• python实现AI机器人聊天



     1 import speech_recognition as sr
     2 # Use SpeechRecognition to record 使用语音识别包录制音频
     3 def my_record(rate=16000):
     4     r = sr.Recognizer()
     5     with sr.Microphone(sample_rate=rate) as source:
     6         print("请讲话(正在倾听中......):")
     7         audio = r.listen(source)
     8         print("回答思考中.....")
     9     with open("temp.wav", "wb") as f:
    10         f.write(audio.get_wav_data())




     1 APP_ID = "22817840" #百度应用的APP_ID
     2 API_KEY ="ndQCCddCNisGHe87G5agXsGm" #key
     3 SECRET_KEY = "o0pLLR6DIPEnBXtOvpWXK3QxruFn1G3N" #secret_key
     4 client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)
     5 path = 'temp.wav'
     6 # 将语音转文本STT
     7 def listen():
     8     # 读取录音文件
     9     with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
    10         voices = fp.read()
    11     try:
    12         # 参数dev_pid:1536普通话(支持简单的英文识别)、1537普通话(纯中文识别)、1737英语、1637粤语、1837四川话、1936普通话远场
    13         result = client.asr(voices, 'wav', 16000, {'dev_pid': 1537, })
    14         # print(result)
    15         result_text = result["result"][0]
    16         print("you said: " + result_text)
    17         return result_text
    18     except KeyError:
    19         print("KeyError")



     1 # 图灵机器人的API_KEY、API_URL
     2 turing_api_key = "your turing_api_key"
     3 api_url = "http://openapi.tuling123.com/openapi/api/v2"  # 图灵机器人api网址
     4 headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'}
     7 # 图灵机器人回复
     8 def Turing(text_words=""):
     9     req = {
    10         "reqType": 0,
    11         "perception": {
    12             "inputText": {
    13                 "text": text_words
    14             },
    16             "selfInfo": {
    17                 "location": {
    18                     "city": "北京",
    19                     "province": "北京",
    20                     "street": "车公庄西大街"
    21                 }
    22             }
    23         },
    24         "userInfo": {
    25             "apiKey": "c81a2d3f03c6400f968787653fa42f68",  # 你的图灵机器人apiKey
    26             "userId": "Nieson"  # 用户唯一标识(随便填, 非密钥)
    27         }
    28     }
    29     req["perception"]["inputText"]["text"] = text_words
    30     response = requests.request("post", api_url, json=req, headers=headers)
    31     response_dict = json.loads(response.text)
    33     result = response_dict["results"][0]["values"]["text"]
    35     return result


     1 class AccessToken:
     2     @staticmethod
     3     def _encode_text(text):
     4         encoded_text = parse.quote_plus(text)
     5         return encoded_text.replace('+', '%20').replace('*', '%2A').replace('%7E', '~')
     6     @staticmethod
     7     def _encode_dict(dic):
     8         keys = dic.keys()
     9         dic_sorted = [(key, dic[key]) for key in sorted(keys)]
    10         encoded_text = parse.urlencode(dic_sorted)
    11         return encoded_text.replace('+', '%20').replace('*', '%2A').replace('%7E', '~')
    12     @staticmethod
    13     def create_token(access_key_id, access_key_secret):
    14         parameters = {'AccessKeyId': access_key_id,
    15                       'Action': 'CreateToken',
    16                       'Format': 'JSON',
    17                       'RegionId': 'cn-shanghai',
    18                       'SignatureMethod': 'HMAC-SHA1',
    19                       'SignatureNonce': str(uuid.uuid1()),
    20                       'SignatureVersion': '1.0',
    21                       'Timestamp': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()),
    22                       'Version': '2019-02-28'}
    23         # 构造规范化的请求字符串
    24         query_string = AccessToken._encode_dict(parameters)
    25         # print('规范化的请求字符串: %s' % query_string)
    26         # 构造待签名字符串
    27         string_to_sign = 'GET' + '&' + AccessToken._encode_text('/') + '&' + AccessToken._encode_text(query_string)
    28         # print('待签名的字符串: %s' % string_to_sign)
    29         # 计算签名
    30         secreted_string = hmac.new(bytes(access_key_secret + '&', encoding='utf-8'),
    31                                    bytes(string_to_sign, encoding='utf-8'),
    32                                    hashlib.sha1).digest()
    33         signature = base64.b64encode(secreted_string)
    34         # print('签名: %s' % signature)
    35         # 进行URL编码
    36         signature = AccessToken._encode_text(signature)
    37         # print('URL编码后的签名: %s' % signature)
    38         # 调用服务
    39         full_url = 'http://nls-meta.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/?Signature=%s&%s' % (signature, query_string)
    40         # print('url: %s' % full_url)
    41         # 提交HTTP GET请求
    42         response = requests.get(full_url)
    43         if response.ok:
    44             root_obj = response.json()
    45             key = 'Token'
    46             if key in root_obj:
    47                 token = root_obj[key]['Id']
    48                 expire_time = root_obj[key]['ExpireTime']
    49                 return token, expire_time
    50         return None, None
    52 def processPOSTRequest(appKey, token, text, audioSaveFile, format, sampleRate) :
    53     host = 'nls-gateway.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com'
    54     url = 'https://' + host + '/stream/v1/tts'
    55     # 设置HTTPS Headers。
    56     httpHeaders = {
    57         'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    58         }
    59     # 设置HTTPS Body。
    60     body = {'appkey': appKey, 'token': token, 'text': text, 'format': format, 'sample_rate': sampleRate}
    61     body = json.dumps(body)
    62     # print('The POST request body content: ' + body)
    63     conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host)
    64     conn.request(method='POST', url=url, body=body, headers=httpHeaders)
    65     # 处理服务端返回的响应。
    66     response = conn.getresponse()
    69     contentType = response.getheader('Content-Type')
    71     body = response.read()
    72     if 'audio/mpeg' == contentType :
    73         with open(audioSaveFile, mode='wb') as f:
    74             f.write(body)
    75     else :
    76         print('The POST request failed: ' + str(body))
    77     conn.close()
    79 def textConverToVidio(appKey,token,text,audioSaveFile):
    80     # with open(file,"r",encoding="utf-8") as f:
    81     #     text = f.read()
    82     textUrlencode = text
    83     textUrlencode = urllib.parse.quote_plus(textUrlencode)
    84     textUrlencode = textUrlencode.replace("+", "%20")
    85     textUrlencode = textUrlencode.replace("*", "%2A")
    86     textUrlencode = textUrlencode.replace("%7E", "~")
    87     # print('text: ' + textUrlencode)
    88     format = 'mp3'
    89     sampleRate = 16000
    90     processPOSTRequest(appKey, token, text, audioSaveFile, format, sampleRate)


    import os
    import speech_recognition as sr
    from aip import AipSpeech
    import http.client
    import urllib.parse
    import json
    import base64
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    import requests
    import time
    import uuid
    from urllib import parse
    from playsound import playsound
    # Use SpeechRecognition to record 使用语音识别包录制音频
    def my_record(rate=16000):
        r = sr.Recognizer()
        with sr.Microphone(sample_rate=rate) as source:
            audio = r.listen(source)
        with open("temp.wav", "wb") as f:
    APP_ID = "22817840"
    API_KEY ="ndQCCddCNisGHe87G5agXsGm"
    client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)
    path = 'temp.wav'
    # 将语音转文本STT
    def listen():
        # 读取录音文件
        with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
            voices = fp.read()
            # 参数dev_pid:1536普通话(支持简单的英文识别)、1537普通话(纯中文识别)、1737英语、1637粤语、1837四川话、1936普通话远场
            result = client.asr(voices, 'wav', 16000, {'dev_pid': 1537, })
            # print(result)
            result_text = result["result"][0]
            print("you said: " + result_text)
            return result_text
        except KeyError:
    # 图灵机器人的API_KEY、API_URL
    turing_api_key = "your turing_api_key"
    api_url = "http://openapi.tuling123.com/openapi/api/v2"  # 图灵机器人api网址
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'}
    # 图灵机器人回复
    def Turing(text_words=""):
        req = {
            "reqType": 0,
            "perception": {
                "inputText": {
                    "text": text_words
                "selfInfo": {
                    "location": {
                        "city": "北京",
                        "province": "北京",
                        "street": "车公庄西大街"
            "userInfo": {
                "apiKey": "c81a2d3f03c6400f968787653fa42f68",  # 你的图灵机器人apiKey
                "userId": "Nieson"  # 用户唯一标识(随便填, 非密钥)
        req["perception"]["inputText"]["text"] = text_words
        response = requests.request("post", api_url, json=req, headers=headers)
        response_dict = json.loads(response.text)
        result = response_dict["results"][0]["values"]["text"]
        return result
    class AccessToken:
        def _encode_text(text):
            encoded_text = parse.quote_plus(text)
            return encoded_text.replace('+', '%20').replace('*', '%2A').replace('%7E', '~')
        def _encode_dict(dic):
            keys = dic.keys()
            dic_sorted = [(key, dic[key]) for key in sorted(keys)]
            encoded_text = parse.urlencode(dic_sorted)
            return encoded_text.replace('+', '%20').replace('*', '%2A').replace('%7E', '~')
        def create_token(access_key_id, access_key_secret):
            parameters = {'AccessKeyId': access_key_id,
                          'Action': 'CreateToken',
                          'Format': 'JSON',
                          'RegionId': 'cn-shanghai',
                          'SignatureMethod': 'HMAC-SHA1',
                          'SignatureNonce': str(uuid.uuid1()),
                          'SignatureVersion': '1.0',
                          'Timestamp': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()),
                          'Version': '2019-02-28'}
            # 构造规范化的请求字符串
            query_string = AccessToken._encode_dict(parameters)
            # print('规范化的请求字符串: %s' % query_string)
            # 构造待签名字符串
            string_to_sign = 'GET' + '&' + AccessToken._encode_text('/') + '&' + AccessToken._encode_text(query_string)
            # print('待签名的字符串: %s' % string_to_sign)
            # 计算签名
            secreted_string = hmac.new(bytes(access_key_secret + '&', encoding='utf-8'),
                                       bytes(string_to_sign, encoding='utf-8'),
            signature = base64.b64encode(secreted_string)
            # print('签名: %s' % signature)
            # 进行URL编码
            signature = AccessToken._encode_text(signature)
            # print('URL编码后的签名: %s' % signature)
            # 调用服务
            full_url = 'http://nls-meta.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/?Signature=%s&%s' % (signature, query_string)
            # print('url: %s' % full_url)
            # 提交HTTP GET请求
            response = requests.get(full_url)
            if response.ok:
                root_obj = response.json()
                key = 'Token'
                if key in root_obj:
                    token = root_obj[key]['Id']
                    expire_time = root_obj[key]['ExpireTime']
                    return token, expire_time
            return None, None
    def processPOSTRequest(appKey, token, text, audioSaveFile, format, sampleRate) :
        host = 'nls-gateway.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com'
        url = 'https://' + host + '/stream/v1/tts'
        # 设置HTTPS Headers。
        httpHeaders = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        # 设置HTTPS Body。
        body = {'appkey': appKey, 'token': token, 'text': text, 'format': format, 'sample_rate': sampleRate}
        body = json.dumps(body)
        # print('The POST request body content: ' + body)
        conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host)
        conn.request(method='POST', url=url, body=body, headers=httpHeaders)
        # 处理服务端返回的响应。
        response = conn.getresponse()
        contentType = response.getheader('Content-Type')
        body = response.read()
        if 'audio/mpeg' == contentType :
            with open(audioSaveFile, mode='wb') as f:
        else :
            print('The POST request failed: ' + str(body))
    def textConverToVidio(appKey,token,text,audioSaveFile):
        # with open(file,"r",encoding="utf-8") as f:
        #     text = f.read()
        textUrlencode = text
        textUrlencode = urllib.parse.quote_plus(textUrlencode)
        textUrlencode = textUrlencode.replace("+", "%20")
        textUrlencode = textUrlencode.replace("*", "%2A")
        textUrlencode = textUrlencode.replace("%7E", "~")
        # print('text: ' + textUrlencode)
        format = 'mp3'
        sampleRate = 16000
        processPOSTRequest(appKey, token, text, audioSaveFile, format, sampleRate)
    def getToken():
        access_key_id = 'LTAI4G1gXMUogGkDacvKmJYu'
        access_key_secret = 'lw7dNXyVY55hzvYJjolayE8PccsNEZ'
        token, expire_time = AccessToken.create_token(access_key_id, access_key_secret)
        print('token: %s, expire time(s): %s' % (token, expire_time))
        if expire_time:
            print('token有效期的北京时间:%s' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(expire_time))))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        while True:
            token = "13d737af7cd74961bfcacf97e79e821e"
            while True:
                you_say = listen()
                # you_say = input("you say:")
                robot_say = Turing(you_say)
                textConverToVidio("E6IPoVHkVnPT7OYH", token, robot_say, "robot.mp3")
                print("小玥: " + robot_say)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/win0211/p/13825564.html
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