• MPI错误代码对照表


    00CA : no resources available  

    00CB : configuration error  

    00CD : illegal call  

    00CE : module not found  

    00CF : driver not loaded  

    00D0 : hardware fault  

    00D1 : software fault  

    00D2 : memory fault  

    00D7 : no me age  

    00D8 : storage fault  

    00DB : internal timeout  

    00E1 : too many cha els open  

    00E2 : internal fault  

    00E7 : hardware fault  

    00E9 : sin_serv.exe not started  

    00EA : protected  

    00F0 : scp db file does not exist  

    00F1 : no global dos storage available  

    00F2 : error during tra mi ion  

    00F2 : error during reception  

    00F4 : device does not exist  

    00F5 : incorrect sub system  

    00F6 : unknown code  

    00F7 : buffer too small  

    00F8 : buffer too small  

    00F9 : incorrect protocol  

    00FB : reception error  

    00FC : licence error  

    0101 : co ection not established / parameterised  

    010A : negative acknowledgement received / timeout error  

    010C : data does not exist or disabled  

    012A : system storage no longer available  

    012E : incorrect parameter  

    0132 : no memory in DPRAM  

    0201 : incorrect interface  ecified  

    0202 : maximum amount of interfaces exceeded  

    0203 : PRODAVE already initialised  

    0204 : wrong parameter list  

    0205 : PRODAVE not initialised  

    0206 : handle ca ot be set  

    0207 : data segment ca ot be disabled  

    0300 : initialisiation error  

    0301 : initialisiation error  

    0302 : block too small, DW does not exist  

    0303 : block limit exceeded, correct amount 

    0310 : no HW found  

    0311 : HW defective  

    0312 : incorrect config param  

    0313 : incorrect baud rate / interrupt vector  

    0314 : HSA parameterised incorrectly  

    0315 : MPI addre  error  

    0316 : HW device already allocated  

    0317 : interrupt not available  

    0318 : interrupt occupied  

    0319 : sap not occupied  

    031A : no remote station found  

    031B : internal error  

    031C : system error  

    031D : error buffer size  

    0320 : hardware fault  

    0321 : DLL function error  

    0330 : version conflict  

    0331 : error com config  

    0332 : hardware fault  

    0333 : com not configured  

    0334 : com not available  

    0335 : serial drv in use  

    0336 : no co ection  

    0337 : job rejected  

    0380 : internal error  

    0381 : hardware fault  

    0382 : no driver or device found  

    0384 : no driver or device found  

    03FF : system fault  

    0800 : toolbox occupied  

    4001 : co ection not known  

    4002 : co ection not established  

    4003 : co ection is being established  

    4004 : co ection broken down  

    8000 : function already actively occupied  

    8001 : not allowed in this operating status  

    8101 : hardware fault  

    8103 : object acce  not allowed  

    8104 : context is not su orted  

    8105 : invalid addre   

    8106 : type (data type) not su orted  

    8107 : type (data type) not co istent  

    810A : object does not exist  

    8301 : memory slot on CPU not sufficient  

    8404 : grave error  8500 : incorrect PDU size  

    8702 : addre  invalid  

    D201 : syntax error block name  

    D202 : syntax error function parameter  

    D203 : syntax error block type  

    D204 : no linked block in storage medium  

    D205 : object already exists  

    D206 : object already exists  

    D207 : block exists in EPROM  

    D209 : block does not exist  

    D20E : no block available  

    D210 : block number too big  

    D241 : protection level of function not sufficient  

    D406 : information not available  

    EF01 : incorrect ID2  

    FFFB : TeleService Library not found  

    FFFE : unknown error FFFE hex  

    FFFF : timeout error. Check interface

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    codevs 3498 小木棍
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wosinren/p/3463827.html
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