• bzoj 1001

    Bzoj 1001


    解:因为点数可以去到10000000,所以网络流不行= =,我自己一开始自信满满地说好水啊,结果尼玛直接wa掉了,检查半天不出错,去看discuz,发现是用平面图转构图(参见国家集训队2008day2周冬神牛地论文)然后最短路。自己一个数组写小了,因为特殊的原因,提交在wa和re徘徊,自己检查一晚上代码..还以为是构图写错了,去q群里吐槽一下发现时数组的问题= =,改了立马ac..

    View Code
      1 // bzoj 1001 [beijing 2006]
      2 const
      3         maxn=1001;
      4         goal=maxn*maxn;
      5         bilibili=maxlongint >> 1;
      6         inf='1.txt';
      7 type
      8         type_edge=record
      9           cost, dest, next: longint;
     10         end;
     11 var
     12         edge: array[0..maxn*maxn*6]of type_edge;
     13         dist, heap, poss, vect: array[0..maxn*maxn*2]of longint;
     14         hptot, source, sink, n, m, ans, tot: longint;
     15 procedure add(x, y, z: longint);
     16 begin
     17   inc(tot);
     18   with edge[tot] do begin
     19     dest := y;
     20     cost := z;
     21     next := vect[x];
     22     vect[x] := tot;
     23   end;
     24   inc(tot);
     25   with edge[tot] do begin
     26     dest := x;
     27     cost := z;
     28     next := vect[y];
     29     vect[y] := tot;
     30   end;
     31 end;
     33 procedure init;
     34 var
     35         cost, x, y, i, j: longint;
     36 begin
     37   tot := 0; ans := 0;
     38   fillchar(vect, sizeof(vect), 0);
     39   readln(n, m);
     40   if (n=1)and(m=1) then begin
     41     writeln(0);
     42     close(input); close(output);
     43     halt;
     44   end;                        {key point}
     45   source := 0; sink := (n*(m-1)+(n-1)*m+(m-1)*(n-1))-n*m+2;
     46   for i := 1 to n do begin
     47     for j := 1 to m-1 do begin
     48       read(cost);
     49       //y := (i-1)*2*(m-1)+j; x := y - (m-1);
     50       x := (2*i-3)*(m-1)+j;
     51       y := (2*i-2)*(m-1)+j;
     52       if x<source then x := source;
     53       if y>sink then y := sink;
     54       add(x, y, cost);
     55     end;
     56     //if m<>1 then readln;
     57   end;
     58   for i := 1 to n-1 do begin
     59     for j := 1 to m do begin
     60       read(cost);
     61       //x := 2*(i-1)*(m-1)+j-1; y := x + m;
     62       x := 2*(i-1)*(m-1)+j-1;
     63       y := 2*(i-1)*(m-1)+j-1+m;
     64       if j=1 then x := sink;
     65       if j=m then y := source;
     66       add(x, y, cost);
     67     end;
     68     //if n<>1 then readln;
     69   end;
     70   for i := 1 to n-1 do begin
     71     for j := 1 to m-1 do begin
     72       read(cost);
     73       //x := 2*(i-1)*(m-1)+j; y := x + m - 1;
     74       x := (2*i-2)*(m-1)+j;
     75       y := (2*i-1)*(m-1)+j;
     76       add(x, y, cost);
     77     end;
     78     //readln;
     79   end;
     80 end;
     82 procedure up(x: longint);
     83 var
     84         tmp, i: longint;
     85 begin
     86   i := x;
     87   tmp := heap[i];
     88   while i>1 do begin
     89     if dist[tmp]<dist[heap[i >> 1]] then begin
     90       heap[i] := heap[i >> 1];
     91       poss[heap[i]] := i;
     92       i := i >> 1;
     93     end
     94       else break;
     95   end;
     96   poss[tmp] := i;
     97   heap[i] := tmp;
     98 end;
    100 procedure down(x: longint);
    101 var
    102         i, j, tmp: longint;
    103 begin
    104   i := x;
    105   tmp := heap[i];
    106   while i << 1 <= hptot do begin
    107     j := i << 1;
    108     if (j+1<=hptot)and(dist[heap[j]]>dist[heap[j+1]]) then inc(j);
    109     if dist[tmp] > dist[heap[j]] then begin
    110       heap[i] := heap[j];
    111       poss[heap[i]] := i;
    112       i := j;
    113     end
    114       else break;
    115   end;
    116   poss[tmp] := i;
    117   heap[i] := tmp;
    118 end;
    120 procedure main;
    121 var
    122         u, i: longint;
    123 begin
    124   fillchar(poss, sizeof(poss), 0);
    125   for i := source to sink do dist[i] := bilibili;
    126   hptot := 0; poss[source] := -1;
    127   dist[source] := 0; u := source;
    128   repeat
    129     if u=sink then break;
    130     i := vect[u];
    131     while i<>0 do
    132       with edge[i] do begin
    133         if (dist[u] + cost < dist[dest])and(poss[dest]<>-1) then begin
    134           dist[dest] := dist[u] + cost;
    135           if poss[dest]=0 then begin
    136             inc(hptot);
    137             poss[dest] := hptot;
    138             heap[hptot] := dest;
    139             up(hptot);
    140           end
    141             else up(poss[dest]);
    142         end;
    143         i := next;
    144       end;
    145     u := heap[1];
    146     poss[u] := -1;
    147     heap[1] := heap[hptot];
    148     poss[heap[1]] := 1;
    149     dec(hptot);
    150     down(1);
    151   until false;
    152   ans := dist[sink];
    153 end;
    155 procedure print;
    156 begin
    157   writeln(ans);
    158 end;
    160 begin
    161   assign(input,inf); reset(input);
    162   init;
    163   main;
    164   print;
    165 end.
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    linux R环境安装以及注意事项
    JAVA调用R脚本 windwos路径下
    springboot 配置多数据源
    springboot 在配置文件写参数注入到类中
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wmzisfoolish/p/2440376.html
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