• MinkowskiEngine语义分割



    cd /path/to/MinkowskiEngine

    python -m examples.indoor




    pcd = o3d.read_point_cloud(file_name)

    coords = np.array(pcd.points)

    feats = np.array(pcd.colors)


    quantized_coords = np.floor(coords / voxel_size)

    inds = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(quantized_coords)


    # Create a batch, this process is done in a data loader during training in parallel.

    batch = [load_file(config.file_name, 0.02)]

    coordinates_, featrues_, pcds = list(zip(*batch))

    coordinates, features = ME.utils.sparse_collate(coordinates_, featrues_)


    # Normalize features and create a sparse tensor

    sinput = ME.SparseTensor(features - 0.5, coords=coordinates).to(device)


    soutput = model(sinput)

    _, pred = soutput.F.max(1)



     运行示例后,权重会自动下载,并且权重目前是Scannet 3D分段基准测试中排名最高的算法。


    import os


    import argparse


    import numpy as np


    from urllib.request import urlretrieve




    import open3d as o3d


    except ImportError:


    raise ImportError('Please install open3d with `pip install open3d`.')


    import torch


    import MinkowskiEngine as ME


    from examples.minkunet import MinkUNet34C


    from examples.common import Timer


    # Check if the weights and file exist and download


    if not os.path.isfile('weights.pth'):


    print('Downloading weights and a room ply file...')






    urlretrieve("http://cvgl.stanford.edu/data2/minkowskiengine/1.ply", '1.ply')


    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()


    parser.add_argument('--file_name', type=str, default='1.ply')


    parser.add_argument('--weights', type=str, default='weights.pth')


    parser.add_argument('--use_cpu', action='store_true')


    CLASS_LABELS = ('wall', 'floor', 'cabinet', 'bed', 'chair', 'sofa', 'table',


    'door', 'window', 'bookshelf', 'picture', 'counter', 'desk',


    'curtain', 'refrigerator', 'shower curtain', 'toilet', 'sink',


    'bathtub', 'otherfurniture')




    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 24, 28, 33, 34, 36, 39






    0: (0., 0., 0.),


    1: (174., 199., 232.),


    2: (152., 223., 138.),


    3: (31., 119., 180.),


    4: (255., 187., 120.),


    5: (188., 189., 34.),


    6: (140., 86., 75.),


    7: (255., 152., 150.),


    8: (214., 39., 40.),


    9: (197., 176., 213.),


    10: (148., 103., 189.),


    11: (196., 156., 148.),


    12: (23., 190., 207.),


    14: (247., 182., 210.),


    15: (66., 188., 102.),


    16: (219., 219., 141.),


    17: (140., 57., 197.),


    18: (202., 185., 52.),


    19: (51., 176., 203.),


    20: (200., 54., 131.),


    21: (92., 193., 61.),


    22: (78., 71., 183.),


    23: (172., 114., 82.),


    24: (255., 127., 14.),


    25: (91., 163., 138.),


    26: (153., 98., 156.),


    27: (140., 153., 101.),


    28: (158., 218., 229.),


    29: (100., 125., 154.),


    30: (178., 127., 135.),


    32: (146., 111., 194.),


    33: (44., 160., 44.),


    34: (112., 128., 144.),


    35: (96., 207., 209.),


    36: (227., 119., 194.),


    37: (213., 92., 176.),


    38: (94., 106., 211.),


    39: (82., 84., 163.),


    40: (100., 85., 144.),




    def load_file(file_name):


    pcd = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(file_name)


    coords = np.array(pcd.points)


    colors = np.array(pcd.colors)


    return coords, colors, pcd


    if __name__ == '__main__':


    config = parser.parse_args()


    device = torch.device('cuda' if (


    torch.cuda.is_available() and not config.use_cpu) else 'cpu')


    print(f"Using {device}")


    # Define a model and load the weights


    model = MinkUNet34C(3, 20).to(device)


    model_dict = torch.load(config.weights)






    coords, colors, pcd = load_file(config.file_name)


    # Measure time


    with torch.no_grad():


    voxel_size = 0.02


    # Feed-forward pass and get the prediction


    in_field = ME.TensorField(




    coordinates=ME.utils.batched_coordinates([coords / voxel_size], dtype=torch.float32),










    # Convert to a sparse tensor


    sinput = in_field.sparse()


    # Output sparse tensor


    soutput = model(sinput)


    # get the prediction on the input tensor field


    out_field = soutput.slice(in_field)


    logits = out_field.F


    _, pred = logits.max(1)


    pred = pred.cpu().numpy()


    # Create a point cloud file


    pred_pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()


    # Map color


    colors = np.array([SCANNET_COLOR_MAP[VALID_CLASS_IDS[l]] for l in pred])


    pred_pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(coords)


    pred_pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors / 255)




    # Move the original point cloud


    pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(


    np.array(pcd.points) + np.array([0, 5, 0]))


    # Visualize the input point cloud and the prediction


    o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd, pred_pcd])

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wujianming-110117/p/14227739.html
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