• Lambda序列化应用



    LambdaQueryWrapper<Example> wrapper = Wrappers.lambdaQuery();
    wrapper.eq(Example::getName, "user-1");





     * 继承Serializable接口, 这样SFunction的实现类也就实现了Serializable接口
    public interface SFunction<T, R> extends Function<T, R>, Serializable {
    public class User {
        private Integer id;
        private String name;
        public Integer getId() {
            return id;
        public void setId(Integer id) {
            this.id = id;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;
    package com.wangtao.lambda.serialize;
    import org.junit.Assert;
    import org.junit.Test;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
     * @author wangtao
     * Created at 2022/8/9 22:31
    public class LambdaSerializedTest {
    	 * 程序结果:
    	 * class com.wangtao.lambda.serialize.LambdaSerializedTest$$Lambda$4/708049632
    	 * 反序列化回来的结果并不是java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda, 是因为调用了SerializedLambda
    	 * 中的readResolve方法还原成了真实的类型, 参照SerializedLambda源码说明
        public void fun1() {
            SFunction<User, String> sFunction = User::getName;
            try (ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                 ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)) {
                // 反序列化
                byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
                try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))) {
                    Object obj = ois.readObject();
            } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {



    public void fun2() {
        SFunction<User, String> sFunction = User::getName;
        try {
            Method method = sFunction.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("writeReplace");
            SerializedLambda serializedLambda = (SerializedLambda) method.invoke(sFunction);
            Assert.assertEquals("getName", serializedLambda.getImplMethodName());
            Assert.assertEquals(User.class.getName().replace(".", "/"), serializedLambda.getImplClass());
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {



    package com.wangtao.lambda.serialize;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleInfo;
    import java.util.Objects;
     * @author wangtao
     * Created at 2022/8/9 22:41
    public final class SerializedLambda implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 8025925345765570181L;
        private final Class<?> capturingClass;
        private final String functionalInterfaceClass;
        private final String functionalInterfaceMethodName;
        private final String functionalInterfaceMethodSignature;
        private final String implClass;
        private final String implMethodName;
        private final String implMethodSignature;
        private final int implMethodKind;
        private final String instantiatedMethodType;
        private final Object[] capturedArgs;
         * Create a {@code SerializedLambda} from the low-level information present
         * at the lambda factory site.
         * @param capturingClass The class in which the lambda expression appears
         * @param functionalInterfaceClass Name, in slash-delimited form, of static
         *                                 type of the returned lambda object
         * @param functionalInterfaceMethodName Name of the functional interface
         *                                      method for the present at the
         *                                      lambda factory site
         * @param functionalInterfaceMethodSignature Signature of the functional
         *                                           interface method present at
         *                                           the lambda factory site
         * @param implMethodKind Method handle kind for the implementation method
         * @param implClass Name, in slash-delimited form, for the class holding
         *                  the implementation method
         * @param implMethodName Name of the implementation method
         * @param implMethodSignature Signature of the implementation method
         * @param instantiatedMethodType The signature of the primary functional
         *                               interface method after type variables
         *                               are substituted with their instantiation
         *                               from the capture site
         * @param capturedArgs The dynamic arguments to the lambda factory site,
         *                     which represent variables captured by
         *                     the lambda
        public SerializedLambda(Class<?> capturingClass,
                                String functionalInterfaceClass,
                                String functionalInterfaceMethodName,
                                String functionalInterfaceMethodSignature,
                                int implMethodKind,
                                String implClass,
                                String implMethodName,
                                String implMethodSignature,
                                String instantiatedMethodType,
                                Object[] capturedArgs) {
            this.capturingClass = capturingClass;
            this.functionalInterfaceClass = functionalInterfaceClass;
            this.functionalInterfaceMethodName = functionalInterfaceMethodName;
            this.functionalInterfaceMethodSignature = functionalInterfaceMethodSignature;
            this.implMethodKind = implMethodKind;
            this.implClass = implClass;
            this.implMethodName = implMethodName;
            this.implMethodSignature = implMethodSignature;
            this.instantiatedMethodType = instantiatedMethodType;
            this.capturedArgs = Objects.requireNonNull(capturedArgs).clone();
         * Get the name of the class that captured this lambda.
         * @return the name of the class that captured this lambda
        public String getCapturingClass() {
            return capturingClass.getName().replace('.', '/');
         * Get the name of the invoked type to which this
         * lambda has been converted
         * @return the name of the functional interface class to which
         * this lambda has been converted
        public String getFunctionalInterfaceClass() {
            return functionalInterfaceClass;
         * Get the name of the primary method for the functional interface
         * to which this lambda has been converted.
         * @return the name of the primary methods of the functional interface
        public String getFunctionalInterfaceMethodName() {
            return functionalInterfaceMethodName;
         * Get the signature of the primary method for the functional
         * interface to which this lambda has been converted.
         * @return the signature of the primary method of the functional
         * interface
        public String getFunctionalInterfaceMethodSignature() {
            return functionalInterfaceMethodSignature;
         * Get the name of the class containing the implementation
         * method.
         * @return the name of the class containing the implementation
         * method
        public String getImplClass() {
            return implClass;
         * Get the name of the implementation method.
         * @return the name of the implementation method
        public String getImplMethodName() {
            return implMethodName;
         * Get the signature of the implementation method.
         * @return the signature of the implementation method
        public String getImplMethodSignature() {
            return implMethodSignature;
         * Get the method handle kind (see {@link MethodHandleInfo}) of
         * the implementation method.
         * @return the method handle kind of the implementation method
        public int getImplMethodKind() {
            return implMethodKind;
         * Get the signature of the primary functional interface method
         * after type variables are substituted with their instantiation
         * from the capture site.
         * @return the signature of the primary functional interface method
         * after type variable processing
        public final String getInstantiatedMethodType() {
            return instantiatedMethodType;
         * Get the count of dynamic arguments to the lambda capture site.
         * @return the count of dynamic arguments to the lambda capture site
        public int getCapturedArgCount() {
            return capturedArgs.length;
         * Get a dynamic argument to the lambda capture site.
         * @param i the argument to capture
         * @return a dynamic argument to the lambda capture site
        public Object getCapturedArg(int i) {
            return capturedArgs[i];
        public String toString() {
            String implKind= MethodHandleInfo.referenceKindToString(implMethodKind);
            return String.format("SerializedLambda[%s=%s, %s=%s.%s:%s, " +
                            "%s=%s %s.%s:%s, %s=%s, %s=%d]",
                    "capturingClass", capturingClass,
                    "functionalInterfaceMethod", functionalInterfaceClass,
                    implClass, implMethodName, implMethodSignature,
                    "instantiatedMethodType", instantiatedMethodType,
                    "numCaptured", capturedArgs.length);



    public void fun3() {
        SFunction<User, String> sFunction = User::getName;
        try (ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
             ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)) {
            // 反序列化
            byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
            try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) {
                     * resolveClass可以允许在反序列化时替换类型, 但是需要满足下面条件
                     * 1. 类名必须一致, 包名可以不一样
                     * 2. serialVersionUID必须和原来的类一样(这个是反序列化的必要条件, 不然会报错)
                protected Class<?> resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass desc) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
                    Class<?> clazz = super.resolveClass(desc);
                    return clazz == SerializedLambda .class ? com.wangtao.lambda.serialize.SerializedLambda.class : clazz;
            }) {
                com.wangtao.lambda.serialize.SerializedLambda serializedLambda = (com.wangtao.lambda.serialize.SerializedLambda ) ois.readObject();
                Assert.assertEquals("getName", serializedLambda.getImplMethodName());
                Assert.assertEquals(User.class.getName().replace(".", "/"), serializedLambda.getImplClass());
        } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {




    LambdaQueryWrapper<Example> wrapper = Wrappers.lambdaQuery();
    wrapper.eq(Example::getName, "user-1");


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wt20/p/16570607.html
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