• PHP中查询指定时间范围内的所有日期,月份,季度,年份

     * 查询指定时间范围内的所有日期,月份,季度,年份
     * @param $startDate   指定开始时间,Y-m-d格式
     * @param $endDate     指定结束时间,Y-m-d格式
     * @param $type        类型,day 天,month 月份,quarter 季度,year 年份
     * @return array
    function getDateByInterval($startDate, $endDate, $type)
        if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($startDate)) != $startDate || date('Y-m-d', strtotime($endDate)) != $endDate) {
            return '日期格式不正确';
        $tempDate = $startDate;
        $returnData = [];
        $i = 0;
        if ($type == 'day') {    // 查询所有日期
            while (strtotime($tempDate) < strtotime($endDate)) {
                $tempDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $i . ' day', strtotime($startDate)));
                $returnData[] = $tempDate;
        } elseif ($type == 'month') {    // 查询所有月份以及开始结束时间
            while (strtotime($tempDate) < strtotime($endDate)) {
                $temp = [];
                $month = strtotime('first day of +' . $i . ' month', strtotime($startDate));
                $temp['name'] = date('Y-m', $month);
                $temp['startDate'] = date('Y-m-01', $month);
                $temp['endDate'] = date('Y-m-t', $month);
                $tempDate = $temp['endDate'];
                $returnData[] = $temp;
        } elseif ($type == 'quarter') {    // 查询所有季度以及开始结束时间
            while (strtotime($tempDate) < strtotime($endDate)) {
                $temp = [];
                $quarter = strtotime('first day of +' . $i . ' month', strtotime($startDate));
                $q = ceil(date('n', $quarter) / 3);
                $temp['name'] = date('Y', $quarter) . '第' . $q . '季度';
                $temp['startDate'] = date('Y-m-01', mktime(0, 0, 0, $q * 3 - 3 + 1, 1, date('Y', $quarter)));
                $temp['endDate'] = date('Y-m-t', mktime(23, 59, 59, $q * 3, 1, date('Y', $quarter)));
                $tempDate = $temp['endDate'];
                $returnData[] = $temp;
                $i = $i + 3;
        } elseif ($type == 'year') {    // 查询所有年份以及开始结束时间
            while (strtotime($tempDate) < strtotime($endDate)) {
                $temp = [];
                $year = strtotime('+' . $i . ' year', strtotime($startDate));
                $temp['name'] = date('Y', $year) . '年';
                $temp['startDate'] = date('Y-01-01', $year);
                $temp['endDate'] = date('Y-12-31', $year);
                $tempDate = $temp['endDate'];
                $returnData[] = $temp;
        return $returnData;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/woods1815/p/10958642.html
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