ill-humour resembles indolence: it is natural to us;
but if once we have courage to exert ourselves, we find our work run fresh from our hands, and we experience in the activity from which we shrank a real enjoyment.
if that deserves the name which is so pernicious to ourselves and ourneighbours.
Is it not enough that we want the power to make one another happy, must we deprive each other of the pleasure which we can all make for ourselves?
Show me the man who has the courage to hide his ill humour, who bears the whole burden himself, without disturbing the peace of those around him.
No: ill-humour arises from an inward consciousness of our own want of merit, from a discontent which ever accompanies that envy which foolish vanity engenders.
We see people happy, whom we have not made so, and cannot endure the sight.
the name : 指前文中的You call ill humour a crime