一:获取对象, 添加对象等
GameObject ballObj = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Fx/fx_bullet001"),
transform.position + transform.forward * -0.8f + transform.up * 2,
Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
2:添加脚本到对象, 并更改脚本值
ballObj.AddComponent ("BasicGun"); BasicGun pScript = ballObj.GetComponent ("BasicGun") as BasicGun; pScript.player = playerObj;
3:在UIButton对象中获取 UIButton自身.
UISprite sprite = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<UISprite> ();
二: 旋转相关
// 主角的朝向 Vector3 dVector = playerObj.transform.forward; // 计算要旋转的角度 float testA = Mathf.Atan2(dVector.x, dVector.z); testA = testA* Mathf.Rad2Deg; //本函数将 number 从弧度转换为角度 rad2deg(M_PI_4); // 45 // 对象旋转到对应角度 ballObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, testA,0));
ps: 不能直接为transform.rotation赋值。可以使用各种Quaternion的方法。
2: 旋转某对象的 方向
ballObj.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 30);
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class example : MonoBehaviour { void Update() { // Slowly rotate the object around its X axis at 1 degree/second. //围绕x轴每秒1度,慢慢的旋转物体 transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, Time.deltaTime); // ... at the same time as spinning it relative to the global // Y axis at the same speed. //相对于世界坐标,围绕y轴每秒1度,慢慢的旋转物体 transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime, Space.World); } }