String val = o.toString() // o is Object char grade = val.charAt(0);
2、break and continue语句
当在while、 do/while、或switch结构中执行break语句时,程序将立即从该结构中退出,继续执行结构之后的语句。
3、带标记的break and contiue
break 语句只能从封闭的while、do/while、for或switch结构中立即退出。为退出嵌套的结构集合,可以使用带标记的break语句。当在while、do/while、for或switch结构中执行该语句时,可从这些结构的任意多层封闭结构中立即退出。看下面例子:
public void paint(Graphics g) { int xPos, yPos = 0; stop:{//label compound statement for( int row = 1; row <= 10; row++) { xPos = 25; yPos += 15; for(int column = 1; column <= 5; column++) { if(row == 5 ) break stop; // jump to stop label g.drawString("*", xPos, yPos); xPos += 7; } } yPos += 15; g.drawString("Loops terminated normally", 25, yPos); }// end of label yPos += 15; g.drawString("End of the paint method", 25, yPos); }