• poj 3225 Help with Intervals(线段树,区间更新)

    Help with Intervals
    Time Limit: 6000MS   Memory Limit: 131072K
    Total Submissions: 12474   Accepted: 3140
    Case Time Limit: 2000MS


    LogLoader, Inc. is a company specialized in providing products for analyzing logs. While Ikki is working on graduation design, he is also engaged in an internship at LogLoader. Among his tasks, one is to write a module for manipulating time intervals, which have confused him a lot. Now he badly needs your help.

    In discrete mathematics, you have studied several basic set operations, namely union, intersection, relative complementation and symmetric difference, which naturally apply to the specialization of sets as intervals.. For your quick reference they are summarized in the table below:



    Union A ∪ B {x : x ∈ A or x ∈ B}
    Intersection A ∩ B {x : x ∈ A and x ∈ B}
    Relative complementation A − B {x : x ∈ A but x ∉ B}
    Symmetric difference A ⊕ B (A − B) ∪ (B − A)

    Ikki has abstracted the interval operations emerging from his job as a tiny programming language. He wants you to implement an interpreter for him. The language maintains a set S, which starts out empty and is modified as specified by the following commands:

    U T S ← S ∪ T
    I T S ← S ∩ T
    D T S ← S − T
    C T S ← T − S
    S T S ← S ⊕ T


    The input contains exactly one test case, which consists of between 0 and 65,535 (inclusive) commands of the language. Each command occupies a single line and appears like

    X T

    where X is one of ‘U’, ‘I’, ‘D’, ‘C’ and ‘S’ and T is an interval in one of the forms (a,b)(a,b][a,b) and [a,b] (ab ∈ Z, 0 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ 65,535), which take their usual meanings. The commands are executed in the order they appear in the input.

    End of file (EOF) indicates the end of input.


    Output the set S as it is after the last command is executed as the union of a minimal collection of disjoint intervals. The intervals should be printed on one line separated by single spaces and appear in increasing order of their endpoints. If S is empty, just print “empty set” and nothing else.

    Sample Input

    U [1,5]
    D [3,3]
    S [2,4]
    C (1,5)
    I (2,3]

    Sample Output





    C:把[-∞,l)(r,∞]覆盖成0 , 且[l,r]区间0/1互换









      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<iostream>
      3 #include<cstring>
      4 #define clr(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))
      5 const int MAXN=65536*2;
      6 using namespace std;
      7 struct segtree
      8 {
      9     int l,r,rev,val;// val==0表示全部没有覆盖,val==1表示全部被覆盖,其余为-1,rev==1表示取反,rev==0表示不变,只有val==-1时候rev才有作用
     10 }tree[MAXN*4+10];
     11 int cov[MAXN*2+10];
     12 void init(int l,int r,int i)//初始化 
     13 {
     14     tree[i].l=l;
     15     tree[i].r=r;
     16     tree[i].rev=tree[i].val=0;
     17     if(l==r) return ;
     18     int mid=(l+r)>>1;
     19     init(l,mid,i<<1);
     20     init(mid+1,r,(i<<1)+1);
     21     return ;
     22 }
     23 void reverse(int i)//取反 
     24 {
     25     if(tree[i].val!=-1) tree[i].val^=1;
     26     else
     27         tree[i].rev^=1;
     28  } 
     29  void downto(int i)//向下更新 
     30  {
     31      if(tree[i].val!=-1)
     32      {
     33          tree[i<<1].val=tree[(i<<1)+1].val=tree[i].val;
     34         tree[i].val=-1;
     35          tree[i<<1].rev=tree[(i<<1)+1].rev=0;            
     36     }
     37     if(tree[i].rev)
     38     {
     39         reverse(i<<1);
     40         reverse((i<<1)+1);
     41         tree[i].rev=0;
     42     }
     43     return ;        
     44  }
     45 void update(int i,int l,int r,int op)//操作更新区间 
     46 {
     47     if(l<=tree[i].l && r>=tree[i].r)
     48     {
     49         if(op==0 || op==1)
     50         {
     51             tree[i].val=op;
     52             tree[i].rev=0;
     53         }
     54         else
     55             reverse(i);
     56         return;
     57     }
     58     downto(i);
     59     int mid=(tree[i].l+tree[i].r)>>1;
     60     if(r<=mid)
     61         update(i<<1,l,r,op);
     62     else
     63         if(l>mid)
     64             update((i<<1)+1,l,r,op);
     65         else
     66         {
     67             update((i<<1),l,r,op);
     68             update((i<<1)+1,l,r,op);            
     69         }
     70     return ;
     71 }
     72 void query(int i)//标识出哪些区间存在,cov数组用来记录 
     73 {
     74     if(tree[i].val==1)
     75     {
     76         for(int j=tree[i].l;j<=tree[i].r;j++)
     77             cov[j]=1;
     78         return ;
     79     }
     80     if(tree[i].val==0)
     81         return;
     82     if(tree[i].l==tree[i].r) return ;
     83     downto(i);
     84     query(i<<1);
     85     query((i<<1)+1);
     86     return ;
     87 }
     88 int main()
     89 {
     90     int lt,rt;
     91     char op,lc,rc;
     92     init(0,MAXN,1);
     93     while(scanf(" %c %c%d,%d%c",&op,&lc,&lt,&rt,&rc)!=EOF)
     94     {
     95         lt<<=1;
     96         if(lc=='(')
     97             lt++;
     98         rt<<=1;
     99         if(rc==')')
    100             rt--;
    101         if(lt>rt)//空集情况!一定要注意 
    102         {
    103             if(op=='I' || op=='C') update(1,0,MAXN,0);
    104         }
    105         else
    106         {
    107             if(op=='U')
    108             {
    109                 update(1,lt,rt,1);
    110             }
    111             if(op=='I')
    112             {
    113                 if(lt>0)update(1,0,lt-1,0);//注意边界lt>0 才能-1,rt也是如此。 
    114                 if(rt<MAXN)update(1,rt+1,MAXN,0);
    115             }
    116             if(op=='D')
    117             {
    118                 update(1,lt,rt,0);
    119             }
    120             if(op=='C')
    121             {
    122                 if(lt>0)update(1,0,lt-1,0);
    123                 if(rt<MAXN)update(1,rt+1,MAXN,0);
    124                 update(1,lt,rt,2);            
    125             }
    126             if(op=='S')
    127             {
    128                 update(1,lt,rt,2);
    129             }
    130         }
    131     }
    132     clr(cov);
    133     query(1); 
    134     lt=0;
    135     rt=-1;
    136     for(int i=0;i<=MAXN;i++)
    137     {
    138         if(cov[i]==0 && cov[i+1]==1)
    139         {
    140             lt=i+1;
    141         }
    142         if(cov[i]==1 && cov[i+1]==0)
    143         {
    144             rt=i;
    145             if(lt%2==1)
    146                 printf("(%d,",lt/2);
    147             else
    148                 printf("[%d,",lt/2);
    149             if(rt%2==1)
    150                 printf("%d) ",rt/2+1);
    151             else
    152                 printf("%d] ",rt/2);
    153         }
    154     }
    155     if(lt>rt)
    156     {
    157         printf("empty set
    158     }
    159     else
    160         printf("
    161     return 0;
    162 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wujiechao/p/6360139.html
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