• dsc使用方法

    1. 安装dsc

    yum install -y libpcap-devel

    wget https://www.dns-oarc.net/files/dsc/dsc-2.13.0.tar.gz
    tar -xf dsc-2.13.0.tar.gz

    cd dsc-2.13.0

    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/dsc
    make install

    2. 启动dsc

    cp /usr/local/dsc/etc/dsc/dsc.conf.sample  /usr/local/dsc/etc/dsc/dsc.conf

    vim   /usr/local/dsc/etc/dsc/dsc.conf

    dsc  -i  /usr/local/dsc/etc/dsc/dsc.conf


    [root@bogon home]# cat  /usr/local/dsc/etc/dsc/dsc.conf
    # local_address
    #  Specifies a local IP address with an optional mask/bits for local
    #  networks.  Used to determine the "direction" of an IP packet: sending
    #  or receiving or other. Repeat any number of times for all local
    #  addresses.
    local_address ::1;
    #local_address 24;
    #local_address 8;
    # run_dir
    #  dsc passes this directory to chdir() after starting.
    run_dir "/usr/local/dsc/var/lib/dsc";
    # minfree_bytes
    #  If the filesystem has less than this amount of free
    #  space, then dsc will not write its XML files to disk.
    #  The data will be lost.
    minfree_bytes 5000000;
    # pid_file
    #  filename where DSC should store its process-id
    pid_file "/run/dsc.pid";
    # bpf_program
    #  a berkely packet filter program.  it can be used to limit
    #  the number and type of queries that the application receives
    #  from the kernel.  note if you limit it to "udp port 53" the
    #  IP-based collectors do not work
    #  NOTE: bpf_program must GO BEFORE interface
    #  use this to see only DNS messages
    #bpf_program "udp port 53";
    #  use this to see only DNS *queries*
    #bpf_program "udp dst port 53 and udp[10:2] & 0x8000 = 0";
    # dns_port
    #  DSC will only parse traffic coming to or leaving the DNS port (default 53),
    #  this option lets you control which port that is in case it's not standard.
    #dns_port 53;
    # pcap_buffer_size
    #  Set the buffer size (in bytes) for pcap, increasing this may help
    #  if you see dropped packets by the kernel but increasing it too much
    #  may have other side effects
    #  NOTE: pcap_buffer_size must GO BEFORE interface
    #pcap_buffer_size 4194304;
    # pcap_thread_timeout
    #  Set the internal timeout pcap-thread uses when waiting for packets,
    #  the default is 100 ms.
    #  NOTE: pcap_thread_timeout must GO BEFORE interface
    #pcap_thread_timeout 100;
    # drop_ip_fragments
    #  Drop all packets that are fragments
    #  NOTE: drop_ip_fragments must GO BEFORE interface
    # interface
    #  specifies a network interface to sniff packets from or a pcap
    #  file to read packets from, can specify more than one.
    #  Under Linux (kernel v2.2+) libpcap can use an "any" interface which
    #  will include any interfaces the host has but these interfaces will
    #  not be put into promiscuous mode which may prevent capturing traffic
    #  that is not directly related to the host.
    interface ens33;
    #interface fxp0;
    #interface any;
    #interface /path/to/dump.pcap;
    # DNSTAP
    #  specify DNSTAP input from a file, UNIX socket, UDP or TCP connections
    #  (dsc will listen for incoming connections).
    #  This type of input is delivered directly from the DNS software itself
    #  as encapsulated DNS packets as seen or as made by the software.
    #  See https://dnstap.info for more information about DNSTAP.
    #  dnstap_unixsock can have additional optional options to control access
    #  to the socket: [user][:group] [umask]
    #    dnstap_unixsock /path/to/unix.sock user:group 0007;
    #  NOTE:
    #  - Only one DNSTAP input can be specified at a time currently.
    #  - Configuration needs to match that of the DNS software.
    #  - Don't use these values as default values, no default port for DNSTAP!
    #dnstap_file /path/to/file.dnstap;
    #dnstap_unixsock /path/to/unix.sock;
    #dnstap_tcp 5353;
    #dnstap_udp 5353;
    # DNSTAP network information filler
    #  per DNSTAP specification, some information may be not included such as
    #  receiver or sender of DNS. To be able to produce statistics, dsc needs
    #  to know what to put in place when that information is missing.
    #  This is configured by dnstap_network and should be the primary IP
    #  addresses and port of the DNS software.
    #    dnstap_network <IPv4> <IPv6> <port>;
    #dnstap_network ::1 53;
    # qname_filter
    #  Defines a custom QNAME-based filter for DNS messages.  If
    #  you refer to this named filter on a dataset line, then only
    #  queries or replies for matching QNAMEs will be counted.
    #  The QNAME argument is a regular expression.  For example:
    #qname_filter WWW-Only ^www\. ;
    #dataset qtype dns All:null Qtype:qtype queries-only,WWW-Only ;
    # datasets
    #  please see dsc.conf(5) man-page for more information.
    dataset qtype dns All:null Qtype:qtype queries-only;
    dataset rcode dns All:null Rcode:rcode replies-only;
    dataset opcode dns All:null Opcode:opcode queries-only;
    dataset rcode_vs_replylen dns Rcode:rcode ReplyLen:msglen replies-only;
    dataset client_subnet dns All:null ClientSubnet:client_subnet queries-only max-cells=200;
    dataset qtype_vs_qnamelen dns Qtype:qtype QnameLen:qnamelen queries-only;
    dataset qtype_vs_tld dns Qtype:qtype TLD:tld queries-only,popular-qtypes max-cells=200;
    dataset certain_qnames_vs_qtype dns CertainQnames:certain_qnames Qtype:qtype queries-only;
    dataset client_subnet2 dns Class:query_classification ClientSubnet:client_subnet queries-only max-cells=200;
    dataset client_addr_vs_rcode dns Rcode:rcode ClientAddr:client replies-only max-cells=50;
    dataset chaos_types_and_names dns Qtype:qtype Qname:qname chaos-class,queries-only;
    #dataset country_code dns All:null CountryCode:country queries-only;
    #dataset asn_all dns IPVersion:dns_ip_version ASN:asn queries-only max-cells=200;
    dataset idn_qname dns All:null IDNQname:idn_qname queries-only;
    dataset edns_version dns All:null EDNSVersion:edns_version queries-only;
    dataset edns_bufsiz dns All:null EDNSBufSiz:edns_bufsiz queries-only;
    dataset do_bit dns All:null D0:do_bit queries-only;
    dataset rd_bit dns All:null RD:rd_bit queries-only;
    dataset idn_vs_tld dns All:null TLD:tld queries-only,idn-only;
    dataset ipv6_rsn_abusers dns All:null ClientAddr:client queries-only,aaaa-or-a6-only,root-servers-net-only max-cells=50;
    dataset transport_vs_qtype dns Transport:transport Qtype:qtype queries-only;
    dataset client_port_range dns All:null PortRange:dns_sport_range queries-only;
    #dataset second_ld_vs_rcode dns Rcode:rcode SecondLD:second_ld replies-only max-cells=50;
    #dataset third_ld_vs_rcode dns Rcode:rcode ThirdLD:third_ld replies-only max-cells=50;
    dataset direction_vs_ipproto ip Direction:ip_direction IPProto:ip_proto any;
    #dataset dns_ip_version_vs_qtype dns IPVersion:dns_ip_version Qtype:qtype queries-only;
    dataset response_time dns All:null ResponseTime:response_time;
    #dataset label_count dns All:null LabelCount:label_count any;
    #dataset encryption dns All:null Encryption:encryption queries-only;
    #  datasets for collecting data on priming queries at root nameservers
    #dataset priming_queries dns Transport:transport EDNSBufSiz:edns_bufsiz priming-query,queries-only;
    #dataset priming_responses dns All:null ReplyLen:msglen priming-query,replies-only;
    #   dataset for monitoring an authoritative nameserver for DNS reflection attack
    #dataset qr_aa_bits dns Direction:ip_direction QRAABits:qr_aa_bits any;
    # dataset for servfail response for dnssec validation fail.
    #dataset servfail_qname dns ALL:null Qname:qname servfail-only,replies-only;
    # dataset for successful validation.
    #dataset ad_qname dns ALL:null Qname:qname authentic-data-only,replies-only;
    # bpf_vlan_tag_byte_order
    #  Set this to 'host' on FreeBSD-4 where the VLAN id that we
    #  get from BPF appears to already be in host byte order.
    #bpf_vlan_tag_byte_order host;
    # match_vlan
    #  A whitespace-separated list of VLAN IDs.  If set, only the
    #  packets with these VLAN IDs will be analyzed by DSC.
    #match_vlan 100 200;
    # statistics_interval
    #   Specify how often we write statistics, default to 60 seconds.
    statistics_interval 60;
    # no_wait_interval
    #  Do not wait on interval sync to start capturing, normally DSC will
    #  sleep for time() % statistics_interval to align with the minute
    #  (as was the default interval before) but now if you change the interval
    #  to more then a minute you can use with option to begin capture right
    #  away.
    # output_format
    #   Specify the output format, can be give multiple times to output in more then
    #   one format. Default output format is XML.
    #   Available formats are:
    #   - XML
    #   - JSON
    output_format XML;
    #output_format JSON;
    # dump_reports_on_exit
    #   Dump any remaining report before exiting.
    #   NOTE: Timing in the data files will be off!
    # geoip
    #   Following configuration is used for MaxMind GeoIP Legacy API
    #   if present and enabled during compilation.
    #geoip_v4_dat "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat" STANDARD MEMORY_CACHE MMAP_CACHE;
    #geoip_v6_dat "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPv6.dat";
    #geoip_asn_v4_dat "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPASNum.dat" MEMORY_CACHE;
    #geoip_asn_v6_dat "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPASNumv6.dat" MEMORY_CACHE;
    # ASN/Country Indexer and MaxMind DB
    #   Following configuration controls what backend the ASN and Country indexer
    #   will use and if/what MaxMind database (GeoIP2) files.
    #   Available backends:
    #   - geoip
    #   - maxminddb
    #asn_indexer_backend geoip;
    #country_indexer_backend geoip;
    #maxminddb_asn "/path/to/GeoLite2/ASN.mmdb";
    #maxminddb_country "/path/to/GeoList2/Country.mmdb";
    # Client Subnet Mask
    #   Set the IPv4/IPv6 client subnet mask which is used for the
    #   ClientSubnet indexer.
    #client_v6_mask ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:0000:0000;
    # Response Time indexer
    #  These settings are for the response time indexer, it tracks query
    #  to match it with a response and gives statistics about the time it
    #  took to answer the query.
    #  Available statistical output modes:
    #  - bucket
    #  - log10 (default)
    #  - log2
    #response_time_mode log10;
    #response_time_max_queries 1000000;
    #  If the number of queries tracked exceeds max_queries the full_mode
    #  will control how to handle it:
    #  - drop_query: Drop the incoming query.
    #  - drop_oldest: Drop the oldest query being tracked and accept the
    #                 incoming one.
    #response_time_full_mode drop_query;
    #  Set the maximum seconds to keep a query but a query can still be
    #  matched to a response while being outside this limit and therefor
    #  there is a mode on how to handle that situation:
    #  - ceil: The query will be counted as successful but the time it took
    #          will be the maximum seconds (think ceiling, or ceil()).
    #  - timed_out: The query will be counted as timed out.
    #response_time_max_seconds 5;
    #response_time_max_sec_mode ceil;
    #  Control the size of bucket (microseconds) in bucket mode.
    #response_time_bucket_size 100;
    # Known TLDs
    #  Load known TLDs from a file, see https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt
    #knowntlds_file file;
    # TLD list (aka Public Suffix List)
    #  This option changes what DSC considers a TLD (similar to Public Suffix
    #  List) and affects any indexers that gathers statistics on TLDs, such as
    #  the tld, second_ld and third_ld indexers.
    #  The file format is simply one line per suffix and supports commenting out
    #  lines with #.
    #  You can use dsc-psl-convert to convert the Public Suffix List to this
    #  format, see dsc-psl-convert (5) for more information and examples on how
    #  to setup.
    #tld_list file;
    View Code

    3. 启动dnsperf

      3.1  安装dnsperf

      wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-7.repo

      yum install dnsperf

      3.2 下载测试数据

      wget https://github.com/DNS-OARC/sample-query-data/blob/main/queryfile-example-10million-201202_part01.xz


      3.3 执行压测命令

     dnsperf -d queryfile-example-10million-201202_part01 -s

    4. 安装dsc-datatool

    (1). yum方式

    cat dsc-datatool.repo
    name=Copr repo for dsc owned by @dnsoarc

    yum install dsc-datatool

    (2). pip方式

    cd dsc-datatool-1.1.0
    python setup.py install

    5. 安装influxdb

    6. 下载地图数据

    https://www.maxmind.com/en/accounts/703068/geoip/downloads   需要输入个人的用户名与密码,根据链接下载即可

    根据dsc-datatool源码可以看到,解压后的以.mmdb结尾的地图数据必须放在['/var/lib/GeoIP', '/usr/share/GeoIP', '/usr/local/share/GeoIP']其中一个目录下,

    6. 运行dsc-datatool

    # 使用influxdb方式:

    dsc-datatool   --server ""   --node ""   --output ";InfluxDB;file=/home/influx.txt;dml=1;database=dsc"   --transform ";Labler;*;yaml=/home/labler.yaml"   --transform ";ReRanger;rcode_vs_replylen;range=/64;pad_to=5"   --transform ";ReRanger;qtype_vs_qnamelen;range=/16;pad_to=3"   --transform ";ReRanger;client_port_range;key=low;range=/2048;pad_to=5"   --transform ";ReRanger;edns_bufsiz,priming_queries;key=low;range=/512;pad_to=5;allow_invalid_keys=1"   --transform ";ReRanger;priming_responses;key=low;range=/128;pad_to=4"   --transform ";NetRemap;client_subnet,client_subnet2,client_addr_vs_rcode,ipv6_rsn_abusers;v4net=24;v6net=48"   --generator client_subnet_country   --generator ";client_subnet_authority;fetch=no;csv=/usr/local/dsc/iana/ipv4-address-space.csv"   --xml "/usr/local/dsc/var/lib/dsc"


    --server ""   --node "": 要监听的机器
    --output ";InfluxDB;file=/home/influx.txt;dml=1;database=dsc":输出influxdb需要的数据文件---/home/influx.txt, database就是influxdb的bucket---dsc
    --transform ";Labler;*;yaml=/home/labler.yaml": 读取/home/labler.yaml文件,将dns状态码转为文字。
    [root@bogon home]# cat iana-dns-params-toyaml.py 
    import yaml
    import csv
    from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
    from io import StringIO
    rcode = {}
    qtype = {}
    opcode = {}
    for row in csv.reader(StringIO(urlopen(Request('http://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters-6.csv')).read().decode('utf-8'))):
        if row[0] == 'RCODE':
        rcode[row[0]] = row[1]
    for row in csv.reader(StringIO(urlopen(Request('http://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters-4.csv')).read().decode('utf-8'))):
        if row[0] == 'TYPE':
        qtype[row[1]] = row[0]
    for row in csv.reader(StringIO(urlopen(Request('http://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters-5.csv')).read().decode('utf-8'))):
        if row[0] == 'OpCode':
        opcode[row[0]] = row[1]
    y = {}
    for n in ['rcode', 'client_addr_vs_rcode', 'rcode_vs_replylen']:
        y[n] = { 'Rcode': {} }
        for k, v in rcode.items():
            y[n]['Rcode'][k] = v
    for n in ['qtype', 'transport_vs_qtype', 'certain_qnames_vs_qtype', 'qtype_vs_tld', 'qtype_vs_qnamelen', 'chaos_types_and_names', 'dns_ip_version_vs_qtype']:
        y[n] = { 'Qtype': {} }
        for k, v in qtype.items():
            if v == '*':
                v = 'wildcard'
            y[n]['Qtype'][k] = v
    for n in ['opcode']:
        y[n] = { 'Opcode': {} }
        for k, v in rcode.items():
            y[n]['Opcode'][k] = v
    print(yaml.dump(y, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False))

    [root@bogon home]#  python3 iana-dns-params-toyaml.py > /home/labler.yaml # 即可生成
    --generator ";client_subnet_authority;fetch=no;csv=/usr/local/dsc/iana/ipv4-address-space.csv":   fetch=no表示程序不会去互联网下载ipv4-address-space.csv文件, 通过csv=指定离线下载的ipv4-address-space.csv文件,
    可以通过man dsc-datatool-generator client_subnet_authority查看下载链接
     --xml "/usr/local/dsc/var/lib/dsc":  指定通过dsc软件生成的dns统计数据的目录


    dsc-datatool   --server ""   --node ""   --output ";Prometheus;timestamp=hide;file=/home/dns.prom"   --transform ";Labler;*;yaml=/home/labler.yaml"   --transform ";ReRanger;rcode_vs_replylen;range=/64;pad_to=5"   --transform ";ReRanger;qtype_vs_qnamelen;range=/16;pad_to=3"   --transform ";ReRanger;client_port_range;key=low;range=/2048;pad_to=5"   --transform ";ReRanger;edns_bufsiz,priming_queries;key=low;range=/512;pad_to=5;allow_invalid_keys=1"   --transform ";ReRanger;priming_responses;key=low;range=/128;pad_to=4"   --transform ";NetRemap;client_subnet,client_subnet2,client_addr_vs_rcode,ipv6_rsn_abusers;net=24"   --generator client_subnet_country   --generator ";client_subnet_authority;fetch=no;csv=/usr/local/dsc/iana/ipv4-address-space.csv"   --xml "/usr/local/dsc/var/lib/dsc"


    --output ";Prometheus;timestamp=hide;file=/home/dns.prom" :生成prom文件,将改文件放到textfile目录下让node_exporter读取即可
    --xml "/usr/local/dsc/var/lib/dsc" : 这里用单个的xml文件更好,可以改用单个xml文件
  • 相关阅读:
    解决使用OCI连接oracle LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号的问题
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wt11/p/16124210.html
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