• 甘特图(Gantt Chart)开源项目

    EventCalendar control is a non-composite web control the creates a Gantt style calendar viewable by quarter periods. The events are detailed on a left hand pane, while the right hand pane shows the events as strips along a horizontal calendar. You can add a hyperlink on these strips to take the user to another document. The right hand pane is scrollable. The events can be grouped into groups which will be shown highlighted above the groups' events. The control takes in XML data for the events.
    I was asked to do this at a charity to help projects co-ordinate and know what everyone else is doing. The website allowed people to enter details of an event on a web form which then got displayed grouped by 'business initiative'. The events were stored in an MS SQL server. It was very easy to pull out the data from the DB and format it into hierarchical XML required by the Calendar Control using a DataSet that contained tables and data relations, and then using the GetXml() method of the DataSet.


    2.Gantt Chart
    • The columns are automatically shown based on the width of the component and the time between the start date and end date. If there's more than 2 days between those dates, it will only show the date, otherwise it will show the time of the day (with min. 5 minutes apart)
    • You can set the color (incl. hover color) for each bar individually
    • The Gantt Chart automatically shows a custom scroll bar when it contains more rows that the visible area allows
    • You can easily obtain information about the bar when hovering your mouse above one
    • An easy to use multi row tooltiptext
  • 相关阅读:
    Android View 的绘制流程
    Android Studio 注释模板
    Flutter https://flutter.cn/docs学习之 工作原理
    Android 手机兼容差异
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wf225/p/1127571.html
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