• VC6.0 中 添加/取消 块注释的Macro代码

    SAMPLE.DSM是微软提供的样例,使用的是vb语言。其中的 CommentOut 函数,是支持块注释的,可是这种/**/的注释方式,有时候用起来不是很方便,因为两个/会因为一个/而终止。对于大块代码,使用//注释,仅需修改原样例函数中的少部分代码。

    Sub CommentOut ()
    'DESCRIPTION: Comments out a selected block of text.
    Dim win
    set win = ActiveWindow
    if win.type <> "Text" Then
     MsgBox "This macro can only be run when a text editor window is active."
    TypeOfFile = FileType(ActiveDocument)  
    If TypeOfFile > 0 And TypeOfFile < 5 Then    'C & Java use the same 
    'style of comments.
    'ActiveDocument.Selection = "/*" + ActiveDocument.Selection + "*/"
    CommentType = "//"
    StartLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.TopLine
    EndLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.BottomLine
    For i = StartLine To EndLine
    ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine i
    ActiveDocument.Selection = CommentType + ActiveDocument.Selection
    ElseIf TypeOfFile = 5 Then
    ActiveDocument.Selection = "<!-- " + ActiveDocument.Selection + " -->"
    ElseIf TypeOfFile = 6 Or TypeOfFile = 7 Then
    'There is no group comment like there is in the other file types, 
    'so we need to iterate through each line, and prepend a ' to the line.
    'Also, because VBS/DEF does not have a 'end the comment at this 
    'particular column' delimiter, entire lines of code must be 
    'commented out, not sections.
    If TypeOfFile = 6 Then 
    CommentType = " ' "
    CommentType = " ; "
    End If
    StartLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.TopLine
    EndLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.BottomLine
    If EndLine < StartLine Then
    Temp = StartLine
    StartLine = EndLine
    EndLine = Temp
    End If
    If EndLine = StartLine Then
    ActiveDocument.Selection = CommentType + ActiveDocument.Selection
    For i = StartLine To EndLine
    ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine i
    ActiveDocument.Selection = CommentType + _
    End If
    MsgBox("Unable to comment out the highlighted text" + vbLf + _
    "because the file type was unrecognized." + vbLf + _
    "If the file has not yet been saved, " + vbLf + _
    "please save it and try again.")
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub UndoCommentOut ()
    'DESCRIPTION: Comments out a selected block of text.
    Dim win
    set win = ActiveWindow
    if win.type <> "Text" Then
     MsgBox "This macro can only be run when a text editor window is active."
    TypeOfFile = FileType(ActiveDocument)  
    If TypeOfFile > 0 And TypeOfFile < 5 Then    'C & Java use the same 
    'style of comments.
    'ActiveDocument.Selection = "/*" + ActiveDocument.Selection + "*/"
    StartLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.TopLine
    EndLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.BottomLine
    For i = StartLine To EndLine
    ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine i
    If(Left(ActiveDocument.Selection,2)="//") Then
    ActiveDocument.Selection = Mid(ActiveDocument.Selection,3)
    End If
    MsgBox("Unable to undo comment out the highlighted text" + vbLf + _
    "because the file type was unrecognized." + vbLf + _
    "If the file has not yet been saved, " + vbLf + _
    "please save it and try again.")
    End If
    End If
    End Sub


    Sub Comment ( )
     TmpBlock = ""
     CmtBlock = ActiveDocument.Selection
     TypeOfFile = FileType(ActiveDocument)
     If TypeOfFile > 0 And TypeOfFile < 5 Then   'C/C++ style comment.
      'Get the first two characters of the comment block.
      str = vbLf + "//"
      If (Left(CmtBlock,2) = "//") Then
       CmtBlock = Mid(CmtBlock,3)
       pos = Instr (CmtBlock,str)
       If pos <> 0 Then 
        Do While pos <> 0
         TmpBlock = TmpBlock + Left (CmtBlock, pos)
         CmtBlock = Mid(CmtBlock, pos + Len(str))
         pos = Instr (CmtBlock,str)
        CmtBlock = TmpBlock + CmtBlock
       End If
       CmtBlock = "//" + CmtBlock
       pos = Instr (CmtBlock, vbLf)
       Do While pos <> 0
        TmpBlock = TmpBlock + Left (CmtBlock, pos)_
          + "//"
        CmtBlock = Mid(CmtBlock, pos + 1)
        pos = Instr (CmtBlock, vbLf)
       CmtBlock = TmpBlock + Trim(CmtBlock)
       If(Right(CmtBlock,3) = str) Then
        CmtBlock = Left(CmtBlock,Len(CmtBlock) - 3)
        CmtBlock = CmtBlock + vblf
       End If
      End If
      ActiveDocument.Selection = CmtBlock
      MsgBox "This macro does not work on this type of file."
     End If
    End Sub
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wswind/p/9812534.html
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