• yii restfull 方法验证用户身份通过token

    1. 在配置文件中修改用于储存acess token的类
            'user' => [
                'identityClass' => 'appmodelsCustomer',
                'enableAutoLogin' => false,//disable the cookie login

             2. 实现接口IdentityInterface在用户信息类中

    class Customer extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface
        public static function tableName()
            return 'customer';
         * @set the primary key name
        public static function primaryKey()
            return ['customerID'];
         * Finds an identity by the given ID.
         * @param string|integer $id the ID to be looked for
         * @return IdentityInterface|null the identity object that matches the given ID.
        public static function findIdentity($id)
            return static::findOne($id);
         * Finds an identity by the given token.
         * @param string $token the token to be looked for
         * @return IdentityInterface|null the identity object that matches the given token.
        public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null)
            return static::findOne(['accessToken' => $token]);//注意这里与要accessToken的格式
         * @return int|string current user ID
        public function getId()
            return $this->customerID;
         * @return string current user auth key
        public function getAuthKey()
            return $this->auth_key;
         * @param string $authKey
         * @return boolean if auth key is valid for current user
        public function validateAuthKey($authKey)
            return $this->getAuthKey() === $authKey;

             3. 修改basic/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/filters/auth/QueryParamAuth中的token名字


    在配置文件中修改用于储存acess token的类

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wlemory/p/4744810.html
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