy:0.88
    0-699: accuracy:0.883
    0-749: accuracy:0.905
    0-799: accuracy:0.905
    0-849: accuracy:0.902
    0-899: accuracy:0.901
    0-949: accuracy:0.908
    0-999: accuracy:0.921
    0-1049: accuracy:0.917
    0-1099: accuracy:0.906
    0-1149: accuracy:0.941
    0-1199: accuracy:0.935
    1-49: accuracy:0.935
    1-99: accuracy:0.936
    1-149: accuracy:0.941
    1-199: accuracy:0.923
    1-249: accuracy:0.94
    1-299: accuracy:0.936
    1-349: accuracy:0.941
    1-399: accuracy:0.948
    1-449: accuracy:0.937
    1-499: accuracy:0.939
    1-549: accuracy:0.949
    1-599: accuracy:0.949
    1-649: accuracy:0.953
    1-699: accuracy:0.947
    1-749: accuracy:0.918
    1-799: accuracy:0.944
    1-849: accuracy:0.957
    1-899: accuracy:0.959
    1-949: accuracy:0.947
    1-999: accuracy:0.944
    1-1049: accuracy:0.961
    1-1099: accuracy:0.964
    1-1149: accuracy:0.961
    1-1199: accuracy:0.952
    2-49: accuracy:0.95
    2-99: accuracy:0.952
    2-149: accuracy:0.957
    2-199: accuracy:0.945
    2-249: accuracy:0.957
    2-299: accuracy:0.953
    2-349: accuracy:0.956
    2-399: accuracy:0.942
    2-449: accuracy:0.946
    2-499: accuracy:0.962
    2-549: accuracy:0.956
    2-599: accuracy:0.957
    2-649: accuracy:0.953
    2-699: accuracy:0.958
    2-749: accuracy:0.963
    2-799: accuracy:0.959
    2-849: accuracy:0.954
    2-899: accuracy:0.961
    2-949: accuracy:0.959
    2-999: accuracy:0.961
    2-1049: accuracy:0.962
    2-1099: accuracy:0.958
    2-1149: accuracy:0.955
    2-1199: accuracy:0.964


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