• How to Improve Reading Skills

    How to Improve Reading Skills

    How to Improve Reading Skills

    In this post, I will take notes about the chapter review of the books about reading.

    1 Chapter 1. Vocabulary in Context

    It is always possible to figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar words from the words that surround them–the Context. There are four kinds of context clues that can be followed:

    1. Examples. Marked by words like for example,/for instance/,/including/,and such as;
    2. Synonyms.Words meaning the same as known ones;
    3. Antonyms. Words meaning the opposite of known words. The above two methods can be guessed by the signal words like and, or;
    4. General sense of the sentence.

    2 Chapter 2. Main Ideas

    Recognizing the main idea is the most important key to good comprehension, the strategies to find the main ideas are to:

    1. Look for general versus specific ideas;
    2. Use the topic to lead you to the main idea;
    3. Use clue words.

    The main idea often appears at the beginning of a paragraph, though it may appear elsewhere.

    Author: wujing

    Created: 2014-05-12 一 15:40

    Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.6)


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