• C++图的欧拉路径搜索

     * description:        图的欧拉路径搜索
     * writeby:            Nick
     * date:            2012-10-25 23:32
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <stack>
    using namespace std;
    struct Edge
        int v, w;
        Edge(int v=-1, int w=-1) : v(v), w(w) {}
    class Graph
            int vcount, ecount;        //记录顶点总数,边总数
            bool digraph;            //标记是否有向图
            vector <vector <bool> > adj;        //邻接矩阵数组
            Graph(int V, bool di = false) : adj(V), vcount(V), digraph(di)
                for(int i=0; i<V; i++)
                    adj[i].assign(V, false);    // V * V 临接矩阵的大小 
            int V() const {return vcount;}
            int E() const {return ecount;}
            bool directed() const { return digraph; }
            int insert(Edge e)
                int v=e.v, w=e.w;
                if(adj[v][w] == false) ecount++;
                adj[v][w] = true;                        // v-w 做标记
                if(!digraph) adj[w][v] = true;            //无向图中 w-v 也做标记
            int remove(Edge e)
                int v=e.v, w=e.w;
                if(adj[v][w]==true) ecount--;
                adj[v][w] = false;
                if(!digraph) adj[w][v] = false;
            bool edge(int v, int w) const { return adj[v][w]; }
            class adjIterator;
            friend class adjIterator;
    class Graph::adjIterator        //临接矩阵表示的迭代器
            const Graph &G;
            int i, v;
            adjIterator(const Graph& G, int v) : G(G), v(v), i(-1)
            int begin()
                return next();
            int next()
                for(i++; i<G.V(); i++)
                    if(G.adj[v][i] == true) return i;    //adj[v][0..v-1] 记录着 v 到 0..v 各点是否相连
                return -1;    //没有找到
            int end()
                return i>=G.V();
    class Degree
            const Graph &G;
            vector <int> degree;
            Degree(const Graph &G) : G(G), degree(G.V(), 0)
                for(int v=0; v<G.V(); v++)
                    Graph::adjIterator ite(G, v);    //获取顶点v的遍历器
                    for(int w=ite.begin(); !ite.end(); w=ite.next())
                        degree[v]++ ;        //统计顶点的度数
            int operator[](int v) const
                return degree[v];
    class epath
            Graph G;
            int v,w;
            bool found;
            stack <int> S;
            int tour(int v);
            epath(const Graph &G, int v, int w) : G(G), v(v), w(w)
                Degree deg(G);
                int t = deg[v] + deg[w];
                if(t%2 != 0) {found=false; return;} //顶点数要偶数, 或两个奇数
                for(t=0; t<G.V(); t++)
                    if((t!=v) && (t!=w))
                        if(deg[t]%2 != 0)
                        { found = false; return;}
                found = true;
            bool exist() const { return found; }
            void show();    //输出路径
    int epath::tour(int v)
            Graph::adjIterator ite(G, v);
            int w=ite.begin();
            if (ite.end()) break;
            G.remove(Edge(v, w));
        return v;
    void epath::show()
        if(!found) return;
        while(tour(v) == v && !S.empty())
            v = S.top();
            cout << " - " << v;
        cout << endl;
    int main()
        Graph g(7, false);
        g.insert(Edge(0, 1));
        g.insert(Edge(0, 2));
        g.insert(Edge(0, 5));
        g.insert(Edge(0, 6));
        g.insert(Edge(1, 2));
        g.insert(Edge(2, 3));
        g.insert(Edge(2, 4));
        g.insert(Edge(3, 4));
        g.insert(Edge(4, 5));
        g.insert(Edge(4, 6));
        epath sp(g, 1, 6);        //顶点1到6的欧拉路径
        cout << sp.exist() << endl;        //输出结果 0 或 1
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wouldguan/p/2741348.html
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