• 命名规则

    1 ADO.NET 命名规范

    数据类型 数据类型简写 标准命名举例
    Connection con conNorthwind
    Command cmd cmdReturnProducts
    Parameter parm parmProductID
    DataAdapter dad dadProducts
    DataReader dtr dtrProducts
    DataSet dst dstNorthWind
    DataTable dtbl dtblProduct
    DataRow drow drowRow98
    DataColumn dcol dcolProductID
    DataRelation drel drelMasterDetail
    DataView dvw dvwFilteredProducts

    2 WinForm Control 命名规范

    数据类型 数据类型简写 标准命名举例
    Label lbl lblMessage
    LinkLabel llbl llblToday
    Button btn btnSave
    TextBox txt txtName
    MainMenu mmnu mmnuFile
    CheckBox chk chkStock
    RadioButton rbtn rbtnSelected
    GroupBox gbx gbxMain
    PictureBox pic picImage
    Panel pnl pnlBody
    DataGrid dgrd dgrdView
    ListBox lst lstProducts
    CheckedListBox clst clstChecked
    ComboBox cbo cboMenu
    ListView lvw lvwBrowser
    TreeView tvw tvwType
    TabControl tctl tctlSelected
    DateTimePicker dtp dtpStartDate
    HscrollBar hsb hsbImage
    VscrollBar vsb vsbImage
    Timer tmr tmrCount
    ImageList ilst ilstImage
    ToolBar tlb tlbManage
    StatusBar stb stbFootPrint
    OpenFileDialog odlg odlgFile
    SaveFileDialog sdlg sdlgSave
    FoldBrowserDialog fbdlg fgdlgBrowser
    FontDialog fdlg fdlgFoot
    ColorDialog cdlg cdlgColor
    PrintDialog pdlg pdlgPrint

    3 WebControl 命名规范

    数据类型 数据类型简写 标准命名举例
    AdRotator adrt Example
    Button btn btnSubmit
    Calendar cal calMettingDates
    CheckBox chk chkBlue
    CheckBoxList chkl chklFavColors
    CompareValidator valc valcValidAge
    CustomValidator valx valxDBCheck
    DataGrid dgrd dgrdTitles
    DataList dlst dlstTitles
    DropDownList drop dropCountries
    HyperLink lnk lnkDetails
    Image img imgAuntBetty
    ImageButton ibtn ibtnSubmit
    Label lbl lblResults
    LinkButton lbtn lbtnSubmit
    ListBox lst lstCountries
    Panel pnl pnlForm2
    PlaceHolder plh plhFormContents
    RadioButton rad radFemale
    RadioButtonList radl radlGender
    RangeValidator valg valgAge
    RegularExpression vale valeEmail_Validator
    Repeater rpt rptQueryResults
    RequiredFieldValidator valr valrFirstName
    Table tbl tblCountryCodes
    TableCell tblc tblcGermany
    TableRow tblr tblrCountry
    TextBox txt txtFirstName
    ValidationSummary vals valsFormErrors
    XML xmlc xmlcTransformResults
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi/p/2776019.html
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