• Python3.6多线程爬虫

    Python版本 3.6


      代码功能是访问网站首页将所有a标签值作为文件夹,将当前网页所有图片下载对应文件夹中;其实还有很多很多需要修改和完善的地方 比如异常,多线程,递归等;以后有机会再说吧.欢迎拍砖

     1 # -*- UTF-8 -*-
     2 from urllib import request
     3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
     4 import os
     5 import time, threading
     8 exe_Count = 1
     9 aList = []
    11 def CallView(url, timeout, directoryPath,exe_count):
    12     try:
    13         listAvalue = []
    14         headers = {
    15             "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 UBrowser/6.1.2716.5 Safari/537.36",
    16             "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"
    17         }
    18         rep = request.Request(url, headers=headers)
    19         response = request.urlopen(rep, timeout=timeout)
    20         soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
    21         # 获取a标签href 属性并写入list
    22         for a in soup.find_all("a"):
    23             if a.string is None:
    24                 continue
    25             if not a.attrs["href"].strip() in aList:
    26                 aList.append(a.attrs["href"].strip())
    27                 listAvalue.append([a.string.strip()[0:11], a.attrs["href"].strip()])
    28             else:
    29                 continue
    30         # 创建不存在的目录
    31         if not os.path.exists(directoryPath):
    32             os.mkdir(directoryPath)
    33         print("新目录:" + directoryPath)
    34         # 开启线程递归
    35         thread = threading.Thread(target=ForRequest, args=(listAvalue, timeout, directoryPath,exe_count))
    36         thread.start()
    37         listImgSrc = []
    38         # 获取img标签 并下载
    39         for img in soup.find_all("img"):
    40             try:
    41                 imgSrc = img.attrs["src"]
    42                 print(imgSrc)
    43                 # 过滤重复src
    44                 if not imgSrc in listImgSrc:
    45                     listImgSrc.append(imgSrc)
    46                     # 读取图片
    47                     rep = request.Request(imgSrc)
    48                     response = request.urlopen(rep, timeout=timeout)
    49                     # 写入图片
    50                     filepath = directoryPath + "/" + imgSrc.split('/')[len(imgSrc.split('/')) - 1]
    51                     with open(filepath, "wb") as o:
    52                         o.write(response.read())
    53             except:
    54                 print("访问图片或者写入本地Error")
    55     except request.HTTPError as e:
    56         print(e.code)
    57     except:
    58         print("CallView Error")
    61 def ForRequest(listA, timeout, directoryPath,exe_count):
    62     print("当前已执行:" + str(exe_count) + "")
    63     #调用次数超过200跳出
    64     if  exe_count == 2:
    65         thread = threading.current_thread()
    66         raise SystemError("正在停止线程")
    67     else:
    68         exe_count = exe_count + 1
    70     for info in listA:
    71         directoryChildPath = directoryPath + "/" + info[0]
    72         if not os.path.exists(directoryChildPath):
    73             os.mkdir(directoryChildPath)
    74         CallView(info[1], timeout, directoryChildPath, exe_count)
    76 try:
    77     print("爬虫开始活动了")
    78     CallView("http://www.xxxxx.com", 5000, "D:/PythonTest/Img/素材公社",exe_Count);
    79     print("爬虫正在偷偷活动,不要着急哦!")
    80 except:
    81     print("Error")
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/workcn/p/7028377.html
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