1. 构造
2. 追加
3. 赋值
4. 位置与清除
5. 长度与容量
6. 比较
7. 子串
8. 搜索
9. 运算符
string s1("Welcome"); s1.append(" to C++"); // appends " to C++" to s1 cout << s1 << endl; // s1 now becomes Welcome to C++ string s2("Welcome"); s2.append(" to C and C++", 3, 2); // appends " C" to s2 cout << s2 << endl; // s2 now becomes Welcome C string s3("Welcome"); s3.append(" to C and C++", 5); // appends " to C" to s3 cout << s3 << endl; // s3 now becomes Welcome to C string s4("Welcome"); s4.append(4, 'G'); // appends "GGGG" to s4 cout << s4 << endl; // s4 now becomes WelcomeGGGG
string s1("Welcome"); s1.assign("Dallas"); // assigns "Dallas" to s1 cout << s1 << endl; // s1 now becomes Dallas string s2("Welcome"); s2.assign("Dallas, Texas", 1, 3); // assigns "all" to s2 cout << s2 << endl; // s2 now becomes all string s3("Welcome"); s3.assign("Dallas, Texas", 6); // assigns "Dallas" to s3 cout << s3 << endl; // s3 now becomes Dallas string s4("Welcome"); s4.assign(4, 'G'); // assigns "GGGG" to s4 cout << s4 << endl; // s4 now becomes GGGG
at(index): 返回当前字符串中index位置的字符
clear(): 清空字符串
erase(index, n): 删除字符串从index开始的n个字符
empty(): 检测字符串是否为
string s1("Welcome"); cout << << endl; // returns c cout << s1.erase(2, 3) << endl; // s1 is now Weme s1.clear(); // s1 is now empty cout << s1.empty() << endl; // s1.empty returns 1 (means true)
string s1("Welcome"); string s2("Welcomg"); cout << << endl; // returns -2 cout << << endl; // returns 2 cout <<"Welcome") << endl; // returns 0
at() 函数用于获取一个单独的字符;而substr() 函数则可以获取一个子串
string s1("Welcome"); cout << s1.substr(0, 1) << endl; // returns W ; 从 0 号位置开始的 1 个字符 cout << s1.substr(3) << endl; // returns come ; 从 3 号位置直到末尾的子串 cout << s1.substr(3, 3) << endl; // returns com ;从 3 号位置开始的 3 个字符
string s1("Welcome to HTML" cout << s1.find("co") << endl; // returns 3 ; 返回子串出现的第一个位置); cout << s1.find("co", 6) << endl; // returns -1 从 6 号位置开始查找子串出现的第一个位置 cout << s1.find('o') << endl; // returns 4 返回字符出现的第一个位置 cout << s1.find('o', 6) << endl; // returns 9 从 6 号位置开始查找字符出现的第一个位置
insert() : 将某个字符/字符串插入到当前字符串的某个位置
replace() 将本字串从某个位置开始的一些字符替换为其它内容
string s1("Welcome to HTML"); s1.insert(11, "C++ and "); cout << s1 << endl; // s1 becomes Welcome to C++ and HTML string s2("AA"); s2.insert(1, 4, 'B'); // 在 1 号位置处连续插入 4 个相同字符 cout << s2 << endl; // s2 becomes to ABBBBA string s3("Welcome to HTML"); s3.replace(11, 4, "C++"); // 从 11 号位置开始向后的 4 个字符替换掉。注意 ' ' cout << s3 << endl; // returns Welcome to C++