• Call for Papers International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH) 2014

    Call for Papers
    International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH) 2014

    Beijing, China
    July 10-11, 2014

    Advancing Informatics for healthcare and healthcare applications has become an international research priority. There is increased effort to transform reactive care to proactive and preventive care, clinic-centric to patient-centered practice, training-based interventions to globally aggregated evidence, and episodic response to continuous well-being monitoring and maintenance.

    In 2013, the International Conference for Smart Health 2013 was successfully held in Beijing, China. Researchers and practitioners from related fields attended this conference and engaged in active interdisciplinary discussions concerning bio-medical, IT, and policy topics. The International Conference for Smart Health 2014 is intended to provide a forum for the growing smart health research community to discuss the principles, algorithms and applications of intelligent data acquisition, processing, and analysis of healthcare data. The ICSH conference proceedings will be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Selected papers will also be considered for IEEE Intelligent Systems and ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems.

    Topics of Interest

    Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    I. Information sharing, integrating and extraction
    II. Clinical practice and training
    III. Mining clinical, medical, and public health data
    IV. Assistive, persuasive and intelligent devices for medical care and monitoring
    V. Global systems and large-scale health data analysis and management

    Paper Submission Instructions

    All papers submitted for conference consideration will undergo a rigorous peer-review process. Selected papers may be presented as long papers, short papers, or
    posters/abstracts and will be published as proceedings with Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

    Long papers (12 pages), short papers (6 pages), and posters (3 pages), following the Springer LNCS paper templates in English, may be submitted electronically. Submission file
    formats are PDF or Microsoft Word. Information on the templates may be found on the Springer website page, "Information for LNCS Authors at:

    All papers can be submitted via the Easy Chair submission system at:



    Important Dates
    Paper submissions due: April 30, 2014
    Conference dates: July 10-11, 2014


    Conference Organizers

    Conference Co-Chairs
    - Hsinchun Chen, University of Arizona, USA; Tsinghua University, China
    - Daniel Zeng, University of Arizona, USA; Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    - Chunxiao Xing, Tsinghua University, China

    Program Co-Chairs
    - Xiaolong Zheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    - Yong Zhang, Tsinghua University, China
    - Daniel Neill, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

    Finance Co-Chairs
    - Hui Yang, University of South Florida, USA
    - Ahmed Abbasi, University of Virginia, USA
    - Donald Adjeroh, West Virginia University, USA

    Publication Co-Chairs
    - Wendy Chapman, University of California, San Diego, USA
    - Scott Leischow, Mayo Clinic, USA
    - Chao Li, Tsinghua University

    Tutorial Co-Chairs
    - John Brownstein, Harvard Medical School,USA
    - Hsin-Min Lu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
    - Zhidong Cao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

    Poster Chair
    - Howard Burkom, Johns Hopkins University
    - Yongqiang Lyu, Tsinghua University

    Publicity Co-Chairs
    - Kwok Tsui, City University of Hong Kong, China
    - Guandong Xu, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia


    Conference Sponsors

    Tsinghua University
    Chinese Academy of Sciences
    National Natural Science Foundation of China
    The University of Arizona

    INFORMS AI College
    ACM Beijing Chapter
    China Association for Information Systems

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