• java增删改查


    public void modifyPiMemo(TblpiMemo tblpiMemo) {
      Connection conn = null;
      try {
       Statement sta = null;
       ResultSet rs = null;
       PreparedStatement ps = null;
       Context ctx = Context.getInstance();
       Person per = ctx.getCurrentPerson();
       DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
       String date = df.format(new Date());
       StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(
         " merge  into TBL_OS_PIMEMO tbl using (select count(*) cu from TBL_OS_PIMEMO where ITEMID='"
           + tblpiMemo.getItemId()
           + "' and USER_ID='"+per.getUuid()+"') n on (n.cu>1) "
           + "when matched then update set MEMO=EMPTY_CLOB(),lastuptime='"
           + date
           + "' "
           + " when not matched then insert   (id,ITEMID,MEMO,lastuptime,USER_ID,USER_NAME) values(sys_guid(),'"
           + tblpiMemo.getItemId()
           + "',EMPTY_CLOB(),'"
           + date
           + "','"+per.getUuid()+"','"+per.getFullName()+"')");
       // insert into TBL_OS_PIMEMO (id,ITEMID,MEMO) select
       // sys_guid(),'"+tblpiMemo.getItemId()+"',? from dual
       conn = DBConnectionProvider.getConnection(Constants.JNDI_OSEMS);
       sta = conn.createStatement();
       String getSql = " select MEMO from TBL_OS_PIMEMO where ITEMID='"
         + tblpiMemo.getItemId() + "' for update ";
       rs = sta.executeQuery(getSql);
       if (rs.next()) {
        // 获取clob对象,此处的clob是oracle.sql.Clob
        CLOB clob = (CLOB) rs.getClob(1);
        clob.putString(1, tblpiMemo.getMemo());
        // 执行更新操作
        getSql = " update TBL_OS_PIMEMO set MEMO=? where ITEMID='"
          + tblpiMemo.getItemId() + "'";
        ps = conn.prepareStatement(getSql);
        // 给clob字段赋值
        ps.setClob(1, clob);
      } catch (Exception dbe) {
      } finally {
       try {

       } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO: handle exception



    public void delMsg(TblPiIdea piIdea) {
      Connection conn = null;
      try {
       Statement sta = null;
       String sql = " delete from TBL_OS_PIIDEA where id='"+piIdea.getId()+"'";
       conn = DBConnectionProvider.getConnection(Constants.JNDI_OSEMS);
       sta = conn.createStatement();
      } catch (Exception e) {
      }finally {
       try {

       } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO: handle exception



    public  RecordSet findIdeaById(TblPiIdea piIdea) {
      Connection conn = null;
      RecordSet rs = null;
      try {
       String sql = " select *  from TBL_OS_PIIDEA where id='"+piIdea.getId()+"'";
       conn = DBConnectionProvider.getConnection(Constants.JNDI_OSEMS);
       DataBaseExecutor de = DataBaseExecutor.getExecutor(conn);
       rs = de.find(sql);
       if (rs != null && rs.size() > 0) {
        return rs;
      } catch (Exception e) {
      }finally {
       try {

       } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO: handle exception

      return null;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wshsdlau/p/2548871.html
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