• 关于从left join 变换到笛卡尔连接

    话不多说 直接上代码

    select * from(SELECT Datepart(month, start.add_time) AS month,
           Count(DISTINCT( start.id ))     AS count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 215 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS gxd_count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 48 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS jxz_count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 247 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS jzy_count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 244 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS yxy_count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 266 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS zry_count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 268 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS zyf_count,
                   WHEN Datediff(ss, start.add_time, stop.add_time) > ( CASE
                                                                          WHEN expected.task_timeout_hour_4 != 0 THEN ( expected.task_timeout_hour_4 - 0.5 ) * 3600
                                                                          WHEN expected.task_timeout_hour_4 = 0 THEN expected.task_timeout_hour_4 * 3600
                                                                        END )THEN 1
                 END)                      AS timeout_count
    FROM   yh_account_record
           LEFT JOIN yh_account_log AS start
                  ON start.acc_id = yh_account_record.id
                     AND start.state_type_start = 50
                     AND start.state_type = 4
           LEFT JOIN yh_account_log AS stop
                  ON stop.acc_id = yh_account_record.id
                     AND stop.state_type_start = 4
                     AND stop.state_type = 11
           LEFT JOIN yh_account_log AS cancel
                  ON cancel.acc_id = yh_account_record.id
                     AND cancel.state_type_start = 4
                     AND cancel.state_type = 8
           LEFT JOIN yh_exchange_member
                  ON yh_account_record.exc_bro_id = yh_exchange_member.id
           LEFT JOIN yh_exchange AS expected
                  ON yh_exchange_member.exc_id = expected.id
    WHERE  yh_account_record.distribution_processing is not null
           AND start.add_time BETWEEN '2020-1-1' AND '2020-12-31'
    GROUP  BY Datepart(month, start.add_time) )as start,
    (select Datepart(month, cancel.add_time) as month,
           Count(DISTINCT( cancel.id ))    AS invalid_count
           from  yh_account_record
           LEFT JOIN yh_account_log AS cancel
                  ON cancel.acc_id = yh_account_record.id
                     AND cancel.state_type_start = 4
                     AND cancel.state_type = 8
    WHERE  yh_account_record.distribution_processing is not null
           AND cancel.add_time BETWEEN '2020-1-1' AND '2020-12-31'
    GROUP  BY Datepart(month, cancel.add_time) )as cancel where start.month=cancel.month

    上述代码是对两个查询结果做笛卡尔连接 同时用where语句过滤掉无用数据

    SELECT Datepart(month, start.add_time) AS month,
           Count(DISTINCT( start.id ))     AS count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 215 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS gxd_count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 48 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS jxz_count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 247 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS jzy_count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 244 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS yxy_count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 266 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS zry_count,
                   WHEN distribution_processing = 268 THEN 1
                 END)                      AS zyf_count,
                   WHEN Datediff(ss, start.add_time, stop.add_time) > ( CASE
                                                                          WHEN expected.task_timeout_hour_4 != 0 THEN ( expected.task_timeout_hour_4 - 0.5 ) * 3600
                                                                          WHEN expected.task_timeout_hour_4 = 0 THEN expected.task_timeout_hour_4 * 3600
                                                                        END )THEN 1
                 END)                      AS timeout_count,
           Count(DISTINCT( cancel.id ))    AS invalid_count
    FROM   yh_account_record
           LEFT JOIN yh_account_log AS start
                  ON start.acc_id = yh_account_record.id
                     AND start.state_type_start = 50
                     AND start.state_type = 4
           LEFT JOIN yh_account_log AS stop
                  ON stop.acc_id = yh_account_record.id
                     AND stop.state_type_start = 4
                     AND stop.state_type = 11
           LEFT JOIN yh_account_log AS cancel
                  ON cancel.acc_id = yh_account_record.id
                     AND cancel.state_type_start = 4
                     AND cancel.state_type = 8
           LEFT JOIN yh_exchange_member
                  ON yh_account_record.exc_bro_id = yh_exchange_member.id
           LEFT JOIN yh_exchange AS expected
                  ON yh_exchange_member.exc_id = expected.id
    WHERE  yh_account_record.distribution_processing is not null
           AND convert(char(10),start.add_time,23) BETWEEN '2020-1-1' AND '2020-12-31'
    GROUP  BY Datepart(month, start.add_time) 


    两者最大的不同在于,前者的代码稍微变长了一点,但是对于条件的作用更加的独立,直接作用在查询结果上,比如对于分月统计每月的xx状态数据以及yy状态数据,通过左链接的sql语句where 条件只能写在单一条件上,而使用笛卡尔积的sql语句可以使where 语句独立作用在自己的个体上。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wiggin-Z/p/13932802.html
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